Monday, April 29, 2013

heart intelligence

Let's watch these three YouTube videos on heart intelligence. Why? Heart intelligence is the foundation of our being – that we intuitively understand because we experience love (attraction to something desired). Our physical world is (has been) largely driven by rational thought which often preempts or misuses heart intelligence. These videos give us the opportunity to create better balance in our feeling and thinking centers to increase coherence which equates to vibratory ascension.

The Institute of HeartMath shares fascinating understandings of the human heart as explored in more than 20 years of its research. The 'Did you know' facts are lesser-known gems of information to enlighten curiosity on how your own thoughts and emotions are affecting yourself and others.
HeartMath Research Director Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., says, "It's important to take a pause and really consider what our emotions are contributing to our environment and to other people. Our research and its applications can help people create a positive emotion-based environment that has real effects on physiology." 
McCraty said that the true nature of human emotion is one of care and love. He said HeartMath and other research shows that by focusing on these core heart-felt emotions, it can enhance one's connection with others, and that this connection extends far beyond the individual.
Learn more at where you can also download a free ebook.

Author Gregg Braden discussed the science behind miracles, the existence of an energy field that connects everything, and the power of heart-based emotion. Miracles appear inexplicable to the laws of nature as we understand them, yet they could be linked to the interconnected field around us, he outlined.
Our hearts generate strong electric and magnetic fields in our body which can change the structure of atoms; through heart emotions (as opposed to just thoughts) we contribute to the larger field around us, and can create peace and healing, he continued.
Recent discoveries about how the heart works show that it's in communication with the brain all the time-- a kind of coherence. Interestingly, he noted that the layers of the earth and its atmosphere (such as the ionosphere) share the same frequency as the heart/brain coherence. The Global Coherence Project is being developed to monitor how positive heart-directed intentions affect the field. Life affirming feelings help to perpetuate the field, whereas negative emotions contract the field, Braden suggested.

Gregg Braden – Institute of HeartMath 
(Uploaded on Oct 7, 2010)
For over 22 years, Gregg Braden has searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. 
The Institute of HeartMath is an internationally recognized nonprofit research and education organization dedicated to helping people reduce stress, self-regulate emotions and build energy and resilience for healthy, happy lives. Personal coherence, also known as psychophysiological coherence, refers to the synchronization of our physical, mental and emotional systems. It can be measured by our heart-rhythm patterns: The more balanced and smooth they are, the more in sync, or coherent, we are.
Global coherence refers to the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of the greater community of human beings, while acting in concert with their own hearts, each other and nation to nation in harmony with our living planet. HeartMath believes coherence on a grand scale is highly achievable when large numbers of people focus their heart intelligence on a common goal.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

love is the fabric

There is a prevailing belief in humanity that God (Source) is Love. Supportive reasoning follows. There are any number of natural disasters that could have removed humanity from the planet or the planet from the galaxy. Those things did not happen, yet we are beginning to understand that this has happened in our human past, that there have been societies and large populations that have been decimated. Of course, we can take the dinosaurs as an example. You could take various plants as examples, where the climate did not enable them to survive. There is a delicate balance that enables human life on this planet – by (loving) intelligent design.

One concept within religions/cultures is that ‘God poured itself into the universe creating myriad things’. We are co-creators with God. A corollary to that statement is that we are God. Therefore, God is within us. If God created myriad things, then we are God as well. We have the ability to love each other, to love all that is around us, to enjoy that creation and to thrive based on whatever it is we love. You can extend that into your family, career, a place – whatever it is that you find joy in being or doing.

And now we can take that a step further and say it was not a random event that we have the parents we do. We had to have chosen the circumstances for the purpose of experiencing something. And we know that life is cyclic. Most people, cultures and religions circulate the belief that we reincarnate – we are here more than once and come back many times. So, life is cyclic. Let’s say, for example, you learn something in one life in which you have a close relationship with someone who behaves undesirably. So, maybe you choose in another lifetime to understand their behavior from their point of view. This is expansion (expanding universe) and God (Source) experiencing itself through us!

How do we deal with that which we do not like or disagree with? How do we express love for that which is not appealing? Give your attention to only what is desired. As people uplift themselves, undesirable events occur less frequently. Let’s find ways to allow that which we do not like, and go after the things that make our hearts skip a beat…a job, a career, a person, family, community, a place, a way of living…whatever it is .

