I live in a state of being and becoming. Each of us does. It's important to recognize this. We never really get there. We never get it all done. There is never a day when you say, "I'm finished. I've done everything. There's nothing left to do."
Life is amazing. Each day life brings you new experiences - new thoughts, new conclusions, new desires. It's just unending. Life is so vast, so fulfilling, so becoming.
I find my trigger for becoming is in my sleep...a word, a thought, a feeling - something that I experience and have an intuition about. The greater me asks, "Is that where I am going? Yes, that is where I am going. Yes, that is what I understand. Yes, that feels right."
My becoming is a fleeting moment of understanding - a truth that resonates throughout my being - not based in my brain where past experience contributes to the decision on how to proceed. My becoming is rooted in senses (connections) that are boundless. I am a molecule in the soup of beingness and that which is attracted to me or proximal at any moment expresses my interconnectedness. As I focus on what I desire and feel its embodiment, my local environment shifts to manifest my desire. My becoming is a state of knowing that all is well and I have free choice. So, I proceed joyfully in each moment because that is the becoming.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
refinement on the path
What choices do you make to improve yourself (increase your vibration)? Think about what you enjoy. Make time for these experiences in your day, week or month.
You might start with the observation, "I savor a simpler life surrounded by the great outdoors." Choices enabling this might include:
This is a path of mastery.
You might start with the observation, "I savor a simpler life surrounded by the great outdoors." Choices enabling this might include:
- Tai chi/qigong practice at a nearby park with friends.
- Riding your bicycle along the ocean.
- A diet of recently living plants and animals for greater chi content.
- Using products that promote a healthy lifestyle (such has supportive mattress and footwear).
- Physical grounding to earth - walking barefoot on the beach.
- Eliminating TV, newspapers and magazines with fear-promoting content.
- Infusing prana to all the cells of your body with each breath.
- Communicating love to your whole being with the inner smile meditation.
- Listening to music that resonates with your being.
- Humming or singing to release your inner joy onto the world.
- Gleaning the best of what comes into your experience.
- Abraham-Hicks daily quotes in your email.
This is a path of mastery.
a path to joy
Anyone who has read all of the preceding blog entries will realize this is a short list of how to put yourself on the path of greater joy. You shine your light and others sense the change in you - and that changes them. The net result raises the vibration of the field in which we co-exist. And this birngs us closer to God, which is synonymous with love.
In the words of Jean Houston, "We are the neurons or the cancer of the planet." You choose!
- Allow others to be who they are. Allow yourself to be who you are.
- Cultivate authentic relationships with yourself and others. See God in yourself and the other.
- Release judgment. Find a way to discharge negative feelings about past experience and current impressions. Look for the learning, good outcome or opportunity.
- Act on your intuition. It's your first impression of something you saw, felt, experienced.
- Love yourself. Put yourself first. By taking care of yourself first, you stand powerfully to help others whether it is your spouse, children, parents, friends, co-workers or a stranger.
- Be present. Participate in the now fully. When someone speaks to you, give them your full attention. When you commit to something, be fully present in it.
- Live from your heart. Listen to your feelings. What is your feeling about something you are doing, wanting, something happening around you. Follow the best feelings you can in any moment. What brings you the greatest joy? Follow it.
In the words of Jean Houston, "We are the neurons or the cancer of the planet." You choose!
reconnect with joy
The Institute of HeartMath® offers opportunities for self-improvement, which in energetic terms means raising your vibration by elevating your feelings. Recall Abraham-Hicks' emotional guidance scale (depression and rage as low vibrations and love and joy as high vibrations). In addition to free downloads and monitoring products, HeartMath® offers self-help that includes these inexpensive books:
- The HeartMath® Solution: The Institute of HeartMath’s Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart’s Intelligence — By Doc Childre and Howard Martin
- Transforming Stress: The HeartMath® Solution for Relieving Worry, Fatigue and Tension — By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D
- The College DeStress Handbook - can teach you what you can control and how to maintain ease and flow.
- Transforming Anxiety: The HeartMath® Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and Creating Serenity — By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
- Transforming Anger: The HeartMath® Solution for Letting Go of Rage, Frustration and Irritation — By Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman, Ph.D.
Emotional Guidance Scale,
Saturday, November 30, 2013
how synchronicity works
This is an excerpt from the Lee Carroll presentation "Synchronicity - The Way It Works" given in Asheville, NC on August 24, 2013.
"Here's how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted.
Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do you see the difference?
The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define.
I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings."
"Here's how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted.
Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do you see the difference?
The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define.
I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings."
what you are
Michael Beckwith, who teaches universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality, is another great motivator who was interviewed for HWTM-12. A few pearls of his wisdom are offered here:
- God can only be known within - through your attention.
- We are emanations of God and never separated from God - like light waves from our sun. We are the life of God - an evolutionary impulse - omniactive.
- In moments of meditation we recognize omnipresence. (Presence, not an absence!)
- Spiritual practice (yoga, chant, praying, audio inspiration) offers insight beyond perception (filters - such as doubt, fear, anger). It sustains aha moments that free limited perception.
- Be with people of higher vibration to help maintain expanded perception so you can shift with the right conditions.
- Serve the greater good.
- Center your life around what you love or desire to achieve.
- See your goal as already achieved to mold energy. When the condition is right, the potential erupts consciously creating our lives. (Feel - embody - show up.)
- We are a dimension of the soup of God.
- Open yourself to the awe of the universe.
- Laughter is a stepping stone.
Michael Beckwith,
what you want
Jean Houston was one of the speakers on HWTM-12 and here are some gems she offered listeners:
- We are the neurons OR the cancer of the planet. We use free will to choose every day.
- Bring in artistry and love for what you do.
- Draw three columns on a sheet of paper and place three headings: "What I want from the universe", "What the universe wants from me" and "What the universe and I want together". Each morning over several days spontaneously fill out a fresh sheet of paper with these columns. Compare all the sheets to gain insight to your path and purpose.
- Sustain the image of what you want in life by using your senses to envision where you want to go. Your activated senses bring the goal into manifestation.
- Remove a block by approaching it from a different perspective.
- Look for your positive patterns of repetition (a method that works smoothly for you).
- Repattern your past by changing how you feel about it! (Accept it to release negative feelings.)
- You are an acorn that grows into a tree; all you need to get there exists within.
you are your leader
YOU are your leader!
Glenn Llopis expresses it beautifully in a series of articles. Basically, whatever you focus on you attract and radiate in whatever social, business and lifestyle circles you move. How you focus is the primary factor as reflected in these three articles:
Glenn Llopis expresses it beautifully in a series of articles. Basically, whatever you focus on you attract and radiate in whatever social, business and lifestyle circles you move. How you focus is the primary factor as reflected in these three articles:
- The Content You Read Shapes How You Lead: Top 10 Leadership Themes - Key statement is: "Leaders gravitate towards content that fuels their knowledge and provides them the insights and wisdom that keeps them on their toes and helps them better serve others." So, ask yourself what knowledge do I seek, what is my motivation and how does it serve others?
