Sunday, September 22, 2013

staying even

How do you stay even? How do you center in your core? How do you stay compassionate and loving?

"Here is what I have discovered. I  think that God is inside us. And I have claimed that and it has made a big difference. And now I am going to live longer. I am relaxing. I don't have anxiety. My blood pressure is down because I know I am loved and all these things around me don't touch me anymore." Excerpt from the Lee Carroll presentation Philly-MINI-12 given in Philadelphia on April 15, 2012

As more people move into the knowing of God within, there is a wisdom factor that starts to happen on the planet which brings forth changes cited in Lee Carroll's presentation, The Recalibration of Free Choice, given in Dallas on March 3, 2012.

The changes regard spirituality, drama, longer life, water, integrity, The News, Big Pharma and The End of War. When you love yourself, you care about the environment nourishing you: the food, water, information and beliefs.