Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Choice Point

The multidimensional experience of life based on quantum reality is upon us. How do I know? There was a consciousness shift in the culture of the USA to trust a man with integrity who has a vision. US President Obama demonstrated a level of consciousness uncommon in leaders because he is a combination of a white and black union. The marriage of his parents was actually illegal in their state when they united! US President Obama represents a new kind of conceptual thinking - AND he represents the idea of cultures and races coming together to create a human who is a meld of races and ideas, one who never takes sides because he represents both of them. Then in November 2012, he was voted in for a second term by the people!

Looking back a few years, the Soviet Union dissolved, the Berlin Wall fell, and a grand act of terrorism failed to produce a world war. Humanity in the 1960s and 1970s would have never believed such events could occur. The European Union transformed a European "continent of war" into a "continent of peace" for which EU leaders collected the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2012. In the USA, the banking and insurance industries have buckled and churned for their lack of integrity. 

These are seed events for a new world order based on surviving and thriving. These events are choice points.

"A choice point is that window of opportunity where you can make a choice between repeating the same kind of thinking and behaviors of the past, or to think and be something different, something bigger and better than you’ve been before. A choice point is a window of opportunity where you have the chance to align yourself with harmonious patterns in the world, those that serve your needs and the needs and desires of humanity."  - Harry Massey quote from his book, Choice Point - Align Your Purpose.

I am inspired! How do I learn more? Choice Point is a powerful new movie featuring visionaries including Sir Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Gregg Braden, Barbara Marx Hubbard, David Hamilton and many more. This inspiring movie will guarantee to change how you see the world forever. This transformative documentary film journeys into the hearts and minds of the world's leading change-makers - from billionaire philanthropists to a prison inmate-turned-life coach - from a 12-year old health advocate to the world's most recognized spiritual leaders and scientists. 

What they reveal in this film is already inspiring new ideas and changes across the globe. Through this movie their voices offer a profound message of hope as a pattern emerges that empowers each of us to be the changes - to make the choices that can not only transform ourselves, but also the world around us.

Visit the Choice Point website and watch four short videos:

  • What is a choice point?
  • Understand your world (inner and outer - the patterns)
  • Align your purpose (cooperate with the trend or pattern)
  • Be the change (become the experience)

"The Choice Point philosophy is about those windows of opportunity where you have the choice to do something different so that you are supported, rather than fighting against the patterns unfolding in society and nature. It’s about how in those moments, if you can recognize the patterns and align with your purpose you will be able to move forward with your life in amazing ways, and really make a difference in the world."  - Harry Massey quote from his book, Choice Point - Align Your Purpose.

Invest more time on this website to download his free e-book, take the Choice Point - Align Your Purpose Course and change yourself! Enquiry encourages us to look at the world and to look at ourselves. It is the opening phase of a new journey into learning about a new aspect of yourself or your life. When we look at the world, we observe the repetitive cycles of nature. The personal transformation is the global transformation!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Pallet of Awareness

The pallet of awareness is changing. For those paying attention, it is expanding. This is evidenced by an array of elevating information readily available through the Internet. Thank you Tim Berners-Lee for the Wold Wide Web enabling freedom of information for all!

My field of view arises from seeds of change:
  • Researches of Gregg Braden – pointing to a more positive interpretation of historical evidence.
  • Reconnective Healing originating with Eric Pearl – balancing an individual's energy field through intent. 
  • William Tiller's psychoenergetic science – science that includes human consciousness. 
  • HeartMath – connects hearts and minds. 
  • Global Coherence Initiative - a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention (positive emotions affect DNA). 
  • Gematria – products that combine research, technological development (laser acoustic resonance of molecular structure), and instruction in the art and science of well-being. 
I know that industries, politics, and media influence our lives into a holding pattern benefiting special interests. The basic question I have asked about life is, “What purpose?” Each of us observes and experiences life uniquely. Like my mentor, mythologist Joseph Campbell, I seek a common denominator, a fundamental premise that includes all the possibilities life offers. All of my seeking has resulted in Mr. Campbell's simple finding, “Follow your bliss.”

