Wednesday, September 11, 2013

the power of feeling

Gregg Braden discusses the power of feeling in our heart in healing disease. The video shows a time lapse ultrasound image of bladder cancer healing in a medicineless Beijing Hospital. The hospital has successfully treated more than 100 types of illnesses.

Three practitioners, who were trained to feel the precise feeling, create the feeling in their bodies as if the woman is already healed. The word that the practitioners chant reinforces the desired feeling the practitioners want to hold. The woman believes in the process.

You see the reference image next to the real-time event. Within three minutes, the tumor is gone. Modern science says this is a miracle because they do not understand the field that connects everything or the language that connects the field.

The chanted word, loosely translated, means "already done". In the minds and hearts of the practitioners, the healing is already happened.

The field of energy reflects our feeling of what we are experiencing in the moment. The field mirrors now, this moment. What we choose to experience in our lives we must first feel in our hearts as if it already happened.

Watch the video and listen carefully to what Gregg Braden says about the field!