Therefore, success in life is following your bliss (joy) – doing what resonates with you. Make decisions in every moment that bring you the greatest joy. In that way you radiate the love that you are, oh co-creator with Source!

How do you allow dead wildlife along a highway to NOT hurt in your heart? Feel the following intention for the creature that is gone: ‘Thank you for being here. Thank you for making a difference in my life, for adding to the landscape of being, for your children, for your family and for all that you have interacted with. Thank you for gracing the world with your presence.’

Also, this applies to a pet or person in your life. This positive focus releases the pain inside. And if you remember that life is cyclic, the animal will be right back. The only constant in life is change.

So, let’s reframe the passing of a person from your life. Instead of feeling bad about what they will miss or what you have lost, thank them for making a difference in your life. Thank them for the space they filled, their laughter, smile, whatever the input into your life that was most memorable. Pick the positive recollections. Whatever the form of sunshine they brought into your life, thank them. If you were ten years old and they brought you a book that opened up your world, thank them for that. Thank them for those little things that made a difference in your life.

You have the power to say goodbye, to walk away, to design a new life for yourself. The power is yours. The choice is yours. Use your intent to proceed for your mind-body-spirit (trinity) benefit.

So all the self-help opportunities currently available (webinars, books, conferences) are tools for you to get clear about what you want in your life – to figure out how to resonate at your highest frequency right now, and right now, and right now. Always focus on what makes you happy in the moment. Decide which option brings you the greatest joy. Please keep in mind that the decision in the now may be for results of a goal you will not reach until the day after tomorrow or next week. The good decision in this moment will get you to that future moment.

Bottom line: the choice is yours and you are the creator of your life. So go forward joyfully. Find answers and tools that work for you – so you can raise the vibration of the planet in your unique way!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


“Thank you, food sources, for contributing to all of the things each consumer does today...”

Observe the nutrients in your food contributing to the various functions of your body. The functions, names of organs or end products of a reaction are the 'how' part of the process, and not relevant for effectiveness of the visualization. Every time you eat or drink intend yourself to benefit from it. Some people pray (give thanks), however, it is focused intent coupled with self-love that shapes your reality.

There is an interconnectedness between what you eat and what you are (as well as other variables such as exercise and breath). Endless research and studies on nutrition and health are pretty convincing of their relationship. Recent research findings point to the transfer of information rather than physical or electrical content at the cellular level to enable life. Likewise, DNA and stem cell reprogramming occur through epigenetic information delivered by magnetics, sound vibrations and coherent water.

The interconnectedness of things looks like these two examples. Each is a representation of a tree with branches and nodes (leaves/flowers). If you overlaid a dozen or so tree shapes you would have another example of interconnectedness, looking less like the tree on the right and more like the collection of circles and lines on the left. The soup of potentialities is as boundless as each tree that occurs across all the lands of this planet!

And stating that you could take these two images and immerse them in each other…merge them… this gives rise to a concept of what our DNA is like, its multidimensional nature and how we are truly connected to all things. We may not see the connection. It is not important to be able to derive the connection mathematically, although mathematics and physics can be used to describe the fabric of God. The important thing is to recognize the interconnections and conduct your life accordingly. That is where the law of attraction comes in.

A great example is to think about your first love, someone you just thought was the epitome of a partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever. You wanted to meet them and you thought about them and somehow you finally met them, or you learned something about them that pushed your toward or away from them. The point is that you focused on this relationship or meeting the person, a goal, and your focus on it and your intent drew it to you. Whether it drew something about the person you just did not like or it drew you into a relationship with them, the important thing is that it drew you to something you needed so that you could move on with your life, ultimately in a joyful manner.

If you think about it, let’s say you meet someone and you think they are fabulous. You get to know them better and you then say, "Oh, you know these habits or ways – that’s not how I want to live." So, maybe you are initially displeased about it but you are happy that you learned before more serious consequences came into your life as a result of proceeding with the relationship.

So, by way of these examples, it shows the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of things. We could look at networking in the business world. Why do you think people spread their business cards around, go to trade shows or attend networking events? It is because they want to get their information out there. They are looking for opportunities to do business, earn money, expand their business…grow!