In following your bliss, a pathway is opened to you of the interconnections which the principals of my list above bring into physical reality. Each of us has the experience of love, whether for a person, an animal, a natural setting or an interest that becomes a passion. You cannot quanitfy love, but you feel it and you radiate it. Therefore, each of us experiences beyond this physical reality. So, we know there is more to life. Something pervades the physical construct, and if you pay attention to your own doings, you realize that your feelings drive your life. Feelings are intent, love, caring, compassion, gratitude and a long list of descriptors. Simply put, you drive your life!

A great question to ask yourself is, “Do I want to pay attention to what I want or what I do NOT want?” A restatement of this question is, “Do I want to invest my energy in moving toward what I want or to push against what is not wanted?”

A realistic ponderance is a road trip. You have decided that you want to drive from point A to point B. You get to point B by taking actions that move you along the path to point B, such as getting the car keys, starting the car, proceeding down the road and making appropriate turns in the direction of point B. If you push against the desire, you put other interests before it and the opportunity passes leaving you dissatisfied for not driving to point B.

Let's stay in the car for a few minutes. It is now nighttime and you are driving on a road that is not known to you. Your headlights shine a few hundred feet ahead of the car to show the way. You believe the road continues ahead as shown on your map and indicated by the road signs. You do not really know that the road continues ahead of you, but you believe (feel, sense, intuit) and so you proceed. It is this powerful belief that transforms.

In conclusion, here we are in the energy of 2013, a new beginning. I feel it in the air, my body, the faces of others and individual actions that probe into the underlying reality. This is the way of it – to move beyond our current awareness and discover all manner of interconnections, that is, our quantum nature. Enjoy the trip!

Game Changing Inventions are Within Realization

Since a soup of probabilities underlies our physical reality, the only constant in life is change. In recent years we have experienced changes in global banking, insurance and tobacco, with more to come. It ripples throughout the world community. These changes constitute holistic growth and expansion.

On May 2, 2012, the National Inventors Hall of Fame inducted its 2012 class of inventors during a ceremony at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Of Steve Jobs, Director Kappos said, “While he recognized the criticality of patents and trademarks in unleashing innovation—Steve Jobs also embodied a fundamental truth about invention—that design is not just what a product looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

One of the next great innovations is desalinization using nano-technology. Imagine a desalinization plant where the water never stops flowing, and where salt can be removed in real time. There is no heat involved. Using nano-technology, the salt water enters one end of the machine and fresh water exits the other end in a steady flow, ready for standard purification. The first stage of the system requires the release of sufficient nano-technology robots to find the dissolved salts and attach to them. (Every robot is magnetized.) All of the salt becomes magnetic with tiny robots hanging onto all of it. In the second stage, the flowing water is exposed to tremendous, huge electromagnets that pull the magnetic salt out of the water.

With that in mind, another great innovation is coming in electricity. A game changer will show that by drilling down 2 kilometers sufficient heat will be found to boil fluid. The solution is found with elegant chemistry that will boil at a fraction of the temperature that water will. Using substances and fluids with this chemistry within a geothermal closed system machine will provide heat for steam. Imagine, natural heat from earth that is forever! It will create electricity where it is needed. Innovation opportunity is ripe for harnessing the rhythm of the moon. It gives us motion of massive amounts of water on a timetable that has not changed for centuries. It gives hundreds of tons of push/pull energy for free. Where most of the large cities are, the waves and tides provide the power to light them up. Another game changer will build the apparatus to contain it, and some already have. We know how to capture push/pull energy, whether it is a paddle wheel or a float.

