Sunday, April 21, 2013

proceeding along your path

Lately, there are many purveyors of the new energy - how to navigate, how to succeed, how to raise your vibration, and so on. Objectively speaking, people search for a way to sell whatever their expertise is or whatever they believe. It is the way of human nature and business! That is what we do in this dimension, whether you are an artist or brick layer, you sell what you are good at.

Intent is the operative word for this energetic shift in consciousness. Intent is thought powered with feeling/emotion. Gregg Braden said it well, that they work together. They are two aspects of the one. (Feeling is the deep innate sense and emotion is the individual expression of feeling.)

Intent does not have to be spoken, visual or a physical action. It is feeling. There can be outward signs of the feeling or not. As I recall Gregg Braden speaking about a trip into the desert with someone who prayed for rain, Gregg sensed nothing about the other person’s prayer. When Gregg asked the man, the response was about feeling and smelling the rain – the experience of the desired outcome as having already happened!

Visualize energized water coming through the water pipes of your home in a vortex motion. Picture the hydrologic cycle of this planet. Be the Earth. How can anyone be the Earth? You know what it feels like when the water from your bathroom shower flows over your body, so you know what it feels like when water flows down a mountain, rounding various surfaces. Expand the visualization. Feel rain on your face and arms; see yourself as a tree in a meadow bathed in a spring rainfall.

I create whatever I choose but I have to believe it, feel it and visualize it with knowing. Of course, it helps to come from a place of love to make it reality. We all know that if you do anything from a place of love, it is a more rewarding outcome than if you do it from apathy or general acceptability. The outcome resonates with where you are, so be in a place of loving intention.

The various modalities and tools people are promoting, are beneficial when they resonate with your path. If you feel these things are acceptable but not for you, then pass them by; it is okay. The bottom line is about the feeling that comes from within you. All these other things are like training wheels to help you reach your goal. Maybe you cannot get from here to your goal in one step, so you take small steps to raise your vibration. Some of these tools will help you take the steps, but only you make that determination by how you feel about what the person is saying about their sound recording, visualization exercise, tuned product or other unique offering.

The speed with which you proceed along your path depends on how quickly you assimilate different ideas, how open you are, releasing judgment (limiting beliefs) and staying flexible to possibilities. When you recognize that reality is a soup of potentialities, then all boundaries fall away. Anything is possible. It depends on how much you want it, how focused you are, what your feelings are about it and, of course, the environment you are in – what draws your attention from it (the drama in your life). Your focus is your key. If you are committed and focused, the drama around you falls away. The things you focus on are everywhere around you. They are constantly within your reach whether it is mental or emotional; they are always on your mind. You draw to yourself what you think about.

Be joyful..!