These are examples of the interconnectedness of all things and we have the opportunity to expand ourselves in infinite ways. Of course, the power of the Internet has catapulted us. The person on the other side of the world is now our neighbor. It is awesome. By way of example, Massimo Banzi helped invent the Arduino, a tiny, easy-to-use open-source microcontroller that's inspired thousands of people around the world to make the coolest things they can imagine -- from toys to satellite gear. Because, as he says, "You don't need anyone's permission to make something great." Definitely watch it. Awesome inspiration; it will take you right off your chair!

This interconnectedness is non-linear. Thank you, Tim Berners-Lee and all who use the Internet. One step does not follow another. The inspiration that drew me to that video pertained to my inventor newsletter content. The point is that there is a web, a network out there. All things are ultimately connected.

Interconnectedness is a beautiful thing. Take advantage of it. Recognize it for what is and use it to grow and expand, to help yourself and others. This is what the new energy of 2012 and beyond is about. It is opening us to the new possibility, breaking down the walls society has given us by default through religion, education, politics, laws, rules, whatever. Remove the doors, open the windows, go outside and take a look around. Define a different lifestyle for yourself, a different way of doing business, having friends, meeting people.

Look for instance at Facebook. If anyone had said 20 years ago that there would be anything like Facebook, people would have laughed. The Internet has given us greater possibilities. And each of us can choose to participate!

So participate joyfully.

hints about your path

Following is a recent series of the Abraham-Hicks daily quotes that arrive in my inbox. Each is a powerful reminder that you are the creator of your life. Each quote is a gift, a message about your path.

We are all one Energy Stream, but what makes the separations or distinguishes the differences is perspective. You are a unique and individual perspective.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 1999 # 41

Your government is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. A war is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004 # 42

Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the "Fairies of the Universe" assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the fruit... You don't have to be the one who puts it in the ground any more. You can just skip across the top of things and pluck the fruit of all of the things you want. "Oh, fruit. Oh, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this." In other words, it's all right there for you; it's ready for you to receive it as fast and as soon as you will vibrationally let it in.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, May 21st, 2005 # 43

You don't have to go where you don't want to be to get where you want to be. You can go from where you are to where you want to be.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Friday, February 28th, 1997 # 44

Always, when you know what you don't want, that's when the rocket of desire is born of what you do want. That is the fruit of your experience. Now pluck it and savor it and enjoy it. Visualize it, and find the feeling place of it. And live happily ever after, once you get the hang of this.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999 # 45

New desire is what summons the Source and carries what is now into the future experience. But the thing that's tricky about the future experience is that the future never gets here, because the moment that it approaches—it becomes now. Tomorrow never comes because when it gets here, it's today.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 # 47

You are blessed beings, who deserve Well-being, and Well-being is making its way to you at all times. If you will relax and find a way to allow it — it will be your experience.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, July 18th, 2000 # 48

You have been oriented that you must pay a price in order to get somewhere, and in the process, you've come to believe that getting there must be really important, therefore, it must be your purpose. And we say, but if you're not getting to joy, then you've gotten nowhere. Joy is really where you're going.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 13th, 2003 # 49

Life is supposed to be fun. You said, "I'll go forth and choose. I'll look at the data, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this; and I'll paint a picture of the things that I want, and I'll vibrate about them because that's what I'm giving my attention to. And the Universe will respond to my vibration. And then I'll stand in a new place where a whole new batch of yeses are available, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this." You did not say, "I'll go forth and struggle into joy," because from your Nonphysical Perspective you know it is vibrationally not possible. You cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, August 2nd, 1998 # 50

What we feel from most physical beings who are using the word "want" is a yearning, a desire that is currently unfulfilled. When we use the word "want" we mean it as an object of attention to which I want to focus, a desire that I give my undivided, undiluted, not contradicted attention to, so that the Energy that creates worlds can flow through me toward that desire.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997 # 51

Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997 # 52

There is no right or wrong way to tell your improved story. It can be about your past, present, or future experiences. The only criterion that is important is that you be conscious of your intent to tell a better-feeling, improved version of your story. Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction. Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life. So tell it the way you want it to be.
--- Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 53

Monday, April 22, 2013

creating your path

None of us fits into society! Rather, each of us is programmed as we proceed through life. Education, advertising, news media, television and a host of other institutions promote incomplete information.

The challenge and responsibility is to discern what resonates with your desire (e.g., passion). Each of us is a master when we follow our bliss. With all the noise society makes creating a mental fog, often a person discovers what their passion is by learning what it IS NOT. How do you do that? 