A third great innovation is coming in optics that will be developed for telescopes and it involves supercooling the filter. This will enable the viewing of quantum things in the cosmos. Astronomers will observe the two opposing forces in the center of the galaxy that they only postulate now. This technology will also launch a whole new science to study the human aura.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

07- changes in 2013

The year 2013 really is a demarcation of intent and affects manifestation. You start to prepare the fields for new energy and begin to plant the seeds using that which the old soul has: the wisdom of the past. These seeds of wisdom are planted into the economy, into the government, into the household and families. These are seeds of integrity and will speak of the wisdom of coming together instead of tearing apart.

Putting things together instead of tearing them apart has only occurred to you in the last 75 years.

New ideas are things you never thought of. These ideas will be given to you so you will have answers to the most profound questions that your societies have had since you were born. Inventions will bring clean water to every Human on the planet, cheaply and everywhere. Inventions will give you power, cheaply and everywhere. These ideas will wipe out all of the reasons you now have for pollution.

In what you call the New Age community, all of the processes from the one you see here [channelling] to the ones that the healer uses are all recalibrating. Some of the axioms you learned on "how to do things correctly" won't work anymore. There's going to be a more centralized focus into the one‐soul authority. That is to say, there will be less focus on groups and more on individual discernment. Call it a dissemination or dissolution of organization‐based wisdom and an emphasis on individual‐based wisdom.

What if, just what if, the individual's wisdom factor, based on all of his own past lives, created a set of parameters within him that were common to all? What if, just what if, there is a sacred pattern available that is common but only accessible individually? Then the individual discovers the sacred answers from the other side of the veil
instead of a committee of Humans in a meeting. Ponder these things before you say that what you have as
"common sense" is actually something that is forever.

You're not just the new hope of the planet, you always have been the hope of the planet. There's nothing new except that, finally, it's going to get easier. But for a while, you must understand the process of the shift and that change is not always seen as a good thing. So tiptoe lightly into this new energy instead of blasting forth with new truth. You're moving into the light in more ways than you ever have before and even your "truth" may change.

You've just come out of a dark era of more than 30,000 years.


05- planetary changes

In 1987, there was an event described as the harmonic convergence. It set the stage for illumination of the planet...illumination of the energy that is quantum and truthful about who you are. If you take it next to a number 11, you have the symbol of the harmonic convergence. It is the 11-11 and it was before what you would call the window of the precession of the equinoxes that would cause what is also known as the alignment.

Now, this alignment is the end of the long count of the Mayan Calendar, and it is astronomy. The astronomers and the Ancients knew it as the result of the wobble of the earth, creating the fact that the sky was always a little different every single night. Even the ancients were able to do the math and realize that it was the 26,000 year alignment.

The alignment starts and stops with the same attribute. When you can look at the center of the galaxy and the sun lines up with it perfectly, this is the start and end point of the wobble; it became known as the precession of the equinoxes. If you look at the sky and as an astronomer you want to see where it starts and ends in the last 36 years, it presents itself through the edge of the galaxy called The Dark Rift, which is what you call The Milky Way when you look up in the sky. As it precesses through that edge, it takes 36 years.

The consciousness of the planet is shifting.

It thinks in survival with honor and with love. It thinks differently for it starts to realize that unification instead of separation is the answer. It starts to try the hardest things humanity has ever tried...putting unequal economies together, changing the very essence of the way countries work, rewriting banking systems, thinking out of the boxes that were always there before, changing the way government works, aligning trade so that you don't have it all one-sided....and the only side that counts is Mother Earth!

So, when one benefits, they all do! It starts conceptual thinking, where it is not only the individual....it is the individual AND everything around the individual.


