Monday, February 11, 2013

Pallet of Awareness

The pallet of awareness is changing. For those paying attention, it is expanding. This is evidenced by an array of elevating information readily available through the Internet. Thank you Tim Berners-Lee for the Wold Wide Web enabling freedom of information for all!

My field of view arises from seeds of change:
  • Researches of Gregg Braden – pointing to a more positive interpretation of historical evidence.
  • Reconnective Healing originating with Eric Pearl – balancing an individual's energy field through intent. 
  • William Tiller's psychoenergetic science – science that includes human consciousness. 
  • HeartMath – connects hearts and minds. 
  • Global Coherence Initiative - a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention (positive emotions affect DNA). 
  • Gematria – products that combine research, technological development (laser acoustic resonance of molecular structure), and instruction in the art and science of well-being. 
I know that industries, politics, and media influence our lives into a holding pattern benefiting special interests. The basic question I have asked about life is, “What purpose?” Each of us observes and experiences life uniquely. Like my mentor, mythologist Joseph Campbell, I seek a common denominator, a fundamental premise that includes all the possibilities life offers. All of my seeking has resulted in Mr. Campbell's simple finding, “Follow your bliss.”

In following your bliss, a pathway is opened to you of the interconnections which the principals of my list above bring into physical reality. Each of us has the experience of love, whether for a person, an animal, a natural setting or an interest that becomes a passion. You cannot quanitfy love, but you feel it and you radiate it. Therefore, each of us experiences beyond this physical reality. So, we know there is more to life. Something pervades the physical construct, and if you pay attention to your own doings, you realize that your feelings drive your life. Feelings are intent, love, caring, compassion, gratitude and a long list of descriptors. Simply put, you drive your life!

A great question to ask yourself is, “Do I want to pay attention to what I want or what I do NOT want?” A restatement of this question is, “Do I want to invest my energy in moving toward what I want or to push against what is not wanted?”

A realistic ponderance is a road trip. You have decided that you want to drive from point A to point B. You get to point B by taking actions that move you along the path to point B, such as getting the car keys, starting the car, proceeding down the road and making appropriate turns in the direction of point B. If you push against the desire, you put other interests before it and the opportunity passes leaving you dissatisfied for not driving to point B.

Let's stay in the car for a few minutes. It is now nighttime and you are driving on a road that is not known to you. Your headlights shine a few hundred feet ahead of the car to show the way. You believe the road continues ahead as shown on your map and indicated by the road signs. You do not really know that the road continues ahead of you, but you believe (feel, sense, intuit) and so you proceed. It is this powerful belief that transforms.

In conclusion, here we are in the energy of 2013, a new beginning. I feel it in the air, my body, the faces of others and individual actions that probe into the underlying reality. This is the way of it – to move beyond our current awareness and discover all manner of interconnections, that is, our quantum nature. Enjoy the trip!