Monday, September 2, 2013

talking to your DNA

Many people give thanks:
  • For the meal they are about to eat;
  • That their car starts on a cold winter day;
  • To the person who holds a door open for them;
  • For awakening to another glorious day of life.
So, why not give thanks to the DNA that enables us to give thanks in all those other ways? DNA just functions automatically (like the default settings of a computer program), unless you give intent for it to behave differently (the way you desire). Before you stop reading and conclude that I must be crazy, it is a scientific fact that intent affects behavior. By way of example, look at placebo pills.

You can intend an outcome with feelings of joy as you visualize its realization --- and bring it to you. That is how we achieve goals on the playing field, in the office and on a vacation.

So, let's give thanks to our DNA!

Thank you, DNA, for:
  • Using the nutritional parts of the food I eat and releasing the parts that do not serve me;
  • Monitoring my well-being and helping me remain in balance;
  • Using my original blueprint when making new cells;
  • Revealing my divinity.
Stand in front of the mirror (or not) and speak this thanks to your DNA with focus, intent and gratitude -- each morning and evening for a week or a month -- and experience the change!