06- reality is 3D, 4D and higher

We are primarily focused on living in a 3D reality. The fourth dimension is time which is essentially an illusion. While our bodies are rooted in space and time, aspects of being are not localized - such as intuition and love. We interact with higher dimensions by using our consciousness to affect time and space in creative ways.
  • My body functions as a unit; all parts are simultaneously aware of what is going on within the body. A great analogy is a flock of birds moving in tight formation; they move in concert to the same information.
  • Each of us in some manner has experienced love, whether from a parent, a significant other, a sibling or a complete stranger. Love is an act of caring, whether for a moment or throughout a lifetime. This includes the passion expressed in work, home and play.
  • Intuition is a knowing without any physical evidence, something you feel in your gut or have an inspiration about. It may be a fleeting image or a repeating image.
  • Time spent in a natural setting is about connectedness to the air, scenery, sounds and earth. It invites rejuvenation.
  • Synchronicities or events that align to an intention are the normal function of the fabric of being. Observe those who live their passion. 
In the words of Tom Kenyon, "The consensus in the scientific community among neurophysiologists and biochemists and people who who look at what goes on in the body in relationship to hypnotic states of consciousness, altered states is that when you go into one of these states deeply enough and it is a healing experience, regardless of whether it is real or not, there are noticeable measurable changes in your neurotransmitters, biochemicals, hormones, how your entire neurophysiology is responding".

So, whatever label you use for reality, body parts, function, effect or point-of-view, there are interrelationships on many levels that are measurable and unmeasurable. We exist in a soup fluctuating between individuality and oneness...coexisting as particle and wave.

What that tells me, as a corollary, is that there is a default setting when we enter into life. We move along with the wind, so-to-speak, or we can make conscious choices along the path we take. The most influential determinant of your life is your feelings. Ask yourself what makes a great performer, whether athlete, actor, dancer or speaker. It is their love, dedication, commitment and joy in every act; it is their passion!

Two questions I ask myself repeatedly are:
  • What is my passion in life?
  • What is my passion in this moment?
It is important to focus on a desired outcome so that the overall path takes you there, AND to live as joyfully as you can right now. There is a balance between the answers to these questions that invites change.

Friday, February 1, 2013

02- sun patterned magnetically with gravity

Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day. You cannot separate gravity and magnetics, for they are two twins of the same attribute in science, yet to be understood as they relate to one another. Light is involved as well, for it is interdimensional also. When something in your reality can be shown to be in two places at the same time, it has to be quantum [interdimensional attributes] and light falls into that category with magnetics and gravity. Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. None of these three are truly understood. They are, instead, simply used. You know what they do, but you have no idea what they are. Time is the other one, but it is a result of the first three, and not an energy unto itself.

Also, your sun is sitting there with the planets pushing and pulling upon it as they move around it. Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. Imagine for a moment that you could see gravity and the incredible forces of gravity as strings out to the planets pulling upon the center of the sun. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not? For it is patterned daily all of the time, every moment.

This patterning is an interdimensional patterning of the sun. Therefore, you might say that the quantum pattern of the sun is different every moment, depending on where the planets are. You’d be right. Think of what the attributes of this pushing and pulling do to the sun when the planets line up in a row! Think of what happens when there’s what you call the seeming retrograde [appearance of backward movement in orbits as observed from another orbiting platform]. So there we are with a constantly changing pattern in the sun that is interdimensional, that is magnetic, that even affects time.

What do you know about the sun besides that fact that it is sending light and heat? The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth. And if you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you.

When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth. Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer - you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth. This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of yesterday when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’].

There are those who say, "I don’t believe it." We have just given you information that you are susceptible to the patterning of interdimensional orbital mechanics and there are those who say, "I still don’t believe it." All right, I will ask you this, how do you explain the full moon syndrome? The moon is the largest orbiting body to the earth, and it patterns the sun, but has a major influence patterning your grid with its gravitational pull. [Gravity is related to magnetics.] Why is it that police forces all over the globe decide to put on extra help on a full moon? There are some that say, "Well, that’s easy. You see, it’s lighter then and more crime takes place." No. That would relate to light, not the orbit of the moon, for it even takes place on a cloudy full moon night. Ask the hospitals, for they are involved as well, taking care of all the many accidents and challenges between Humans on these days. They know the full moon is a difficult time. Now, go explain that... and the only way is through astrology. Astrology is a major influence on Human behavior, and it is science and involves DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might do to help humanity when it is finally acknowledged? You are susceptible to the movement of the planets. You’re alive with Gaia. You are part of the system. How can you ever deny such a thing? That’s science.


