Tuesday, April 23, 2013


“Thank you, food sources, for contributing to all of the things each consumer does today...”

Observe the nutrients in your food contributing to the various functions of your body. The functions, names of organs or end products of a reaction are the 'how' part of the process, and not relevant for effectiveness of the visualization. Every time you eat or drink intend yourself to benefit from it. Some people pray (give thanks), however, it is focused intent coupled with self-love that shapes your reality.

There is an interconnectedness between what you eat and what you are (as well as other variables such as exercise and breath). Endless research and studies on nutrition and health are pretty convincing of their relationship. Recent research findings point to the transfer of information rather than physical or electrical content at the cellular level to enable life. Likewise, DNA and stem cell reprogramming occur through epigenetic information delivered by magnetics, sound vibrations and coherent water.

The interconnectedness of things looks like these two examples. Each is a representation of a tree with branches and nodes (leaves/flowers). If you overlaid a dozen or so tree shapes you would have another example of interconnectedness, looking less like the tree on the right and more like the collection of circles and lines on the left. The soup of potentialities is as boundless as each tree that occurs across all the lands of this planet!

And stating that you could take these two images and immerse them in each other…merge them… this gives rise to a concept of what our DNA is like, its multidimensional nature and how we are truly connected to all things. We may not see the connection. It is not important to be able to derive the connection mathematically, although mathematics and physics can be used to describe the fabric of God. The important thing is to recognize the interconnections and conduct your life accordingly. That is where the law of attraction comes in.

A great example is to think about your first love, someone you just thought was the epitome of a partner, girlfriend, boyfriend, whatever. You wanted to meet them and you thought about them and somehow you finally met them, or you learned something about them that pushed your toward or away from them. The point is that you focused on this relationship or meeting the person, a goal, and your focus on it and your intent drew it to you. Whether it drew something about the person you just did not like or it drew you into a relationship with them, the important thing is that it drew you to something you needed so that you could move on with your life, ultimately in a joyful manner.

If you think about it, let’s say you meet someone and you think they are fabulous. You get to know them better and you then say, "Oh, you know these habits or ways – that’s not how I want to live." So, maybe you are initially displeased about it but you are happy that you learned before more serious consequences came into your life as a result of proceeding with the relationship.

So, by way of these examples, it shows the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of things. We could look at networking in the business world. Why do you think people spread their business cards around, go to trade shows or attend networking events? It is because they want to get their information out there. They are looking for opportunities to do business, earn money, expand their business…grow!

These are examples of the interconnectedness of all things and we have the opportunity to expand ourselves in infinite ways. Of course, the power of the Internet has catapulted us. The person on the other side of the world is now our neighbor. It is awesome. By way of example, Massimo Banzi helped invent the Arduino, a tiny, easy-to-use open-source microcontroller that's inspired thousands of people around the world to make the coolest things they can imagine -- from toys to satellite gear. Because, as he says, "You don't need anyone's permission to make something great." Definitely watch it. Awesome inspiration; it will take you right off your chair!

This interconnectedness is non-linear. Thank you, Tim Berners-Lee and all who use the Internet. One step does not follow another. The inspiration that drew me to that video pertained to my inventor newsletter content. The point is that there is a web, a network out there. All things are ultimately connected.

Interconnectedness is a beautiful thing. Take advantage of it. Recognize it for what is and use it to grow and expand, to help yourself and others. This is what the new energy of 2012 and beyond is about. It is opening us to the new possibility, breaking down the walls society has given us by default through religion, education, politics, laws, rules, whatever. Remove the doors, open the windows, go outside and take a look around. Define a different lifestyle for yourself, a different way of doing business, having friends, meeting people.

Look for instance at Facebook. If anyone had said 20 years ago that there would be anything like Facebook, people would have laughed. The Internet has given us greater possibilities. And each of us can choose to participate!

So participate joyfully.