Sunday, February 3, 2013

06- reality is 3D, 4D and higher

We are primarily focused on living in a 3D reality. The fourth dimension is time which is essentially an illusion. While our bodies are rooted in space and time, aspects of being are not localized - such as intuition and love. We interact with higher dimensions by using our consciousness to affect time and space in creative ways.
  • My body functions as a unit; all parts are simultaneously aware of what is going on within the body. A great analogy is a flock of birds moving in tight formation; they move in concert to the same information.
  • Each of us in some manner has experienced love, whether from a parent, a significant other, a sibling or a complete stranger. Love is an act of caring, whether for a moment or throughout a lifetime. This includes the passion expressed in work, home and play.
  • Intuition is a knowing without any physical evidence, something you feel in your gut or have an inspiration about. It may be a fleeting image or a repeating image.
  • Time spent in a natural setting is about connectedness to the air, scenery, sounds and earth. It invites rejuvenation.
  • Synchronicities or events that align to an intention are the normal function of the fabric of being. Observe those who live their passion. 
In the words of Tom Kenyon, "The consensus in the scientific community among neurophysiologists and biochemists and people who who look at what goes on in the body in relationship to hypnotic states of consciousness, altered states is that when you go into one of these states deeply enough and it is a healing experience, regardless of whether it is real or not, there are noticeable measurable changes in your neurotransmitters, biochemicals, hormones, how your entire neurophysiology is responding".

So, whatever label you use for reality, body parts, function, effect or point-of-view, there are interrelationships on many levels that are measurable and unmeasurable. We exist in a soup fluctuating between individuality and oneness...coexisting as particle and wave.

What that tells me, as a corollary, is that there is a default setting when we enter into life. We move along with the wind, so-to-speak, or we can make conscious choices along the path we take. The most influential determinant of your life is your feelings. Ask yourself what makes a great performer, whether athlete, actor, dancer or speaker. It is their love, dedication, commitment and joy in every act; it is their passion!

Two questions I ask myself repeatedly are:
  • What is my passion in life?
  • What is my passion in this moment?
It is important to focus on a desired outcome so that the overall path takes you there, AND to live as joyfully as you can right now. There is a balance between the answers to these questions that invites change.

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