03- new laws of physics

Take a look at nature. Almost everything comes up in the factors of 12. Mathematician, you know what the factors of 12 are. [There are six.] The most common factors of 12 that you see in nature are three, four and six. When you crystallize water on its own, it comes up with a six-arm pattern [a snowflake]. The crystallization formations are base-12 with the factors of 12 clearly showing, mostly with six. We have told you for many, many years that the elegant science of physics should be base-12. It is an interdimensional math that includes a zero that doesn’t mean nothing or infinity. A zero in universal base-12 math means the potentials of all the answers probable. It’s not an empirical math as in 3D, yet this math will bring you some realizations when you begin to use it. For instance, does it make sense to you that one of the most profound equations that you have, being that of the circle - called pi [π] - is an irrational number? [An irrational number in math is one having an infinite and nonrecurring expansion when expressed as a decimal.] It goes forever! Does that make sense for one of the most profound formulas of the Universe? We happen to know that on one of your spacecrafts to communicate with anybody who might find it, you put that number pi right on the plaque on the spacecraft. It’s like a communication in math, in case any intelligent life-force should find it, they would then say, "Oh, Humans have pi! Therefore, they must be intelligent." Let me tell you what an intelligent society will know when they see that. They will look at it and say, "These creatures are flying in space, and they don’t even have base-12! Look what they think pi is! They must still be in base-10." It’s like finding an advanced society with black and white TV. π as expressed in base-12 is not an irrational number.

There are six forces of nature. Although four is a factor of 12, six and 12 are the ones that appear the most, and are most nature-like. Look at the chemistry of DNA and behold the factors of 12 in the chemistry. It’s everywhere. Before I tell you what the other two forces are, let me tell you about naming things. I will give them attributes, not names, because they will be named according to what science wishes to name them later, and they will then explain dark matter.

There’s a difference between the galaxy and the solar system - a big difference. Newton, listen up. At the middle of a solar system is ordinary mass. No matter how big or how small the sun is in any solar system, it represents ordinary, consistent mass. When you get into the giant systems such as galaxies, that’s where the magic is, and that’s where the discoveries are. Years ago, we told you what was in the middle of each galaxy that would cause the rotation, even before it was notated in science. We said there is something in the middle that is interdimensional - a black hole. Some years ago, we then gave you the rest of the story; we said there are twins in the middle of each galaxy. There are two quantum attributes. One that you call a black hole, and one you cannot see that is its twin. They are a push/pull system of interdimensional energy. They represent the missing piece of the named forces of the Universe and the energy that surges back and forth.

This interdimensional energy has a cohesion to it. It creates a flat, rotating galaxy because of this cohesion. There’s a whole set of laws that must be developed for a strong and a weak interdimensional force. These are the last two, and now you have the six. You have gravity, you have electromagnetics, you have strong and weak nuclear, and now you have number five and number six, which are strong and weak interdimensional force.

Every galaxy has a push/pull system at its center. 

When you start mapping the Universe and you see how the galaxies are really laid out, you already know they’re not random.  

Your Big Bang was really a big, interdimensional collision with another interdimensional force. Interdimensionality seems to be chaos with a hidden pattern.