With the blossoming of the Internet as a limitless sea of information, go fishing to make your discovery! There is no need to commit great funds and many months to a program for an uncertain outcome when you can explore for free or little cost many areas of study.  You can search for a particular institution of higher learning or an aggregator.  Search these three websites as a starting place: The Great Courses, MIT Open Courseware, Open Education Database.

Previously mentioned resources to assist you: ChoicePoint (aligning with your goal), Healing with the Masters (webinar series), Global Teleclass (webinar series) and Abraham-Hicks (law-of-attraction and daily inspiration). 

For those who feel challenged to proceed with anything, listen to the young, charismatic Jullien Gordon! (When you open this link be sure to check out the other videos in the right column for additional inspiration.) Jullien helps this new generation realize their full potential by identifying four types of capital that blend work in harmony. The need for balance between book smarts and street smarts is more crucial than ever. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx (Technology, Entertainment, Design) contains ideas worth spreading, "Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world". It is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. 

According to World Bank, each person possesses $734,000 worth of intellectual assets. Your knowledge and wisdom, ideas and concoctions, methods and systems, recipes and formulas, gadget or invention are at hand. Now, go forth and shine your own creative a free agent in the universe. If you listened to Jullien's awesome presentation, live your street smarts!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Healing with the Masters" Series 11

"Healing with the Masters Series", season 11 from Jennifer McLean is happening right now! Many interesting speakers and diverse topics bridge science and spirituality in this series -- for those who recognize that all things are interconnected AND that we are here to discover those interconnections as a means of raising our own and collective vibration. Speakers in this series include Mashhur Anam (life transformation), Clayton Nolte (properties of water), Lee Holden (chi gung), John Assaraf (human potential) and Jonathan Goldman (sound healing).
Another interesting listening experience is "Your Invisible Power: A Meditation of the Mental Science of Thomas Troward" (a retired judge from Punjab, India). "The Troward Lectures" date from the 1920s, but it could be a bit later. I found a YouTube video in which a female read selections from the lectures. The voice was challenging but the content was insightful.

Of course, Global Coherence Initiative and Institute of HeartMath are cited for their ongoing researches. FIRST, Howard Martin recently gave a talk on "Healing with the Masters" about accessing heart intelligence. These are basic truths that we all side step and science is discovering: Appreciation is magnetic energy that draws us to what we want; it permeates the energetic field. It is the door to peace. Everyone can feel appreciation. The shift of 2012 and beyond is the change in consciousness. SECOND, Dr. Rollin McCraty, PhD and Dr. Carlo Ventura, MD, PhD presented a tele-seminar titled, "DNA and Cell Reprogramming via Epigenetic Information Delivered by Magnetic Fields, Sound Vibrations and Coherent Water". Release the notion that DNA is unchangeable. Movement (change) is the only constant; change is evolvement, expansion, growth, life!

I invite everyone to pay attention to game-changing researches that bridge science and spirituality. Only by narrowing that (apparent) gap do we expand our consciousness, economic opportunity, educational foundation and a host of other societal drivers. The notion of (or label) "gap" is merely a lack of knowing or understanding the interconnections. We are bridging (building links) through observation, repeatability, design of experiments, intention and cooperation from the known (3D/4D world) to the multidimensional reality (which enables what we perceive as physical reality). Wow, this is what we have always done...from the horse and buggy to automobile to airplane to hovercraft to space shuttle. Now we are using it to explore beyond the familiar 3D/4D. Works for me...and you!!!!

potentialities manifesting

A book is a great example of potentialities manifesting in 3D. If you look at a book, let’s start with the writer who has ideas coalescing. Ideas are captured, organized and set to the page creating a book. In the creation of the book the author deals with a soup of potentialities of thoughts based on experiences. It could have been something read, personally happened to them, maybe someone told them something and they researched to learn more; perhaps they were inspired while sleeping. All of these thoughts were collected and put in a book. 

There are 100K copies circulating and each person reads the book and has their own thoughts about what they are reading. The book affects them in a certain way. Maybe they feel good about what they read and identify with it. Maybe they don’t like what they are reading because it reminds them of something unpleasant that they experienced. Each person responds with feeling (keep in mind the emotional guidance scale that includes everything from love at the highest vibration to depression at the other extreme), probably many feelings based on all they read in the book.

