Wednesday, July 31, 2013

birth and DNA

When birth occurs, we have the following things imbued into our DNA:
  1. The heredity of our parents' biology is the 3D chemistry expressed through eye color, height, and other physically expressed attributes.
  2. Karmic imprint is information carried over from a past life.
  3. Astrological imprint is the push and pull of the planets creating a multidimensional patterning at the sun's core which is transmitted to the earth every moment through inductance with the solar wind (heliosphere).  This places the sun's quantum imprint onto the magnetic grid of the planet. The magnetic grid, which overlaps the magnetics of your DNA, then patterns a portion of your DNA at birth through inductance.
  4. The entire Akashic Record of all your lifetimes on this planet carries the residual of who you were and it works with the karmic portions of energy mentioned above. The attributes of these past lives are available today and we are encouraged to discover what we have within our own DNA's history and use it.
  5. The sacredness of God as represented by your Higher-Self was given to Humanity when the chromosome count changed from 24 to 23 (the seeding of Humanity); this correlates to the allegory of Adam and Eve.
Find synchronicity to these aspects of Humanity in indigenous stories from Hawaii, Australia and New Zealand. All creation stories begin with Humans who are not aware and then become aware.

(Extracted from The Twelve Layers of DNA, Book 12, chapter 4 by Lee Carroll) 


Discernment is a combination of feeling (knowing without physical proof, sensing and believing) and intellect (common sense, life experience, explains the exceptions to other theories, and allows for information not yet known/proved). Each person discerns the truth of information based on feeling and intellect. When you take the time to research scientific findings you will discover facts that were buried because they did not fit prevailing theories. When facts do not fit theories, it means that the theory is incomplete or incorrect.

The Human Being is a masterpiece of design, engineering and energetic confluence that uses free will to create its experiences. This is observed with all people to the degree each chooses.


There is no right or wrong, and there is no empirical manual on channelling. It's personal and private, and each person who does it knows how unique an experience it is.

It's the closest thing you can do to "get in touch with the God within," yet many feel that God (or what you think of as God) has nothing to do with it. Channelling is the method of transfer of all spiritual knowledge. All of the Holy Scriptures on the planet, no matter what your religion, were written by Humans. "God" wrote none of them! Therefore, there has to be some kind of acknowledgement of this bridge between the message and the messenger. If Humans wrote all this (which they did), then where did they get the information?

In Christianity, even the Pope has a method for receiving divine information and a sanctioned place he can be where everything he says in infallible. As Christ's Vicar, he has the right to sit in the Chair of St. Peter in the Vatican, where a process called "Ex Cathedra" takes place.

Even Paul the Apostle, while writing to his friends from a jail cell in Rome, had this very attribute -- for these letters to friends became at least seven books of the New Testament! Yet when Christians speak of the Bible, it is the "word of God." Actually, it is the word of a Human under the influence of spiritual energy. Paul "channelled" much of the New Testament via his letters. To many Christians, it was "Holy Spirit" who came to Paul and gave him his information, which is used by Catholic and non-Catholic alike. In all cases, there was an unspoken and unseen energy that allowed a Human to speak about the truth of God. This process is accepted in every religion.

My God is personal, alive and dwelling in my cellular structure! Messages are forthcoming all the time, and they don't disagree with others who are getting the same kind of energy. In fact, they don't even disagree with Paul! For I firmly believe that the messages of the ancients, no matter what religion, were all about self-empowerment and finding peace within ourselves and between others on this planet through finding the creator within. If you really go back and study the original messages from the greatest prophets on Earth, there is a wonderful symmetry of the messages and a beautiful sameness of thought.

(Content lifted from The Twelve Layers of DNA, Book 12, Chapter 2 by Lee Carroll.)

reality is fluid

The choice to inherently trust yourself activates a thriving version of life based on a belief in self-empowerment. You are in charge of your life; feelings of tolerance, love, respect, sharing, caring, kindness, honesty, gratitude, and forgiveness not only build sound moral character, they bring peace of mind. When you affirm your desire for a safe and healthy existence, your senses open to subtle new attunements that stem from a reorganization of cellular codes of consciousness. These codes activate programs for new and extraordinary perceptions -- literally creating a new avenue of life for you to travel.