- 5 Ways Leaders Win People Over - Winning people over first starts by helping others understand your intentions.
- The Most Successful Leaders Do 15 Things Automatically, Every Day - The most successful leaders are instinctual decision makers. Most senior executives will tell you they depend strongly upon their “gut-feel” when making difficult decisions at a moment’s notice.
- If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion— but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion. (Excerpted from the book - The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham)
- Unless you do something about your vibrational countenance, nothing can change. Nothing long term will change, that's certain... Haven't you noticed that a new disease pops up, and humanity finds the cure, only to find another disease popping up? Don't you think it's interesting that you don't get to the end of those diseases? The reason you don't, is because you have not yet come to the end of pushing against things. (Excerpted from the workshop in San Diego, CA on August 13, 2005)
- We would focus on everything that mattered to us. It is so satisfying to hold a thought and to find the feeling place and then see the Universe conspire to help you receive it. Oh, co-creation at its best. (Excerpted from the workshop in Chicago, IL on November 1, 1998)
Glenn Llopis,
Saturday, November 16, 2013
self-healing and sonatherapy
What is sonatherapy? Beginning with acoustic therapy or sound massage, sonatherapy combines additional vibrational and energetic modalities in self-healing sessions at Steamboat Healing Center in Reno, Nevada.
A computer is set up with analog programs. The video whows stereo application of 6-frequency sonation for back and shoulder pain. There are additional therapies mentioned. Product applicators have evolved from this work depending on medium used and range required.
Wave front bioresonance sonations are analyzed as cymatic formations in the studio. Sonations have been documented in case studies to assist in healing many conditions including inflammation, circulatory problems, bruising, disorders of glands/organs, headaches, fractures, neurological conditions, psychological disturbances and energy field imbalances. Dr. Gary Robert Buchanan compiled the "Wave-front Bioresonant Codes, 2006: Acoustic listings for research in color, light and sound". This video describes frequency correlations to body healing.
The cymatics images presented in this video represent what I perceive in the field when I give intent. The frequencies and bahaviors correlate to the "emotional guidance scale". Loving intent is orderly and optimized with information. If you reduce this to everyday experience, it means that you are more effective when you give attention to what is desired, rather than fight against what is not desired. Therefore, if you desire to feel better faster, focus on what feeling better is like (bring those feelings into your now by sensing them as already happened), instead of focusing on your aches and disabilities.
A computer is set up with analog programs. The video whows stereo application of 6-frequency sonation for back and shoulder pain. There are additional therapies mentioned. Product applicators have evolved from this work depending on medium used and range required.
Wave front bioresonance sonations are analyzed as cymatic formations in the studio. Sonations have been documented in case studies to assist in healing many conditions including inflammation, circulatory problems, bruising, disorders of glands/organs, headaches, fractures, neurological conditions, psychological disturbances and energy field imbalances. Dr. Gary Robert Buchanan compiled the "Wave-front Bioresonant Codes, 2006: Acoustic listings for research in color, light and sound". This video describes frequency correlations to body healing.
The cymatics images presented in this video represent what I perceive in the field when I give intent. The frequencies and bahaviors correlate to the "emotional guidance scale". Loving intent is orderly and optimized with information. If you reduce this to everyday experience, it means that you are more effective when you give attention to what is desired, rather than fight against what is not desired. Therefore, if you desire to feel better faster, focus on what feeling better is like (bring those feelings into your now by sensing them as already happened), instead of focusing on your aches and disabilities.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
appreciation and gratitude
The level of coherence you experience during feelings of appreciation can be measured by sensitive instruments. Coherence also can be measured using heart-rate variability (HRV) – the naturally occurring beat-to-beat changes in heart rate, which can be seen in an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Measuring coherence can accurately show heart, brain and nervous-system interactions that are sensitive to changes in emotions.
While an individual is experiencing coherence, the heart rhythm appears as a smooth wavelike pattern on an HRV graph. Contrast coherence with incoherence, created by negative emotions such as frustration and anger, which can often disrupt the synchronization of the body’s systems and create jagged or chaotic patterns on a graph.
Advanced research at the Institute of HeartMath and elsewhere has provided evidence that gratitude is not simply a nice sentiment or feeling. Sustained feelings of gratitude have real benefits, including the following four benefits:
Measuring coherence can accurately show heart, brain and nervous-system interactions that are sensitive to changes in emotions.
While an individual is experiencing coherence, the heart rhythm appears as a smooth wavelike pattern on an HRV graph. Contrast coherence with incoherence, created by negative emotions such as frustration and anger, which can often disrupt the synchronization of the body’s systems and create jagged or chaotic patterns on a graph.
Advanced research at the Institute of HeartMath and elsewhere has provided evidence that gratitude is not simply a nice sentiment or feeling. Sustained feelings of gratitude have real benefits, including the following four benefits:
- Biochemical changes – Favorable changes in the body’s biochemistry include improved hormonal balance and an increase in production of DHEA, the "anti-aging hormone."
- Increased positivity – Favorable changes in the body’s Daily gratitude exercises can bring about a greater level of positive feelings, according to researchers from the University of Miami and the University of California, Davis who studied this process in 157 individuals over 13 days.
- Boost to the immune system – The IgA antibody, which serves as the first line of defense against pathogens, increases in the body.
- Emotional “compound interest” – The accumulated effect of sustained appreciation and gratitude is that these feelings, and coherence, are easier to recreate with continued practice. This is because experiencing an emotion reinforces the neural pathways of that particular emotion as it excites the brain, heart and nervous system.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
up your vibration
Kaitlyn Keyt, five-time Visionary Awarded Inventor, Speaker (recently on HWTM-12) and the creator of VibesUP, a resource for Vibrational Energy Education and Tools, is referred to as an Intuitive Scientist. She reveals the simple KEY to unlocking the mysteries of our universe and solving everyday challenges. Kaitlyn feels common sense and our inner voice are the way back to tapping into our inner genius.
Nature is a friend helping us to remember, as she explains about her products: "Gemstones and essential oils send out frequencies of energy attracting back more of that same energy. This is similar to how a radio works. Essential oils fine tune the beneficial qualities of the gemstone, the liquid crystal coating amplifies that energy and the tiny gem spheres in the coating work like natural good energy batteries, regenerating themselves, delivering the energy on a deeper level, and are powerful enough to charge anything they are around with good, healthy energy and at the same time clearing out non beneficial energies."
These tools exist to raise your vibration and offer incredible healing potential. Explore Vibes UP with the video, Nature Knows. Take the opportunity to bring your physical and infinite beings into alignment by infusing all aspects of your life with powerful Earth energies.
