"Healing with the Masters Series", season 11 from Jennifer McLean is happening right now! Many interesting speakers and diverse topics bridge science and spirituality in this series -- for those who recognize that all things are interconnected AND that we are here to discover those interconnections as a means of raising our own and collective vibration. Speakers in this series include Mashhur Anam (life transformation), Clayton Nolte (properties of water), Lee Holden (chi gung), John Assaraf (human potential) and Jonathan Goldman (sound healing).
Another interesting listening experience is "Your Invisible
Power: A Meditation of the Mental Science of Thomas Troward" (a retired
judge from Punjab, India). "The Troward Lectures" date from
the 1920s, but it could be a bit later. I found a YouTube video in which a
female read selections from the lectures. The voice was challenging but the
content was insightful.
Of course, Global Coherence Initiative and Institute of
HeartMath are cited for their ongoing researches. FIRST, Howard Martin recently gave a
talk on "Healing with the Masters" about accessing heart
intelligence. These are basic truths that we all side step and science is
discovering: Appreciation is magnetic energy that draws us to what we want; it
permeates the energetic field. It is the door to peace. Everyone can feel
appreciation. The shift of 2012 and beyond is the change in consciousness.
SECOND, Dr. Rollin McCraty, PhD and Dr. Carlo Ventura, MD, PhD presented a
tele-seminar titled, "DNA and Cell Reprogramming via Epigenetic Information
Delivered by Magnetic Fields, Sound Vibrations and Coherent Water".
Release the notion that DNA is unchangeable. Movement (change) is the only
constant; change is evolvement, expansion, growth, life!
I invite everyone to pay attention to game-changing researches that bridge
science and spirituality. Only by narrowing that (apparent) gap do we expand
our consciousness, economic opportunity, educational foundation and a host of
other societal drivers. The notion of (or label) "gap" is merely a
lack of knowing or understanding the interconnections. We are bridging
(building links) through observation, repeatability, design of experiments,
intention and cooperation from the known (3D/4D world) to the multidimensional
reality (which enables what we perceive as physical reality). Wow, this is what
we have always done...from the horse and buggy to automobile to airplane to
hovercraft to space shuttle. Now we are using it to explore beyond the familiar
3D/4D. Works for me...and you!!!!