The courage to claim your self-trust offers a new form of personal freedom. The choice to create a safe, honest, respectful, and pleasant experience in all realities is entirely up to you. When life-enhancing beliefs are embraced, a distinct vitality exudes from your physical form, and you are wired, so to speak, to the max. An exuberant state of mind makes you much more receptive to the vibrant effects of the cosmic radiated energy. When this energy enters your chakras, your senses are open to new realizations; you can gain profound spiritual understanding of how events that have occurred in this lifetime are interwoven with events in other lines of time. Reality is fluid; time and space are flexible to change, conforming to the perceptions of the beholder. Your perceptual shifts in the here and now actually ripple throughout the lines of time, broadcasting your selection of new codes of consciousness. And this is how a healing along the lines of time occurs.

Events and experiences can always be reinterpreted because they are comprised of layers and layers of significant agreements; when seen from other perspectives, the hills and vales of life take on a whole new purpose and meaning. The healing of the human gene pool is about releasing trapped pain and fear by transforming old thought patterns that contain restrictive attitude, and bringing a state of higher awareness into the body. Asking "why" you create something changes your brain wave frequencies to open communication with the cosmic mind. Seeking greater meaning reestablishes the equilibrium of the body's natural to cure itself; and from the bigger picture, on the playing field of existence, all healing is reinterpreting what you believe has happened to you.

Opportunities abound when you choose to heal your relationship with your physical form. The more you pay attention to and acknowledge your body's messages, especially the "gut feelings" that come from the brain into your belly, the more you will learn. Intuitive intelligence is a natural expression of your connection to the non-local cosmic mind, which transcends space and time. Trust and follow your finest instincts.

(Extracted from chapter 5 of Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak.)

As stated on the front cover, Path of Empowerment is a spectacular book for "changing beliefs, reclaiming your power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities."

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

your word play!

Daily inspiration from Esther Hicks that will change your world: 
  • I'm going to be happy. I'm going to skip. I'm going to be glad. I'm going to smile a lot. I'm going to be easy. I'm going to count my blessings. I'm going to look for reasons to feel good. I'm going to dig up positive things from the past. I'm going to look for positive things where I stand. I'm going to look for positive things in the future. It is my natural state to be a happy person. It's natural for me to love and to laugh. This is what is most natural for me. I am a happy person! (Excerpted from the workshop in Sacramento, CA on March 15, 2003)
  • You live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics. Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your bodies, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction. There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature, and as you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience. (Excerpted from the book - Money and the Law of Attraction)
  • "So, why am I who I am, and why am I born to who I am born to, and why is it set up the way it is set up?" We say, "For the fun of it. For the joy of it. For the expansion of it. For the growth of it. For the difference in it. For the desire producing value in it." (Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on October 17, 1998)
  • Love and appreciation are identical vibrations. Appreciation is the vibration of alignment with who-you-are. Appreciation is the absence of everything that feels bad and the presence of everything that feels good. When you focus upon what you want - when you tell the story of how you want your life to be - you will come closer and closer to the vicinity of appreciation, and when you reach it, it will pull you toward all things that you consider to be good in a very powerful way. (Excerpted from the book - Money and the Law of Attraction)
  • From the Non-physical, you created you, and now from the physical, you continue to create, and we are nothing if we are not Flow-ers of Energy. We must have objects of attention, that are ringing our bells, in order to feel the fullness of who we are, flowing through us, for the continuation of All-That-Is. That is what puts the eternalness in eternity. (Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on April 19, 1997)
  • We want you to enjoy the contrasting experience, just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet. And we want you to reach the place (and practicing Virtual Reality will help you to gain this confidence) that whenever you're in front of a buffet that has so much that you do like to eat, as well as some that you don't like to eat, you don't feel frustrated that there are things there you don't want to eat. You don't feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them; you just pick the things that you like. And the Universe of thought is the same way. You can choose from it the things that you like. (Excerpted from the workshop in Salt Lake City, UT on June 29, 2002)
  • When you find vibrational alignment with You, you personally thrive. You feel good; you look good; you have stamina; you have energy; you have balance; you have clarity; you have wit; you have abundance of all things that you consider to be good. You thrive in all ways when you come into Energy Balance with You. Vibrational Relativity - that's what it's all about. (Excerpted from the workshop in Asheville, NC on May 1, 2005)
  • Nonphysical is not asking you to ascribe to some specific label or stand in specific corners or in specific synagogues or churches with specific words. You are beings who are blessed and who are deserving of Well-being, and you will find your Well-being in many different ways — and the labels simply do not matter. (Excerpted from the workshop in Dallas, TX on March 13, 1999)


Joy is the glue of balance for a Human seeking a way out of the darkness of depression and suffering. A moment of joy can erase months of  uncertainty and sorrow for a Human who is desperate to see the light of laughter. Joy is the staple of children, who seek it out, demand it, and use it to its fullness. The natural state of children is laughter and all that steps on it is inappropriate.