Now consider the effects of this book on 100K people; picture concentric spheres within each other and getting larger. For simplicity, the inner sphere is the 100K people reading it and responding to it. The next larger concentric sphere is the emotional effects of their feelings about the book. This sphere is hazy because there is the sphere of subsequent readers who have also read the book received from the initial reader.

You understand the progression of the sphere sizes through subsequent readers and responses. For each response, there is going to be a reaction perhaps just a thought. Maybe the reader will think about the book a hundred more times before they forget it, let it go, move on. So you have all these different thoughts circulating by all these different readers of one book. We are describing a soup of potentialities.

All of these thoughts and feelings, we create them. Someone wrote that book, and delivering that book to the public, they are affecting their thoughts, causing them maybe to change how they behave, or think differently about something that they previously had insufficient information to render an opinion (see something in greater fullness).

Consider too that the book is made into a movie. Now millions of viewers are reached with the content. Regardless of whether the movie is true to the book, it is just another medium of expression, a means of sharing ideas to enable people to expand. If you step back from everything just said, it will help you to understand that we are discussing an an expanding universe. We are co-creators with Source. Everything we do creates the world around us, creates, recreates, changes it, we are in constant movement. People are hungry for books, tech gadgets, communication with each other – relationship! It is because they want to grow and expand because this is the path to Source.

So you can take this multi-dimensional soup of being in the form of a book and insert in place of the book, a class, a friendship, a belief, a walk in nature, anything! If you proceed with what you wish, desire, intend, love to do in this life, then you are co-creating joyfully. People will feel uplifted as you shine your light. There is just something about you that makes them smile inwardly.

proceeding along your path

Lately, there are many purveyors of the new energy - how to navigate, how to succeed, how to raise your vibration, and so on. Objectively speaking, people search for a way to sell whatever their expertise is or whatever they believe. It is the way of human nature and business! That is what we do in this dimension, whether you are an artist or brick layer, you sell what you are good at.

Intent is the operative word for this energetic shift in consciousness. Intent is thought powered with feeling/emotion. Gregg Braden said it well, that they work together. They are two aspects of the one. (Feeling is the deep innate sense and emotion is the individual expression of feeling.)

Intent does not have to be spoken, visual or a physical action. It is feeling. There can be outward signs of the feeling or not. As I recall Gregg Braden speaking about a trip into the desert with someone who prayed for rain, Gregg sensed nothing about the other person’s prayer. When Gregg asked the man, the response was about feeling and smelling the rain – the experience of the desired outcome as having already happened!

Visualize energized water coming through the water pipes of your home in a vortex motion. Picture the hydrologic cycle of this planet. Be the Earth. How can anyone be the Earth? You know what it feels like when the water from your bathroom shower flows over your body, so you know what it feels like when water flows down a mountain, rounding various surfaces. Expand the visualization. Feel rain on your face and arms; see yourself as a tree in a meadow bathed in a spring rainfall.

I create whatever I choose but I have to believe it, feel it and visualize it with knowing. Of course, it helps to come from a place of love to make it reality. We all know that if you do anything from a place of love, it is a more rewarding outcome than if you do it from apathy or general acceptability. The outcome resonates with where you are, so be in a place of loving intention.

The various modalities and tools people are promoting, are beneficial when they resonate with your path. If you feel these things are acceptable but not for you, then pass them by; it is okay. The bottom line is about the feeling that comes from within you. All these other things are like training wheels to help you reach your goal. Maybe you cannot get from here to your goal in one step, so you take small steps to raise your vibration. Some of these tools will help you take the steps, but only you make that determination by how you feel about what the person is saying about their sound recording, visualization exercise, tuned product or other unique offering.

The speed with which you proceed along your path depends on how quickly you assimilate different ideas, how open you are, releasing judgment (limiting beliefs) and staying flexible to possibilities. When you recognize that reality is a soup of potentialities, then all boundaries fall away. Anything is possible. It depends on how much you want it, how focused you are, what your feelings are about it and, of course, the environment you are in – what draws your attention from it (the drama in your life). Your focus is your key. If you are committed and focused, the drama around you falls away. The things you focus on are everywhere around you. They are constantly within your reach whether it is mental or emotional; they are always on your mind. You draw to yourself what you think about.

Be joyful..!