When we do not believe in ourselves our energy goes outside of us. This keeps us in a limited state of being -- limited heath, awareness, creativity, personal power, even life expectancy. When we began to believe in ourselves our energy now stays with us and begins to build. The more energy we have, the higher we vibrate and the higher we vibrate the more we can tap into the our higher selves and the amazing, powerful, and unlimited beings of LOVE that we really are. Nature is just like a friend taking us by the hand and leading us back to ourselves. Nature is a true and trusted friend at this every important time in our awakening.
Nature is a friend helping us to remember, as she explains about her products: "Gemstones and essential oils send out frequencies of energy attracting back more of that same energy. This is similar to how a radio works. Essential oils fine tune the beneficial qualities of the gemstone, the liquid crystal coating amplifies that energy and the tiny gem spheres in the coating work like natural good energy batteries, regenerating themselves, delivering the energy on a deeper level, and are powerful enough to charge anything they are around with good, healthy energy and at the same time clearing out non beneficial energies."
These tools exist to raise your vibration and offer incredible healing potential. Explore Vibes UP with the video, Nature Knows. Take the opportunity to bring your physical and infinite beings into alignment by infusing all aspects of your life with powerful Earth energies.
When we do not believe in ourselves our energy goes outside of us. This keeps us in a limited state of being -- limited heath, awareness, creativity, personal power, even life expectancy. When we began to believe in ourselves our energy now stays with us and begins to build. The more energy we have, the higher we vibrate and the higher we vibrate the more we can tap into the our higher selves and the amazing, powerful, and unlimited beings of LOVE that we really are. Nature is just like a friend taking us by the hand and leading us back to ourselves. Nature is a true and trusted friend at this every important time in our awakening.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
the power of positive
Abraham-Hicks daily law of attraction quotations
are a gift to inspire you into each day. They help you to focus on what
brings you joy, go after what ignites your desire, search for your own
truth and live to according to your beliefs. All the while you are
encouraged to push the envelope of who you are. When parents, friends
and co-workers are mired in their own lives, you can always count on Abraham-Hicks to invite you to live grander in each moment.
Here are some recent daily offerings:
Here are some recent daily offerings:
- If you intend to be of assistance, your eye is not upon the trouble but upon the assistance, and that is quite different. When you are looking for a solution, you are feeling positive emotion— but when you are looking at a problem, you are feeling negative emotion. Excerpted from the book - The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham
- Begin telling the story of your desire, and then add to it the details of the positive aspects that you can find that match those desires. And then embellish your positive expectation by speculating with your good-feeling Wouldn't it be nice if . . . ? examples. You can say things like: Only good things come to me. . . I'll figure it out as I go along. . .. Every time you tell your better-feeling story, you will feel better and the details of your life will improve. The better it gets, the better it gets. Excerpted from the book - Money and the Law of Attraction
- You intended to come forth into the physical realm of contrast to define what is wanted, to connect with the Energy that creates worlds, and to flow it toward your objects of attention, not because the objects of attention are important — but because the act of flowing is essential to life. Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks workshop in Lincroft, NJ on October 15, 1996
- What you do is miniscule in comparison with what you choose to think, because your vibration is so much more powerful and so much more important. Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks workshop in Boston, MA on October 20, 1996
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
conceptual consciousness
How can one think in a more balanced and empowering way? Listen to Lee Carroll's presentation "Conceptual Consciousness" given in Kansas City on July 27, 2013. Enjoy these insightful excerpts:
By passing the marker of 2012 into a new energy where you start to recalibrate the energy of the planet, you have given permission to start a climb in efficiency of your DNA - which is responsible for how you think. For the very synapse and instructions of how your brain works is in your DNA. How you cognize things, how you work with each other, it's all part of the blueprint and the stem cells of every part of your brain. Recalibration expresses as:
By passing the marker of 2012 into a new energy where you start to recalibrate the energy of the planet, you have given permission to start a climb in efficiency of your DNA - which is responsible for how you think. For the very synapse and instructions of how your brain works is in your DNA. How you cognize things, how you work with each other, it's all part of the blueprint and the stem cells of every part of your brain. Recalibration expresses as:
- Akashic conceptual remembrance - when you know what is good for you, see the human being as an evolved spiritual part of the planet and push the envelope of belief.
- Future potential reasoning - the way synapses work in your brain. The human brain is based upon experiences. It is a storehouse of everything you have ever done in your brain to help you with what you are about to do. Your brain puts it in perspective. Your linear brain calculates for you what to do. Evolvement will be to a chess master who evaluates the potential reaction of each of up to five moves to identify the most desirable outcome.
- Control over subconscious - the "what if" part of your brain. The conceptual part of your brain is going identify the doubts and fear, and put them away.
Lee Carroll,
Monday, November 4, 2013
be a chess master
"The chess master sits at the board. Now this is a metaphor. The board represents the puzzles and realities of life which we are going to call 3D. You live and you walk in the 3D. And the puzzles are based upon gravity, height, width, depth and time. All of these things are your reality and this is how you work. You have got to fit into all of them. And you do. And it’s the chess board of life. And before you make a move, as a chess master, what are you going to do? You are going to evaluate the potential reaction of your move. And there may be five or six of those depending on the puzzle before you: how many people are involved, sitting in a chair, talking to your boss; what is it?
Now the chess master is not done, for he will look at the highest potential of what that might be the reaction and plan the move around that reaction. Now he is up to two moves. He is looking at the potential future of what might happen based on his projections and experience and intuition. He is calling upon an innate ability that not many have - a mind that computes future potentials. Now he is on his third move. What would happen if this took place and that took place, and he moved here and there? What would that cause from those players around him on the puzzle? What might they do? What is the highest potential? What if they did nothing and gave him another potential? What would he do then? He's up to four moves.
Do you see where this is going? You are not a chess master unless you've got five moves ahead. You have got to look at every potential that might occur. And what that opponent, the one who has to interface with you might do. Up to five moves. Can you imagine the brain power it takes for this? And then he moves his piece. The chess master has a certain amount of time to compute that. He does and he sits there. You can watch his brain move, as he looks around the board and examines life.”
He knows the future projection of the choices.
Learn more when you listen to Lee Carroll's presentation "Conceptual Consciousness" in Kansas City on July 27, 2013.
Now the chess master is not done, for he will look at the highest potential of what that might be the reaction and plan the move around that reaction. Now he is up to two moves. He is looking at the potential future of what might happen based on his projections and experience and intuition. He is calling upon an innate ability that not many have - a mind that computes future potentials. Now he is on his third move. What would happen if this took place and that took place, and he moved here and there? What would that cause from those players around him on the puzzle? What might they do? What is the highest potential? What if they did nothing and gave him another potential? What would he do then? He's up to four moves.
