Wednesday, July 31, 2013

reality is fluid

The choice to inherently trust yourself activates a thriving version of life based on a belief in self-empowerment. You are in charge of your life; feelings of tolerance, love, respect, sharing, caring, kindness, honesty, gratitude, and forgiveness not only build sound moral character, they bring peace of mind. When you affirm your desire for a safe and healthy existence, your senses open to subtle new attunements that stem from a reorganization of cellular codes of consciousness. These codes activate programs for new and extraordinary perceptions -- literally creating a new avenue of life for you to travel.

The courage to claim your self-trust offers a new form of personal freedom. The choice to create a safe, honest, respectful, and pleasant experience in all realities is entirely up to you. When life-enhancing beliefs are embraced, a distinct vitality exudes from your physical form, and you are wired, so to speak, to the max. An exuberant state of mind makes you much more receptive to the vibrant effects of the cosmic radiated energy. When this energy enters your chakras, your senses are open to new realizations; you can gain profound spiritual understanding of how events that have occurred in this lifetime are interwoven with events in other lines of time. Reality is fluid; time and space are flexible to change, conforming to the perceptions of the beholder. Your perceptual shifts in the here and now actually ripple throughout the lines of time, broadcasting your selection of new codes of consciousness. And this is how a healing along the lines of time occurs.

Events and experiences can always be reinterpreted because they are comprised of layers and layers of significant agreements; when seen from other perspectives, the hills and vales of life take on a whole new purpose and meaning. The healing of the human gene pool is about releasing trapped pain and fear by transforming old thought patterns that contain restrictive attitude, and bringing a state of higher awareness into the body. Asking "why" you create something changes your brain wave frequencies to open communication with the cosmic mind. Seeking greater meaning reestablishes the equilibrium of the body's natural to cure itself; and from the bigger picture, on the playing field of existence, all healing is reinterpreting what you believe has happened to you.

Opportunities abound when you choose to heal your relationship with your physical form. The more you pay attention to and acknowledge your body's messages, especially the "gut feelings" that come from the brain into your belly, the more you will learn. Intuitive intelligence is a natural expression of your connection to the non-local cosmic mind, which transcends space and time. Trust and follow your finest instincts.

(Extracted from chapter 5 of Path of Empowerment by Barbara Marciniak.)

As stated on the front cover, Path of Empowerment is a spectacular book for "changing beliefs, reclaiming your power, and creating a world of unlimited possibilities."