Wednesday, October 2, 2013

truth is...

Truth is the attribute of when the human heart marries the love of God and the result is passion for your spiritual path. Those who have had this experience know your truth. There are multiple realities of truth that all lead to the same place. You are all connected! These connections are like the spokes on the hub of a wheel; there are trillions of them and they all lead to the center and they are called truth. Whatever gets you there!

The sustenance your life is food. The sustenance of your spiritual growth is truth; it is your passion. What are you going to do based upon the truth that you have is the marriage of you and your higher self. What are you going to do? That is your truth.

I have just told you that there is a spiritual truth for every human being in the room. It is isolated, separate and unique. Yet go figure this out, that when you get together somehow those truths meld toward one purpose. There is a commonality in this what we call quantum effect of commonality. There is a commonality  and you can call it the love of spirit if you wish, a commonality where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you and you are okay with that. And together you see one thing because in the connection between the truths there is a similarity and that similarity is the love of God, that higher self that you have -  that you claim to have - esoteric thing seems to straighten it all out. There is your singularity. There is your beginning. There is your end. That is what truth is.

In a quantum state you are with all life no matter what you think happened to it. The spark that was the consciousness of the human being remains the spark of the soul. It always is. For a while it manifests itself as a human being for the test of the planet or whatever you wish to call this here. When it leaves here it is still there. In a quantum state it invites you to join it. In a quantum state, communication is like that.

There is a commonality in this what we call the quantum effect of connection; you can call it the love of sipirt if you wish. Commonality - where the truth of the day is manifest in front of you.

Excerpted from the Lee Carroll presentation, Esoterics to the MAX, given June 16, 2007 at Mt. Shasta, CA.


There are as many different worlds as there are perceivers or Beings or individuals. You are not here to create one world where everyone is the same, wanting and getting the same. You are here to be that which you want to be, while you allow all others to be that which they want to be.

Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks book, The Law of Attraction, The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham.