Monday, October 7, 2013

sea grape visualization

The sea grape trees pictured here represent the Tree of Life for humanity. Visualize the trunks and branches as successive generations of people and the leaves as the current people on Earth. The roots beneath the grass are connections to life - the nuturing water, food and experiences. All are interconnected. Step back mentally and observe the tree and its roots as a sphere, a microcosm of Earth.
The little fruits are imminent manifestations - people, effects, inventions - that which draws humanity closer together to conceptually fill the expanding sphere.

Now, look again at the tree. It is now you and each leaf is one of your many lifetimes - a microcosm of a microcosm. It is your DNA field shaped like a tree! Each leaf is connected to you. You can call upon the attributes of the leaves because they are all linked to you. Reach into the Akash through your DNA because it is the doorway to all of you - just as the sea grape tree has DNA informing its expansion.

"I call upon my DNA to bring forth a life of complete health, vitality, the skill of a great speaker and all the other attributes that serve my expansion. Draw on my parallel lives to feed into this life the knowledge, experience, all the attributes needed to raise the vibration of the planet." 

What is required is clear intent that moves to the breath of Oneness.

The sea grape tree is a tree. It is you. It is all humanity on Earth. The sphere each creates is complete, whole, one. Yet, each has the other expressed in it.