Friday, July 5, 2013

becoming a clear channel

There are many accounts of ascended masters (including Paramahansa Yogananda, Jesus the Christ and Babaji) with various interpretations as to true meaning.

Lee Carroll distilled it into six attributes of mastery, which refers to being a clear channel of the Creative Source and healer.
  1. Own/believe that you are a piece of God (e.g., Creative Source).
  2. Fall in love with all life (understand, respect and see the systems in play).
  3. Look in the mirror and love what you see (that which is eternal).
  4. Forgive those who have hurt you (throw it away!).
  5. Love God with all your heart.
  6. Take everything in the first five attributes and give it to someone else (send light to the planet).
You might ask, So, how do I get there? You have to recalibrate yourself! Sit with yourself and analyze what you have to change. Take stock of who you are. Ask difficult questions:
  • What do I fear?
  • Do I feed my ego?
  • What am I angry about?
  • Can I stop reacting to what is going on around me?
  • What do I judge?
Now, pull in solutions to impossible problems discovered through the questions. Give intent for what you desire: Dear Spirit, I wish to have the solution to the problem in front of me, the ones to follow that I don’t know about and ways I cannot conceive, and I trust Spirit for this.

Implement changes with mindfulness moment-to-moment and day-to-day. As fear, ego, anger, drama and judgment dissolve from your experience, your vibration rises and you experience greater to the Creative Source. This is evolvement!