Sunday, June 30, 2013

the many of one

A daily foray in the multidimensional soup is as easy as considering everything you do and the origin of those things with which you interact. Ideally and actually, it is the multidimensional soup, but as we see ourselves being separate, all of these things are in different physical locations.

A look at the product labels of the raw and prepared foods you ate today suggests that people from several states participated in your manifestation of the food!. People participate in the growing, harvesting, processing, packaging and shipping. People maintain the equipment used to do the work. Other people supply, stock and ensure quality of raw materials. There are sequences of events along converging paths that enable each food purchase. Many individuals contribute to each dining experience - and that is just one aspect of your day!

The perceived separation we experience as our physical reality is grounded in a multidimensional oneness, a soup of beingness where all these interactions coexist. Just like your daily interactions with people - no eye contact as you pass, short eye contact, a friendly hello, a hug, a conversation, a commitment to meet later - there are degrees of interaction. These are all expressions of multidimensionality, since every experience impacts you at some level.

Look at your individualness. You've got trillions of cells comprising your body and they all recognize themselves as YOU, one individual. You don't have a toe setting over there in a corner saying, "Well, I'm a separate toe. I don't belong just to you." It's all one package, and this is what the universe is. It's all one package.

Yes, the cells at the end your foot differentiate themselves; they appear to be toes, whereas the appendages on your hands appear to be fingers. But they are in constant communication. They all know they are part of the One. And we, deep inside know that we are part of the One, whether the One is the earth, the solar system or the universe or God. We are all related and interrelated. And we can choose or use free choice to relate to each other. We are each a piece of the oneness. And that's the wonder of life. The more we focus on our oneness, the greater will be our creativity, our joy and - I believe - our satisfaction with each individuation in the cycle of life.

"Waves of pulsating energies are the lifeblood of the cosmos, and even though you appear to be solid in form, you are actually made from vibrating energies that ripple in and out of your body as dancing waves of light. The composition of your being is much grander than you realize. Doorways known as chakras serve as non-physical openings, or gateways, into your field of identity through which subtle energy forces - etheric energy, or qi, or cosmic radiation - enter and exit both physical and non-physical versions of the body. There are seven major centers associated with the physical body and five that exist beyond physical form, extending your identity and connection to the web of existence into the depths of the cosmos. The seven chakras in the physical body correspond to the glands of the endocrine system, which direct a grand internal pharmacopoeia of enzymes, hormones, and intricate chemical intelligence that, along with the nervous system, assists in managing the body's numerous functions. Each chakra serves as an intelligence center for processing cosmic energy into the world of physical matter, and can be pictured as a spinning kaleidoscope of color, light, symbols and sound.

Life lessons are played out in relationship to a specific area of focus and development affiliated with each energy center. The atmosphere is alive with vital force energies, and if your chakras are open, energy will flow in and out of your body, assisting you in maintaining mental clarity, emotional balance, physical health, and spiritual renewal. Your beliefs, attitudes, and interpretations of life determine just how open or closed these doorways are. Fear contracts the centers, while breath, beauty, love, and laughter expand them."
Quote from Path of Empowerment, written by Barbara Marciniak; page 70.