Do you see where this is going? You are not a chess master unless you've got five moves ahead. You have got to look at every potential that might occur. And what that opponent, the one who has to interface with you might do. Up to five moves. Can you imagine the brain power it takes for this? And then he moves his piece. The chess master has a certain amount of time to compute that. He does and he sits there. You can watch his brain move, as he looks around the board and examines life.”
He knows the future projection of the choices.
Learn more when you listen to Lee Carroll's presentation "Conceptual Consciousness" in Kansas City on July 27, 2013.
Chess master,
Lee Carroll,
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Kenny Loggins on relationships
Relationships was the topic of conversation between singer songwriter Kenny Loggins and Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters, Series 12.
In recent years of his musical career, Kenny teamed up with two other award-winning songwriters Gary Burr and Georgia Middleman, and the blend of voices is magical. (Watch and listen to "Dream" performance of the Blue Sky Riders.) He talks with Jennifer about how the magic happened and continues:
In recent years of his musical career, Kenny teamed up with two other award-winning songwriters Gary Burr and Georgia Middleman, and the blend of voices is magical. (Watch and listen to "Dream" performance of the Blue Sky Riders.) He talks with Jennifer about how the magic happened and continues:
- Learn to expand in new ways; move into a place in life with convictions of the heart.
- Be present. Be transparent and completely honest. Tell the truth gently.
- Speak the truth and be with someone who wants to hear the truth.
- You need to have a willing partner.
- Start with a social agreement, a method of operation. Integirty is a primary objective. I answer to myself.
- Your first relationship is with yourself because that dictates your relationships with others. Do you love yourself?
- As we write the songs, we see what we stand for. I feel fully alive on stage.
- Live with your heart open. You need to have access to the heart to feel, to write. Just keep saying yes and see where it takes you.
- If you feel a spark, follow it. Explore it!
Jennifer McLean,
Kenny Loggins,
Friday, November 1, 2013
self healing
Chunyi Lin is a certified international qigong master, the founder/creator of Spring Forest Qigong, and coauthor of the #1 Amazon.com bestseller, Born A Healer.
He recently spoke with Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters, Series 12. Snippets of his experience follow:
Not sure that qigong can make a difference in your quality of life? Read 46 pages of medical abstracts that summarize the benefits of qigong for chronic pain, lung function, cognition, immunity, etc.
He recently spoke with Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters, Series 12. Snippets of his experience follow:
- Qigong helps transform energetic expression (pain to feel good).
- Everyone is born a healer.
- Flow or energy (love) has four basic elements:
- Breathing to connect the heart, mind and body.
- Power of mind.
- Gentle simple movements.
- Sound/vibration of voice to help open energy channels in the body.
- Most of the energy we get each day is from breathing. Take 15 minutes per day to breathe in/out 10 times per minute to this reduce stress and blood pressure.
- Normal breathing only exchanges 60% of air in lungs/body. Take slower deeper breaths to activate the love energy in your heart.
- Qigong is about you; it is not a religion although qigong techniques are used in some religious practices.
- Breathing includes the lungs and the skin.
- The voice is a powerful tool (chanting, singing, humming) because over 80 energy points in the mouth connect all over the body.
Not sure that qigong can make a difference in your quality of life? Read 46 pages of medical abstracts that summarize the benefits of qigong for chronic pain, lung function, cognition, immunity, etc.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Here are three links for meditation guidance that will benefit you, even if you do not meditate. Sit on a beach watching the waves roll in. Relax on a reclining chair and notice your breath. Go to any quiet outdoor spot and stretch out on a blanket to watch the clouds. As you focus your attention on the waves, your breath or passing clouds, this is meditation. You release all that stuff of the day. Perhaps Deepak's guidance will further your enjoyment of those relaxing moments!
- Deepak Chopra's Secrets of Meditation, Mindfulness Meditation
- Deepak Chopra explains The Mechanics of Meditation
- Sit with back erect, be comfortable and relaxed, feet on the floor, hands resting in your lap.
- Think, remember or listen to a mantra without too much focus. Force nothing. Or, watch the breath and remember 'I am'. You have to let it happen.
- For 20-30 minutes, mantra and thoughts cancel each other and you reach pure potentiality, the gap where you experience nothing (you are non-local).
- It is a wakefulness that you will experience in waking, dreaming -- it will never leave you.
- Deepak Chopra's Top 8 Meditation Tips
- Morning meditation energizes you.
- Before evening meal is good.
- Find your best time. (Deepak meditates from 4-6 AM)
- Preferably sitting than lying down.
- 'So' in breath and 'hum' on the out breath (mental sounds).
- Sounds of nature or soft music.
- Observe the breath.
- The awareness of a thought is not a thought.
- Visualize your dream before meditation.
Deepak Chopra,
I am,
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
pure intent
The Lee Carroll presentation, "The Process", given on December 4, 2011 in Laguna Hills, CA answers a question seekers ask, "How can I touch what is inside, which is precious and is God?"
The answer is "Build a bridge from human consciousness to your innate and then to your Higher Self."
"The first thing that you have to acknowledge and get past is the first layer, which is Human
consciousness. That is what I'm going to call The Survival Layer. As long as you are in survival, you
will never know any other layer at all."
"The second step is pure intent. Pure intent is intent to touch part of you that perhaps has never been
touched before. The process is not understandable or intellectual, but the axiom is that it will always work, just like gravity. It waits for you to activate it. You can count on it taking you right into the lake of self-awareness."
"Your Higher-Self is a piece of the Creator. You're all born with it. It's the same soul you've had for every single lifetime. Are you aware of that? Every lifetime, the same soul. There's a friend in there who has been with you through every journey, along with innate. Some of you have been able to reach out and touch that friend and that is when you're the most peaceful on the planet."
Download the audio or transcript to enjoy the complete discussion of The Process. Each of us make choices every day based on "gut feeling", "a sense of" and linear teachings. The Process helps the seeker focus in another way.
The answer is "Build a bridge from human consciousness to your innate and then to your Higher Self."
"The first thing that you have to acknowledge and get past is the first layer, which is Human
consciousness. That is what I'm going to call The Survival Layer. As long as you are in survival, you
will never know any other layer at all."
"The second step is pure intent. Pure intent is intent to touch part of you that perhaps has never been
touched before. The process is not understandable or intellectual, but the axiom is that it will always work, just like gravity. It waits for you to activate it. You can count on it taking you right into the lake of self-awareness."
"Your Higher-Self is a piece of the Creator. You're all born with it. It's the same soul you've had for every single lifetime. Are you aware of that? Every lifetime, the same soul. There's a friend in there who has been with you through every journey, along with innate. Some of you have been able to reach out and touch that friend and that is when you're the most peaceful on the planet."
Download the audio or transcript to enjoy the complete discussion of The Process. Each of us make choices every day based on "gut feeling", "a sense of" and linear teachings. The Process helps the seeker focus in another way.
