Wednesday, July 31, 2013


There is no right or wrong, and there is no empirical manual on channelling. It's personal and private, and each person who does it knows how unique an experience it is.

It's the closest thing you can do to "get in touch with the God within," yet many feel that God (or what you think of as God) has nothing to do with it. Channelling is the method of transfer of all spiritual knowledge. All of the Holy Scriptures on the planet, no matter what your religion, were written by Humans. "God" wrote none of them! Therefore, there has to be some kind of acknowledgement of this bridge between the message and the messenger. If Humans wrote all this (which they did), then where did they get the information?

In Christianity, even the Pope has a method for receiving divine information and a sanctioned place he can be where everything he says in infallible. As Christ's Vicar, he has the right to sit in the Chair of St. Peter in the Vatican, where a process called "Ex Cathedra" takes place.

Even Paul the Apostle, while writing to his friends from a jail cell in Rome, had this very attribute -- for these letters to friends became at least seven books of the New Testament! Yet when Christians speak of the Bible, it is the "word of God." Actually, it is the word of a Human under the influence of spiritual energy. Paul "channelled" much of the New Testament via his letters. To many Christians, it was "Holy Spirit" who came to Paul and gave him his information, which is used by Catholic and non-Catholic alike. In all cases, there was an unspoken and unseen energy that allowed a Human to speak about the truth of God. This process is accepted in every religion.

My God is personal, alive and dwelling in my cellular structure! Messages are forthcoming all the time, and they don't disagree with others who are getting the same kind of energy. In fact, they don't even disagree with Paul! For I firmly believe that the messages of the ancients, no matter what religion, were all about self-empowerment and finding peace within ourselves and between others on this planet through finding the creator within. If you really go back and study the original messages from the greatest prophets on Earth, there is a wonderful symmetry of the messages and a beautiful sameness of thought.

(Content lifted from The Twelve Layers of DNA, Book 12, Chapter 2 by Lee Carroll.)