Blessed is the one who learns to sever "old issues" from their current lives, and instead build around what they know to be joyful in the now. The "inner child" is not your history, necessarily, but that of humanity in general. If you had a wonderful childhood, then use it to remember what it was like to have no problems, where the only thing you had to worry about was how long you could play.

The idea here is to search for the inner child that did play - perhaps the one in make believe or when you were asleep. It represents the overall childlike attitude, joy, play, and peace. If you didn't have it, you still knew about it! You wanted it so badly that the fact you didn't get it wounded you! So, now I ask you to create it as though it happened. This not only helps you to relax in the now, but also helps to "heal" the Akash and bring you to a place of forgiveness to those who have seemed to have taken it away. A true inner child experience melts the heart and creates a light where no darkness or hatred can exist.

Create whatever child you wish to be, but then go there and wallow in the laughter and giggles of a space with no worry or drama. Feel your heart and life lighten as you do, for remember, there is always sunshine above the clouds, where the child is, and where you are free to romp in the grass with the Creator - something you have done for eons.

This is the state of being that is next to mastery, for if you were to analyze the lives of the masters of Earth, they would all seem to be "childlike."

(Extracted from Chapter 7 ofThe Twelve Layers of DNA, Book 12 by Lee Carroll)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

the gift of your awareness

Give others the gift of your awareness. Be cause....

Your smile to a passerby may be the only recognition they receive from others. You may be the one bright part of their day!

Making eye contact and saying hello is the God in you greeting the God in the other. Therefore, you are:

  • Acknowledging yourself;
  • Asserting your power;
  • Demonstrating your belief in yourself (your self-worth);
  • Sharing yourself (sharing the love that permeates all things).
You are the gift!

A smile is a gift of light to all who experience it. Imagine that everyone you meet makes solid eye contact, smiles and says/nods hello. This is a recipe for peace!

Awareness is the difference between passive existence (being at the effect of events) and joyful participation (creating your experience - being the cause of your experience). Find joy when you:

  • Open doors for others whether or not they need assistance.
  • Wave, smile or dance to acknowledge those around you.
  • Send an email or post card to someone who has not contacted you for a while.
  • Do something unexpected that will delight another.
  • Give full attention to those who speak with you.
  • Respond to others with integrity.
  • Respond positively when asked, 'How are you?'
When an overfilled balloon bursts, the pieces fly in all directions. This is typical of the movement of thought, sound and feelings; the waves propagate in all directions in the ocean of beingness. Whatever you put out there is what you swim in. So, spread joy!


It is the distance between our many selves that allows us to experience discrete identities and moments in time. The past that you remember and the future that you would see is the now that simply is. It is true on another level as well. There is only one of us. When you look up at the stars, you see what you perceive as your past. Even when you look at what is right in front of you, it is impossible to see the present. The present happens then turns into a burst of light formed by energy dispersing and that light reaches your visual receptors and it takes time for it to do that. All the while that light is reaching you, life is going on, moving forward. The next event is happening while the light is reaching you. The energy burst reaches your eyes, your receptors send the signal to your brain which interprets the data. Yet, that is not what is now in front of you at all. You are thinking about what you are seeing, telling yourself what it is, deciding what you are going to call it, while what is happening now is proceeding your process and awaiting it. The more distance you place between yourself and any physical event, the further into the past that event proceeds. Place yourself a few light-years back. What you are looking at happened very long ago, yet it did not happen long ago. It is merely physical distance which has created the illusion of time and allowed you to experience yourself being here now all the while you were being there then. What you call space and time is the same thing. Everything is happening right here, right now. Physical distance creates the illusion of time. Nothing you see is real. This is your image-ination (imagination).

You can use your imagination to create anything. Your image-ination works both ways. You not only interpret energy, you create it. Imagination is the function of your mind, which is one third of your three-part being. In your mind you image something and it begins to take physical form. The longer you image it and the more of you who image it, the more physical that form becomes until the increasing energy you have given it literally bursts into light flashing an image of itself into what you call your reality. You then see the image and once again decide what it is. Thus, the cycle continues. This is the process. This is what you are. This is what God is. This is what is meant by 'you are both the creator and the created'.

(Refer to Conversations with God, Book 3, by Neale Donald Walsch.)