Higher Self,
human consciousness,
Lee Carroll,
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
taking your power
One might wonder what the experience of Lee Carroll translating the Kryon energy is like. This quote from Lee Carroll's presentation, "Lightworker's Guide Past 2012" in Haverhill, MA on August 13, 2011, expresses it perfectly.
"So stay with me in these moments. Kryon is not an authority. There is no proof in these words. There is nothing but love, an energy which cannot be denied by those who wish to feel it surging through the room. It is not a parent-child relationship I have with you. It's a brother-sister relationship, equal in every way. You are a part of the Creator and so am I. You are doing the work. I am at your feet washing them in appreciation, in wonder. I am an informer of subtle energies you may not be aware of. I am an advisor in love. I remain in service.
This is the relationship you have with God, that part of you which vibrates higher and is as your soul energy is called the Higher Self. It is 'higher self' because it vibrates higher. It is multidimensional and you live in a 3D reality. That means it separates itself from you and you wish to find it. With your pure intent and your free will, you take the hand of your soul which is eternal. That soul has been with you in every single lifetime. It's the same soul. It's a friend. It's you. It's the core you.
And so many human beings walk the Earth without it wondering why they are confused, why they are always in drama, why they cry, why they have no friends and feel so alone. When at the same time, the angels stand outside your box of reality and the Higher Self sits within you - all wishing to touch you, all wishing to hold your hand, all wishing you would simply remove the box and acknowledge God inside.
Could it be that easy? When it comes to human beliefs, human emotions and human thought, there is nothing easy about it. You have got to change the paradigm of your survival and start taking the power which is yours. The Earth is shifting and you change all things depending on how bright you hold your match" (e.g. recognize God within and live that truth).
"So stay with me in these moments. Kryon is not an authority. There is no proof in these words. There is nothing but love, an energy which cannot be denied by those who wish to feel it surging through the room. It is not a parent-child relationship I have with you. It's a brother-sister relationship, equal in every way. You are a part of the Creator and so am I. You are doing the work. I am at your feet washing them in appreciation, in wonder. I am an informer of subtle energies you may not be aware of. I am an advisor in love. I remain in service.
This is the relationship you have with God, that part of you which vibrates higher and is as your soul energy is called the Higher Self. It is 'higher self' because it vibrates higher. It is multidimensional and you live in a 3D reality. That means it separates itself from you and you wish to find it. With your pure intent and your free will, you take the hand of your soul which is eternal. That soul has been with you in every single lifetime. It's the same soul. It's a friend. It's you. It's the core you.
And so many human beings walk the Earth without it wondering why they are confused, why they are always in drama, why they cry, why they have no friends and feel so alone. When at the same time, the angels stand outside your box of reality and the Higher Self sits within you - all wishing to touch you, all wishing to hold your hand, all wishing you would simply remove the box and acknowledge God inside.
Could it be that easy? When it comes to human beliefs, human emotions and human thought, there is nothing easy about it. You have got to change the paradigm of your survival and start taking the power which is yours. The Earth is shifting and you change all things depending on how bright you hold your match" (e.g. recognize God within and live that truth).
free will,
Higher Self,
Lee Carroll,
Monday, October 28, 2013
your desire and destiny
Announcing an ALL-NEW Meditation Experience, Desire and Destiny, starting November 11!
Join Oprah and Deepak for a FREE 3-week journey toward living with passion and abundance! They will be your guides, every day, as you uncover your creative brilliance, connect with your deepest desires, and tap into to your pure potential. Then, watch your soul’s purpose and true destiny emerge, opening the door to living a life in which all things are within reach and your dreams transform into reality.
In their interactive online program you can meditate and journal with them each day to embrace your dreams and desires, expand your understanding of divine purpose, and experience the peace, joy and abundance of living your destiny.
It’s free and open to everyone—worldwide! So, sign up now and invite those you love to take the journey:
Join Oprah and Deepak for a FREE 3-week journey toward living with passion and abundance! They will be your guides, every day, as you uncover your creative brilliance, connect with your deepest desires, and tap into to your pure potential. Then, watch your soul’s purpose and true destiny emerge, opening the door to living a life in which all things are within reach and your dreams transform into reality.
In their interactive online program you can meditate and journal with them each day to embrace your dreams and desires, expand your understanding of divine purpose, and experience the peace, joy and abundance of living your destiny.
It’s free and open to everyone—worldwide! So, sign up now and invite those you love to take the journey:
- Follow your passion.
- Find your purpose.
- Discover true freedom.
Deepak Chopra,
Oprah Winfree,
Sunday, October 20, 2013
your true self
Deepak Chopra recently offered a free 14-day online meditation series, Secrets of Meditation (purchase here), that takes about 15 minutes each day. You may keep a daily journal that you can copy paste to a computer file for later reference (highly recommended for those who want to follow their own changes). This series is great for beginning to advanced students!
This series of meditations demonstrates the importance of slowing down the pace of our lives to breathe, pause, listen and become our true selves once more. All we need is within us. Dr. Chopra reminds us how easy and natural it is to access our true selves and experience our interconnection to All That Is.
The 14 day series is as follows:
This series of meditations demonstrates the importance of slowing down the pace of our lives to breathe, pause, listen and become our true selves once more. All we need is within us. Dr. Chopra reminds us how easy and natural it is to access our true selves and experience our interconnection to All That Is.
The 14 day series is as follows:
- Stress reduction (deep breathing with attention on the breath)
- Your inner universe (build a better life and understand your place in the universe)
- Being present (slow down and pay attention)
- A matter of practice (live everyday as if you are whole)
- Introducing mantras (expand non-local consciousness)
- The monkey mind (release external distractions)
- Find your true self (awareness)
- Letting go of your ego (release conditioning)
- Living in Your NOW (mindfulness)
- I AM (an instrument of thought)
- The Real You (arises from your heart)
- Fight or flight (releasing stress)
- Subtle Action (feel the feelings as if the desired outcome has manifested)
- Shadow Energies (find the switch to turn off negative programming)
Deepak Chopra,
true self
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Ever wonder why relationships stall? Each of us evolves in different ways. What has meaning for one may not have the same meaning for another or the meaning may change as needs change. Alison Armstrong offers an interesting perspective on relationships in HWTM-12. It all boils down to thoughtful communication. Here are some of her profound observations:
- How we define an issue or concern frames the resolution.
- Ask the questions you for which really want the answer. Then, count to 30 so the other person can think about it.
- Men are naturally committed so need to consider their answers.
- Women need to fit with another person based on their current commitments.
- We each need to recognize the limitations and advantages to the different states that others are in as they proceed in life.
- Believe in your significant other.
- Men reveal themselves to people who cannot or will not hurt them.
- Adventurous men marry adventurous women.
- Dating is a sorting problem, not a finding problem.
- Know the feeling you look for in a man and speak your truth about it. Fly the flag of who you are.
- Create space for each other.
