Tuesday, April 23, 2013

hints about your path

Following is a recent series of the Abraham-Hicks daily quotes that arrive in my inbox. Each is a powerful reminder that you are the creator of your life. Each quote is a gift, a message about your path.

We are all one Energy Stream, but what makes the separations or distinguishes the differences is perspective. You are a unique and individual perspective.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, January 31st, 1999 # 41

Your government is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. A war is the by-product of the vibration of the masses. In other words, this is not a war that your government has waged against your will. This is a war that has grown vibrationally from the vibration of the masses.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Tarrytown, NY on Saturday, May 8th, 2004 # 42

Take the worthiness that is yours, and let the "Fairies of the Universe" assist you. Stop taking so much responsibility upon yourself, and live happily ever after. Shorten that crevasse between where you are and where you want to be, on every subject, to now, now, now, now, now. Ride the wave. Just pluck the fruit... You don't have to be the one who puts it in the ground any more. You can just skip across the top of things and pluck the fruit of all of the things you want. "Oh, fruit. Oh, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this, delicious this." In other words, it's all right there for you; it's ready for you to receive it as fast and as soon as you will vibrationally let it in.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, May 21st, 2005 # 43

You don't have to go where you don't want to be to get where you want to be. You can go from where you are to where you want to be.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Napa, CA on Friday, February 28th, 1997 # 44

Always, when you know what you don't want, that's when the rocket of desire is born of what you do want. That is the fruit of your experience. Now pluck it and savor it and enjoy it. Visualize it, and find the feeling place of it. And live happily ever after, once you get the hang of this.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Spokane, WA on Wednesday, July 7th, 1999 # 45

New desire is what summons the Source and carries what is now into the future experience. But the thing that's tricky about the future experience is that the future never gets here, because the moment that it approaches—it becomes now. Tomorrow never comes because when it gets here, it's today.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boston, MA on Saturday, October 2nd, 2004 # 47

You are blessed beings, who deserve Well-being, and Well-being is making its way to you at all times. If you will relax and find a way to allow it — it will be your experience.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in St. Louis, MO on Tuesday, July 18th, 2000 # 48

You have been oriented that you must pay a price in order to get somewhere, and in the process, you've come to believe that getting there must be really important, therefore, it must be your purpose. And we say, but if you're not getting to joy, then you've gotten nowhere. Joy is really where you're going.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Saturday, December 13th, 2003 # 49

Life is supposed to be fun. You said, "I'll go forth and choose. I'll look at the data, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this; and I'll paint a picture of the things that I want, and I'll vibrate about them because that's what I'm giving my attention to. And the Universe will respond to my vibration. And then I'll stand in a new place where a whole new batch of yeses are available, and I'll say yes to this and yes to this and yes to this." You did not say, "I'll go forth and struggle into joy," because from your Nonphysical Perspective you know it is vibrationally not possible. You cannot struggle to joy. Struggle and joy are not on the same channel. You joy your way to joy. You laugh your way to success. It is through your joy that good things come.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Los Angeles, CA on Sunday, August 2nd, 1998 # 50

What we feel from most physical beings who are using the word "want" is a yearning, a desire that is currently unfulfilled. When we use the word "want" we mean it as an object of attention to which I want to focus, a desire that I give my undivided, undiluted, not contradicted attention to, so that the Energy that creates worlds can flow through me toward that desire.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Silver Spring, MD on Saturday, April 19th, 1997 # 51

Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.
--- Excerpted from the workshop in Boca Raton, FL on Sunday, January 12th, 1997 # 52

There is no right or wrong way to tell your improved story. It can be about your past, present, or future experiences. The only criterion that is important is that you be conscious of your intent to tell a better-feeling, improved version of your story. Telling many good-feeling short stories throughout your day will change your point of attraction. Just remember that the story you tell is the basis of your life. So tell it the way you want it to be.
--- Excerpted from the book "Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness" # 53