Monday, July 15, 2013

GOD Trilogy

Transcendent best describes the Conversations with God trilogy from Neale Donald Walsch. For those wanting to understand how life works, its reason and purpose, this trilogy will awaken your remembrance.
  • Book 1 - discusses personal issues such as prosperity, relationships and the nature of spiritual truth-with God providing clear, understandable answers. Further than the author's conversation with God, you'll realize that your own understanding and your own conversation with God is the true subject matter of this unforgettable text.
  • Book 2 - topics include time, space, politics—and even kinky sex. It is a contemporary discussion that honestly—and often humorously—explores life's critical issues and offers suggestions about how the reader's world can become a much better place when one’s mind is open to having personal conversations with God.
  • Book 3 - is a profound dialogue about culture, philosophy, and spirituality of highly evolved beings - some of whom we call "aliens" or "ETs"—in other realms of the universe. It explores how these beings have learned to view life, love and happiness and how we humans can follow them on the evolutionary path.
A sample of the content is given from Book 3:

"God is a process - not a person, place or thing. God is the supreme, being - the process itself, the creator, and the process by which God is created. Everything you see created in the heavens and on earth is God being created. The process of creation is never over. It is never complete. Everything is forever changing. Nothing stands still. Nothing is without motion. Everything is energy in motion, or emotion. You are God's highest emotion. When you look at a thing, you are not looking at a static something. No. You are witnessing an event because everything is moving, changing, evolving. God is an event. You have called that event life. Life is a process. That process is observable, knowable, predictable. The more you observe, the more you know and the more you can predict.

The one unchanging truth is that God is always changing. That is the truth. The one thing that never changes is that everything is always changing. Life is change. God is life. Therefore, God is change.

God's love for each person is always changing because every person is always changing. Therefore, God's idea of what is lovable must change as your idea of who you are changes. No one does anything inappropriate given their model of the world.

If you wish to evolve faster, seek to observe more. You are a human, being. You are the process. You are the creator and the created. See the God in others. God is a work in progress. Each of us is a work in progress. You are the creator and the created. The process that we are is eternal. It needs no help for you to occur. Life resolves itself in the process of life itself. (Let go and let God.) The way is the process which is called life itself. I am the life and the way....the event in progress...the process. All wisdom asks you to do is to trust the process, God, yourself --- we are all one."

self balance

Inner balance delivers the outer experience. Here is a short list of books on eastern methods of self-balance.
  • Workbook for Spiritual Development of All People, by Hua-Ching Ni, teacher of Natural Spiritual Truth. He is a model of spiritual achievement through self-cultivation. This book introduces meditation, postures, practices and a method of self-integration.
  • Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao, by Mantak Chia. This comprehensive text includes: opening the energy channels, proper wiring of the etheric body, acupuncture and microcosmic orbit, Taoist yoga and kundalini, and how to prevent side effects. This book aids in the development of a powerful energetic flow for physical, psychological and spiritual health and balance.
  • The Power of Natural Healing, by Hua-Ching Ni. This book offers a clear presentation of Taoist teachings and simple practices that people of all ages can use to nurture themselves and the health and happiness of those around them.
  • Chinese System of Food Cures, by Henry C. Lu. This book reveals a fascinating proven way of using the healing properties of foods by understanding their flavors, energies, actions and movements.
  • The Inner Structure of Tai Chi, by Mantak Chia and Juan Li. Taoist adepts developed tai chi as both a martial art and a way to cultivate the physical body, energy body, and spirit body. Like all Taoist exercises, its main purpose is to form a connection to the basic energy that is the foundation of all life: chi. This book explores the deep, internal work necessary for the effective practice of tai chi.
This list reflects one path to greater human expression. It is for you to determine what practices resonate with your beliefs and desires. It is for you to motivate yourself, expand your awareness and emanate your joy!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

transformational fitness and health

Masterworks Healing just completed a fitness and health series offering information for those who are proactive, responsible and preventive! You are powerful when you take responsibility for who you are spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally and so on. Fortunately, teachers are available to everyone through The Internet!

This time, Jennifer McLean brings us five experts who discuss functionality and easy ways to improve it (for men and women). Here is a brief description of the hour-long sessions:

  • Sara Gottfried (natural hormones) - nutritional and lifestyle changes affect hormone balance; prayer and forgiveness lower cortisol; take proven herbal remedies; take bio-identical hormones is short-term low doses; take probiotics; stress management by changing your perception; awareness in each moment is the key to balance. (Visit Sara's blog)
  • Caroline Sutherland (medical intuitive) - diet of mind and diet of body work together for a strong vital body so you can attract what you want; belief is the key; digestive enzymes; hormone balancing; daily exercise
  • Ana Forrest (yoga) - learn how to ask better questions of your body; change breathing for vitality, attention and peace; get active; connect breathing then feeling, and live in truth; yoga work: tiger breath, relaxing the neck, and shoulder shrugs.
  • Anat Baniel (physical movement) - map the area of the body to the brain: be aware of what you are doing and what you want; movement with attention; use your imagination, talk to your brain; slow down with exercise and movement so patterns get grooved in; give small changes in movement so brain detects small changes
  • Marilyn Mercado (lymphatic system) - twice as much lymph as blood in the body; stress is the number one aggravator to lymph flow; lymph likes thoracic breathing; salt bath with baking soda; use a rebounder so that feet always touch it (before sleep) or use a large ball to bounce gently (before sleep); use a body brush on dry skin (before shower) brushing toward the heart in slow rhythmic motions a few minutes each day; wear tights when you fly to prevent swelling of your legs; the body responds to GENTLE, KIND treatment; lymph system meditation provided.
This was a gold mine of information for easy changes to make in daily routine, exercises, thought process, and nutrition. And, there is no charge for listening and making notes for self-improvement. The overall theme is to know thyself. Pay attention to body signals. Find ways to de-stress. Take time for you. No one knows better than you what you need to live joyfully. There are many paths to a joyful life, so take the time to find yours.

In closing, quality of life is measured by your level of joy in each activity. Always seek YOUR path of greatest joy.

Friday, July 5, 2013

healing yourself

"Genuine feelings of love and appreciation for your body convey a positive message containing essential life-sustaining signals that result in excellent health.

The decision to accept ultimate responsibility for creating your life experience will empower you toward attaining a state of mental clarity and physical vitality.

In order to live well and thrive during these times of transformational change, it is to your advantage to embrace a belief in vital health, and to accept responsibility for the ability to create it.

Unresolved emotional traumas are the real core issues of disease.

Every illness actually serves as a positive message from one part of the self to another concerning your emotional responses to life.

A conscious commitment to live a better life must be made by you in order to induce the necessary changes required to create the ideal conditions of health and well-being over the apparent reality.

Either by clear intent or by way of beliefs, you will eventually manifest whatever it is that you command.

Collectively and individually your cells know how to keep your body functioning, and if there is a problem, your body lets you know.

When you affirm your desire for a safe and healthy existence, your senses open to subtle new attunements that stem from a reorganization of cellular codes of consciousness.

Reality is fluid; time and space are flexible to change, conforming to the perceptions of the beholder.

The belief that "there is not enough time" will lead to a stress-packed life, and heart failure can occur if the command about time is the predominant or strongest message sent to the body. The heart is the body's time keeper; every beat marks a rhythm that is entrained with the cosmos, in tune with the Womb of the Mother, the Galactic Center."

These statements are interspersed in chapter 5 of the Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak. This book will maximize your quality of life with guidance and explanation that is easy to understand and implement. The content resonates with your inner knowing. Each of us is a soup of beingness (consciousness); all the parts function as one. Furthermore, we exist in a larger soup of beingness that includes all others. Each of us is responsible for the vibrations we place in the field. In taking responsibility for personal health we guide the trillions of cells to what we want. You make your choice - every moment of every day - with every thought, word and deed!

becoming a clear channel

There are many accounts of ascended masters (including Paramahansa Yogananda, Jesus the Christ and Babaji) with various interpretations as to true meaning.

Lee Carroll distilled it into six attributes of mastery, which refers to being a clear channel of the Creative Source and healer.
  1. Own/believe that you are a piece of God (e.g., Creative Source).
  2. Fall in love with all life (understand, respect and see the systems in play).
  3. Look in the mirror and love what you see (that which is eternal).
  4. Forgive those who have hurt you (throw it away!).
  5. Love God with all your heart.
  6. Take everything in the first five attributes and give it to someone else (send light to the planet).
You might ask, So, how do I get there? You have to recalibrate yourself! Sit with yourself and analyze what you have to change. Take stock of who you are. Ask difficult questions:
  • What do I fear?
  • Do I feed my ego?
  • What am I angry about?
  • Can I stop reacting to what is going on around me?
  • What do I judge?
Now, pull in solutions to impossible problems discovered through the questions. Give intent for what you desire: Dear Spirit, I wish to have the solution to the problem in front of me, the ones to follow that I don’t know about and ways I cannot conceive, and I trust Spirit for this.

Implement changes with mindfulness moment-to-moment and day-to-day. As fear, ego, anger, drama and judgment dissolve from your experience, your vibration rises and you experience greater to the Creative Source. This is evolvement!