- No one is misbehaving.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Season 12 of Healing with the Masters includes James Redfield, author of the "Celestine Prophesy" and more recently “The 12th Insight”, an imperative to move into clarity of consciousness. Guidelines for this expansion include these observations:
- Problems arise from fear.
- Destiny is weighted on our side.
- Live a life of integrity and truth about who we are and what’s going on.
- Have conscious conversation with helpful information.
- Awaken from materialism (realize relationships are the wealth of life).
- Be transparent (no hidden agenda).
- Our individual truths evolve; life is change.
- People are placed in front of us as an opportunity for self-mastery.
Monday, October 7, 2013
your own unique nature
To understand your own unique nature is the first step towards self love and fulfillment. You must affirm who you are, how to be yourself and how to navigate successfully through a constantly changing world.
The Human Design System enables these. It is a science of differentiation. It uses your birth data to calculate your rave chart, also known as your Bodygraph. This is based on the science of Neutrinos, tiny particles that carry mass and information and which determine your unique imprinting.
The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional Sciences: Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and most importantly, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design.
Combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you a profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.
Obtain your human design chart at The International Human Design School, Ra Uru Hu's website or Human Design America, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom. (You must know your date and time of birth; verify the information on your original certificate of birth beforehand.)
Your next step is to understand the chart. You may purchase The Definitve Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation and read it before you plunge into interpretation of your chart. Alternatively, you may contact a trained person (Bethi Black, Assistant Director, International Human Design School is one), who will evaluate and explain the nuances to you. In either case, you will recognize yourself in the exercise. There will be many aha moments!
"The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is neither stories or philosophies. It is a concrete map to the nature of a being, mapping of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. Human Design opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding." --- Ra Uru Hu
The Human Design System enables these. It is a science of differentiation. It uses your birth data to calculate your rave chart, also known as your Bodygraph. This is based on the science of Neutrinos, tiny particles that carry mass and information and which determine your unique imprinting.
The Human Design System is a synthesis of two streams of science, traditional and modern. The traditional Sciences: Astrology, the Chakra system, the Kabbalah and most importantly, the I’Ching, the Book of Changes - these are the traditional elements in the synthesis that is Human Design.
Combined with the modern science of reading the genetic code, this offers you a profound insight into how you are designed to navigate the material world.
Obtain your human design chart at The International Human Design School, Ra Uru Hu's website or Human Design America, Australia, Canada, United Kingdom. (You must know your date and time of birth; verify the information on your original certificate of birth beforehand.)
Your next step is to understand the chart. You may purchase The Definitve Book of Human Design: The Science of Differentiation and read it before you plunge into interpretation of your chart. Alternatively, you may contact a trained person (Bethi Black, Assistant Director, International Human Design School is one), who will evaluate and explain the nuances to you. In either case, you will recognize yourself in the exercise. There will be many aha moments!
"The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is neither stories or philosophies. It is a concrete map to the nature of a being, mapping of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. Human Design opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding." --- Ra Uru Hu
sea grape visualization
The sea grape trees pictured here represent the Tree of Life for humanity. Visualize the trunks and branches as successive generations of people and the leaves as the current people on Earth. The roots beneath the grass are connections to life - the nuturing water, food and experiences. All are interconnected. Step back mentally and observe the tree and its roots as a sphere, a microcosm of Earth.
The little fruits are imminent manifestations - people, effects, inventions - that which draws humanity closer together to conceptually fill the expanding sphere.
Now, look again at the tree. It is now you and each leaf is one of your many lifetimes - a microcosm of a microcosm. It is your DNA field shaped like a tree! Each leaf is connected to you. You can call upon the attributes of the leaves because they are all linked to you. Reach into the Akash through your DNA because it is the doorway to all of you - just as the sea grape tree has DNA informing its expansion.
"I call upon my DNA to bring forth a life of complete health, vitality, the skill of a great speaker and all the other attributes that serve my expansion. Draw on my parallel lives to feed into this life the knowledge, experience, all the attributes needed to raise the vibration of the planet."
What is required is clear intent that moves to the breath of Oneness.
The sea grape tree is a tree. It is you. It is all humanity on Earth. The sphere each creates is complete, whole, one. Yet, each has the other expressed in it.
The little fruits are imminent manifestations - people, effects, inventions - that which draws humanity closer together to conceptually fill the expanding sphere.
Now, look again at the tree. It is now you and each leaf is one of your many lifetimes - a microcosm of a microcosm. It is your DNA field shaped like a tree! Each leaf is connected to you. You can call upon the attributes of the leaves because they are all linked to you. Reach into the Akash through your DNA because it is the doorway to all of you - just as the sea grape tree has DNA informing its expansion.
"I call upon my DNA to bring forth a life of complete health, vitality, the skill of a great speaker and all the other attributes that serve my expansion. Draw on my parallel lives to feed into this life the knowledge, experience, all the attributes needed to raise the vibration of the planet."
What is required is clear intent that moves to the breath of Oneness.
The sea grape tree is a tree. It is you. It is all humanity on Earth. The sphere each creates is complete, whole, one. Yet, each has the other expressed in it.
DNA field,
sea grape,
tree of life
your expansion
One of the HWTM-12 speakers, Jo Dunning, offered some of the infinite possibilities for our souls’ expansion. If you listened in, here is a short list:
Check out Healing with the Masters for the rest of this season and check back for the next season!
- Each of us is always connected to Source. Depending on our receptivity, we accept the connection to a greater or lesser degree.
- We are connected individually with our own vibration. What we do and interact with affects our vibration - how connected we feel.
- As our personal vibration goes up, we experience a greater connection - more conscious awareness to more easily receive.
- What we do impacts our personal vibrational resonance. We are the sum total of our beliefs, experiences and interactions.
- Spend time outdoors to release stress.
- Change consciousness by being aware where you are when you go to sleep. What is not resolved remains in your field to handle and is also incorporated into your personality.
- Be in peace, harmony, balance by focusing on something you love, a full-hearted loving place where you are peaceful.
- Clear old stories and negative thoughts.
- Address issues when they happen to clear them from your awareness and attention.
- Follow your own inner knowing. Tune within. All of us have intuition, inner knowing; it is subtle and deep within. The mind is loud and distracting you from inner peace and knowing.
- Breathe deep so receptors deep in your lungs feel peaceful and relaxed, reconnect to harmony and balance, decrease stress and discomfort.
- Stay focused and grounded in love and connection.
- Release worldly attachment and focus within - feeling, knowing and greater connection.
- The heart is a launching pad for higher awareness, thoughts, beliefs, experiences, change, and improvement. Find joy where you are to create a potential to move into a better place.
- Hold the knowing that all is well - deep within. The surface holds pain and loss.
- Loving acceptance of a presence we DO NOT like, completes its role of creating compassion for an experience - not judging - so it is free to move on.
Check out Healing with the Masters for the rest of this season and check back for the next season!