Picture with me for a moment a giant needle and thread, two of them. One goes into the black hole and one comes out of it. These threads are interdimensional strings of force that connect themselves to the other galaxies, weaving in and out of their centers, which are all double-eyed black holes. A push and a pull - an interdimensional force of which you are not aware of yet, threading the galaxies one to another and to another. Now, picture in your mind that quilt work having a symmetry and a purpose. If you could look down the middle of it, into the middle of the Universe from a certain angle, you would even have the symmetry of a mandala. The galaxies are shaped beautifully together in an elegant dance. The symmetry makes sense, and it’s base-12. We challenge you to find this. And those seeming threads that go in and out of those galaxies’ centers with this new force I have just described are a lattice. It’s a lattice with symmetry and purpose... the cosmic lattice [as originally defined by Kryon many years ago]. It has beauty. And it’s the missing energy of the Universe, as seen by those who are looking for it. The dark matter that everyone looks for is not in the empty spaces between things. It’s in the strings of the interdimensional force between galaxies, purposely put there. Oh, it’s a wonderful system. You want the dark matter to make 3D sense, but it can’t. It deals with the two interdimensional forces of the Universe that are quantum, and therefore out of time and out of the preview of your 3D formulas.


04- quantum sight

For years, astronomers have been putting special lenses on telescopes in order to give them different kinds of views of the Universe beyond normal light. 

It’s all about computer-controlled collection of what is hidden in the light, or what is available through other measuring methods. They know how hot things are, what they are made of, where they are going and their trajectory anomalies.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone on Earth came up with an interdimensional astronomical lens? And if they did, what would they see? They would see exactly what I’ve described. First, they would be able to see the twin black holes that appear to be one. An interdimensional lens is looking at gravity and time, and the warping of them into patterns.

If you were looking at the Universe with this lens, you’d see how the twins relate to each other, the pulse of them, and you’d see the strands connecting the galaxies very clearly. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? It would explain the missing energy, wouldn’t it? It would give the scientists the reason to increase the four forces to six! And... it’s doable.

  • You cannot put it on the lens. It must go as close as it can to the receiving device. In the case of an optical telescope, that is the mirror. In the case of a digital telescope, that is its digital eyeball. That is to say that this lens cannot go anywhere but the focal plane. That will be meaningful to those who build telescopes. It must go there where the focus is collected. 
  • This lens is not physical. This lens is plasma. The plasma is held together by incredibly strong magnetics. Oh, and it’s very cold. And those are the hints.
And when you develop it and when you turn it on and work out the adjustments to the magnetics that allow the plasma coherence, you will have the next step in astronomy - a revolution and a revelation. Physics will change; your reality will change; and I will tell you why. 

When you look at interdimensional things, one of the unexpected things you’re going to see is life! Life sticks out, because of life-force. You can look into a galaxy and the stars that glow [using the filter] will have life around them!


01- magnetic DNA

Your DNA is complex; it is elegant and every single piece of it is there for a reason. There is no junk, no waste, and it is beautifully designed. What seems to be random and chaotic is not, for the system lies very succinctly within the interdimensional framework of a system that works with those beautiful strands. In three dimensions, you see the double helix. DNA is not a strand but a loop.  

For within this loop you now have an attribute of potential electric current. You see, the Human Being is a bioelectric device and your brain and the synapse and your muscular reactions all work with the neurons that fire the impulses - trillions of them that make your body work. And so the electrics of the body suddenly are involved in the DNA, for there is a current that travels through the loop. It is miniscule, hardly detectable, even by the finest of your instruments.

DNA, therefore, has a magnetic field all of its own... each double helix. Oh, it’s small, but when you take trillions of those parts of a Human body, all of which have a magnetic field, the whole Human Being becomes magnetic. So there you sit and there you stand with scientific evidence that the Human Being’s DNA actually has a magnetic field.

This should tell you something else because of the physics of magnetics. If one magnetic field overlaps another, something will happen that is known as inductance. Inductance is that magic attribute where two magnetic fields overlap and intertwine and allow communications and transfer of energy to happen. In your electricity, this is used daily in almost every electric apparatus you have. What you should now know is that inductance is the engine of DNA change, receiving both appropriate and inappropriate magnetic instructions from the environment. This is why we have warned you repeatedly about not exposing yourself to long-term magnetic fields. However, another realization should come upon you - suddenly you have the potential of receiving information through the magnetic grid of the planet, since you are now aware that you have your own magnetic generator, your own DNA. 
