Sunday, June 9, 2013

Conversations with GOD

Conversations with GOD, a series of books by Neale Donald Walsch, has expanded into numerous educational offerings for those seeking guidance, continued learning and connection to the energy of CwG, as well as those offering life support.

Visit the CwG store to find the Happier than God teleclass audio download, which includes 17 steps to greater happiness than you have ever known before. These simple yet powerful tools enable the listener to alter day-to-day experience forever. What a gift for the seeker of clarity!

Be sure to listen to Neale Donald Walsch reading US President Barack Obama’s September 25, 2012 speech to the UN on world peace. The speech is visionary in addressing the global community of which each of us is a member. membership offers a content-rich advanced online video learning center and a new program every week throughout the year. membership includes an affordable subscription fee, an interactive show, interviews, monthly Gathering of Intentions meditations with Neale, access to archived content and more!

The CWG Village is a special Internet location for all those whose lives have been touched in a positive way by Conversations with God and who wish to remain in close connection with Neale and with the energy of CwG, learning more every day about how to apply its messages in their lives.

The ReCreation Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit foundation created by Neale Donald Walsch to address the overwhelming response from people around the world who desire to do something tangible to spread the message of Conversations with God. In order to help people 'be the change they wish to see', the Foundation has created retreats, activities and programs that allow people to use this message to change their own lives and the world at large.
Be sure to read their guiding philosophies and sign up for their free weekly bulletin. Each week The Bulletin offers new and exciting content from Neale. The Bulletin is a part of what the Foundation puts into the world to help explain current events, expound on areas which are sometimes a challenge and to enrich your lives.

Enjoy the free video and audio media, including the commentary on President Obama's speech to the UN on world peace.

Thank you, Neale, for being the change you wish to see - and sharing it with the world!