Jennifer McLean,
Jo Dunning,
Friday, October 4, 2013
Panache Desai
One of the HWTM-12 speakers, Panache Desai is dedicated to awakening in you your infinite potential and cultivating in those around him the same vibrational transformation he experienced. Some pearls of wisdom from his presentation:
- We have been taught to judge our emotions.
- Divine love is transmuting the emotional layer. The soul wants to expand, awaken. Divine love or grace is the catalyst.
- Awakening is an inner call to transmute emotional density into light an luminosity of our spirit so the soul can be reflected in every area of our life.
- Humanity is awakening to its divinity - to self-love and acceptance - to the life we love.
- The spiritual dimension exists within us at all times. It has become covered over by emotional stuff. People don't see themselves as divine; this is the emotional layer covering the soul.
- Painful feelings prevent you from accessing your divine aspects.
- The emotional content feeds every aspect of your being.
- Awaken to a miraculous life by releasing emotional content.
- External issues are indicators to go within.
- Vibrational transparency is the goal; it's the 'I AM" presence.
- Be available for emotions that come to you.
- The path to your divinity is through your humanity.
- Stop personalizing and accept with the spaciousness of spirit.
- Resistance to emotions creates suffering.
- We can shift the way we meet life. Be available, not overwhelmed; remain centered within.
- People are too little for themselves. (people see themselves as inconsequential and unimportant)
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
truth is...
Truth is the attribute of when the human heart marries the love of God and the result is passion for your spiritual path. Those who have had this experience know your truth. There are multiple realities of truth that all lead to the same place. You are all connected! These connections are like the spokes on the hub of a wheel; there are trillions of them and they all lead to the center and they are called truth. Whatever gets you there!
The sustenance your life is food. The sustenance of your spiritual growth is truth; it is your passion. What are you going to do based upon the truth that you have is the marriage of you and your higher self. What are you going to do? That is your truth.
I have just told you that there is a spiritual truth for every human being in the room. It is isolated, separate and unique. Yet go figure this out, that when you get together somehow those truths meld toward one purpose. There is a commonality in this what we call quantum effect of commonality. There is a commonality and you can call it the love of spirit if you wish, a commonality where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you and you are okay with that. And together you see one thing because in the connection between the truths there is a similarity and that similarity is the love of God, that higher self that you have - that you claim to have - esoteric thing seems to straighten it all out. There is your singularity. There is your beginning. There is your end. That is what truth is.
In a quantum state you are with all life no matter what you think happened to it. The spark that was the consciousness of the human being remains the spark of the soul. It always is. For a while it manifests itself as a human being for the test of the planet or whatever you wish to call this here. When it leaves here it is still there. In a quantum state it invites you to join it. In a quantum state, communication is like that.
There is a commonality in this what we call the quantum effect of connection; you can call it the love of sipirt if you wish. Commonality - where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you.
Excerpted from the Lee Carroll presentation, Esoterics to the MAX, given June 16, 2007 at Mt. Shasta, CA.
There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.
Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks book, The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham.
The sustenance your life is food. The sustenance of your spiritual growth is truth; it is your passion. What are you going to do based upon the truth that you have is the marriage of you and your higher self. What are you going to do? That is your truth.
I have just told you that there is a spiritual truth for every human being in the room. It is isolated, separate and unique. Yet go figure this out, that when you get together somehow those truths meld toward one purpose. There is a commonality in this what we call quantum effect of commonality. There is a commonality and you can call it the love of spirit if you wish, a commonality where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you and you are okay with that. And together you see one thing because in the connection between the truths there is a similarity and that similarity is the love of God, that higher self that you have - that you claim to have - esoteric thing seems to straighten it all out. There is your singularity. There is your beginning. There is your end. That is what truth is.
In a quantum state you are with all life no matter what you think happened to it. The spark that was the consciousness of the human being remains the spark of the soul. It always is. For a while it manifests itself as a human being for the test of the planet or whatever you wish to call this here. When it leaves here it is still there. In a quantum state it invites you to join it. In a quantum state, communication is like that.
There is a commonality in this what we call the quantum effect of connection; you can call it the love of sipirt if you wish. Commonality - where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you.
Excerpted from the Lee Carroll presentation, Esoterics to the MAX, given June 16, 2007 at Mt. Shasta, CA.
There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.
Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks book, The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham.
Higher Self,
Lee Carroll,
Monday, September 30, 2013
Jon Griffin spoke with Jennifer McLean on Healing with the Masters - Series 12. Some great tidbits garnered from the conversation follow:
- Intention is your conscious awareness of vibrations you create and give to others plus what you choose to receive.
- Choose what resonates with you.
- Choose to co-create (what you believe is what you see) rather than exercise passive acceptance (what you see you believe).
- Hold an intention while aligning yourself with frequencies to resonate authentically with your core.
- Hold intention and move through frequencies allowing them to move through you - to create different kinds of alignment in your body.
- Every moment is an opportunity to realign, repattern and retune ourselves.
- Shower the ego with love through music.
inspired action,
Jennifer McLean,
Monday, September 23, 2013
becoming more quantum
What is the path to your higher nature? The short answer is: living your interconnectedness (oneness with All That Is).
How do you do that? Each day teems with opportunities to raise your vibration:
Then, you have a revelation! The sweetness of life is intangibles - relationships with family and community, enjoying outdoor activities, and being creative - appreciating all that you used to take for granted. As you immerse yourself in the soup of interconnectedness, you live your joy.
How do you do that? Each day teems with opportunities to raise your vibration:
- Allow others to live as they do.
- Accept yourself as you are.
- Release judgement.
- Forgive yourself and others.
- Observe God (your concept of the All That Is) within all things.
- Love Gaia/Earth (your home).
- Embrace changes in life.
- Visualize peace on Earth.
- Give attention to what you desire.
Then, you have a revelation! The sweetness of life is intangibles - relationships with family and community, enjoying outdoor activities, and being creative - appreciating all that you used to take for granted. As you immerse yourself in the soup of interconnectedness, you live your joy.
higher nature,
heart-based living
The Institute of HeartMath is dedicated to helping people develop heart-based living and global coherence.
They offer valuable information for your well-being. Download articles. Take a stress survey. Sign up for their newsletter to learn about their latest research findings. Here is a sample of information you can use:
They offer valuable information for your well-being. Download articles. Take a stress survey. Sign up for their newsletter to learn about their latest research findings. Here is a sample of information you can use:
- Archived newsletters
- Maintain a Prior Willingness to Embrace Change in Life, a newsletter article
- People and Pets – Healing Each Other, a newsletter article
- Science of The Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance, a research article
- HeartMath Research includes the research library, featured research, science of the heart, scientific e-books and FAQs.
