Friday, July 5, 2013

healing yourself

"Genuine feelings of love and appreciation for your body convey a positive message containing essential life-sustaining signals that result in excellent health.

The decision to accept ultimate responsibility for creating your life experience will empower you toward attaining a state of mental clarity and physical vitality.

In order to live well and thrive during these times of transformational change, it is to your advantage to embrace a belief in vital health, and to accept responsibility for the ability to create it.

Unresolved emotional traumas are the real core issues of disease.

Every illness actually serves as a positive message from one part of the self to another concerning your emotional responses to life.

A conscious commitment to live a better life must be made by you in order to induce the necessary changes required to create the ideal conditions of health and well-being over the apparent reality.

Either by clear intent or by way of beliefs, you will eventually manifest whatever it is that you command.

Collectively and individually your cells know how to keep your body functioning, and if there is a problem, your body lets you know.

When you affirm your desire for a safe and healthy existence, your senses open to subtle new attunements that stem from a reorganization of cellular codes of consciousness.

Reality is fluid; time and space are flexible to change, conforming to the perceptions of the beholder.

The belief that "there is not enough time" will lead to a stress-packed life, and heart failure can occur if the command about time is the predominant or strongest message sent to the body. The heart is the body's time keeper; every beat marks a rhythm that is entrained with the cosmos, in tune with the Womb of the Mother, the Galactic Center."

These statements are interspersed in chapter 5 of the Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak. This book will maximize your quality of life with guidance and explanation that is easy to understand and implement. The content resonates with your inner knowing. Each of us is a soup of beingness (consciousness); all the parts function as one. Furthermore, we exist in a larger soup of beingness that includes all others. Each of us is responsible for the vibrations we place in the field. In taking responsibility for personal health we guide the trillions of cells to what we want. You make your choice - every moment of every day - with every thought, word and deed!