- Free Services includes tools for well-being, self-assessment tools, solutions for stress, resources for veterans, service members and their families, plus more!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
connecting to the quantum self
Lee Carroll offers a circular list on "Connecting to the Quantum Self", in the presentation of the same name given on February 8, 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. A circular list is a soup of happenings that are interwoven. You connect with your quantum self when you:
"Wake up; touch the divinity inside. Find God there. All things begin to balance to straighten out. For inside of you is perfection - a piece and a part that wants to be found - a piece and a part that wants to have symmetry - is actually a grid of existence, an energy and lattice inside that when activated starts to balance the very core of your soul - helps you to reach out through the door and touch the Creator you are. That's what we teach. Some will see it and some will not...."
Excerpts from the Lee Carroll presentation Connection to the Quantum Self.
- Allow the concept of belief. Programming has taken you away from the unseen as being real.
- Allow for emotion. Love, joy, laughter pass thru the veil untouched. Emotion clears the soul.
- Allow the concept of intuition.
- Imagine yourself larger than you are (spiritually). Think of yourself as a piece of God, influential on the Earth plane.
- Visualize yourself out of trouble. No drama, fears, phobias or health issues.
- Image yourself opening the door to home.
"Wake up; touch the divinity inside. Find God there. All things begin to balance to straighten out. For inside of you is perfection - a piece and a part that wants to be found - a piece and a part that wants to have symmetry - is actually a grid of existence, an energy and lattice inside that when activated starts to balance the very core of your soul - helps you to reach out through the door and touch the Creator you are. That's what we teach. Some will see it and some will not...."
Excerpts from the Lee Carroll presentation Connection to the Quantum Self.
staying even
How do you stay even? How do you center in your core? How do you stay compassionate and loving?
"Here is what I have discovered. I think that God is inside us. And I have claimed that and it has made a big difference. And now I am going to live longer. I am relaxing. I don't have anxiety. My blood pressure is down because I know I am loved and all these things around me don't touch me anymore." Excerpt from the Lee Carroll presentation Philly-MINI-12 given in Philadelphia on April 15, 2012
As more people move into the knowing of God within, there is a wisdom factor that starts to happen on the planet which brings forth changes cited in Lee Carroll's presentation, The Recalibration of Free Choice, given in Dallas on March 3, 2012.
The changes regard spirituality, drama, longer life, water, integrity, The News, Big Pharma and The End of War. When you love yourself, you care about the environment nourishing you: the food, water, information and beliefs.
"Here is what I have discovered. I think that God is inside us. And I have claimed that and it has made a big difference. And now I am going to live longer. I am relaxing. I don't have anxiety. My blood pressure is down because I know I am loved and all these things around me don't touch me anymore." Excerpt from the Lee Carroll presentation Philly-MINI-12 given in Philadelphia on April 15, 2012
As more people move into the knowing of God within, there is a wisdom factor that starts to happen on the planet which brings forth changes cited in Lee Carroll's presentation, The Recalibration of Free Choice, given in Dallas on March 3, 2012.
The changes regard spirituality, drama, longer life, water, integrity, The News, Big Pharma and The End of War. When you love yourself, you care about the environment nourishing you: the food, water, information and beliefs.
free will,
Lee Carroll,
stay even,
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
conceptual human
Superimpose the seven chakra symbols and spin them variably in 3D. Allow each to fluctuate a bit off center in any direction. Notice that the shapes and colors signifying each of the seven chakras also fluctuate. This is a conceptual view of the human being interacting with its environment.
While we tend to focus awareness on sensory (sight, taste, smell, touch and sound) experiences and adjust our interaction, there are many subtle relationships occurring by default. We have secondary interactions that may come to the fore, such as sweat, increased heart rate, joy or sadness.
Notice that the extent of the seven chakras image is not clearly defined. It is like a car light shining onto a dark stretch of highway in which the light diminishes with distance. One can say the effectiveness of the light beam is a specific distance from the light source, but light proceeds beyond that measure. So it is with the human being, although we observe a physical body defined with the seven chakras.
Each person knows they are more than what they see in a mirror, but the intangible aspects have not been labeled multidimensional or quantum. Feelings, for example, are multidimensional and quantum.
All the potentialities of our creations are present in multiD which appears as chaos. If you are immersed in the soup it would appear chaotic until you give intention to attract something. The probabilities would shift based on what the intent of the individual was. In the energetic landscape each decision causes the soup to adjust -- moving you closer to the realization of your intention.
Next, see yourself driving your vehicle in heavy traffic, also a soup of beingness. Each driver is going somewhere and is giving attention to the process of getting there. In this soup, there are traffic lights, physical proximity, a range of vehicle maintenance levels, environmental considerations, distractions inside and outside vehicles, various degrees of personal urgency and thoughts about other concerns -- that all play into the driving experience. Awareness of factors affecting the desired outcome enables you to adjust your focus -- slow down, keep a safe distance and stop on a yellow traffic light -- moving you closer to the realization of your intention.
We are quantum and multidimensional, but predominantly focus on the physical world, because society, education, religion and other life influences lead us to conform to that limiting view. Begin seeing the interrelationships in all you do -- from greeting a passerby to family interactions to community events to savoring a sunset.
As you appreciate your world, you express joy that others sense -- and that raises planetary consciousness.
While we tend to focus awareness on sensory (sight, taste, smell, touch and sound) experiences and adjust our interaction, there are many subtle relationships occurring by default. We have secondary interactions that may come to the fore, such as sweat, increased heart rate, joy or sadness.
Notice that the extent of the seven chakras image is not clearly defined. It is like a car light shining onto a dark stretch of highway in which the light diminishes with distance. One can say the effectiveness of the light beam is a specific distance from the light source, but light proceeds beyond that measure. So it is with the human being, although we observe a physical body defined with the seven chakras.
Each person knows they are more than what they see in a mirror, but the intangible aspects have not been labeled multidimensional or quantum. Feelings, for example, are multidimensional and quantum.
All the potentialities of our creations are present in multiD which appears as chaos. If you are immersed in the soup it would appear chaotic until you give intention to attract something. The probabilities would shift based on what the intent of the individual was. In the energetic landscape each decision causes the soup to adjust -- moving you closer to the realization of your intention.
Next, see yourself driving your vehicle in heavy traffic, also a soup of beingness. Each driver is going somewhere and is giving attention to the process of getting there. In this soup, there are traffic lights, physical proximity, a range of vehicle maintenance levels, environmental considerations, distractions inside and outside vehicles, various degrees of personal urgency and thoughts about other concerns -- that all play into the driving experience. Awareness of factors affecting the desired outcome enables you to adjust your focus -- slow down, keep a safe distance and stop on a yellow traffic light -- moving you closer to the realization of your intention.
We are quantum and multidimensional, but predominantly focus on the physical world, because society, education, religion and other life influences lead us to conform to that limiting view. Begin seeing the interrelationships in all you do -- from greeting a passerby to family interactions to community events to savoring a sunset.
As you appreciate your world, you express joy that others sense -- and that raises planetary consciousness.
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