Sunday, December 1, 2013

being and becoming

I live in a state of being and becoming. Each of us does. It's important to recognize this. We never really get there. We never get it all done. There is never a day when you say, "I'm finished. I've done everything. There's nothing left to do."

Life is amazing. Each day life brings you new experiences - new thoughts, new conclusions, new desires. It's just unending. Life is so vast, so fulfilling, so becoming.

I find my trigger for becoming is in my sleep...a word, a thought, a feeling - something that I experience and have an intuition about. The greater me asks, "Is that where I am going? Yes, that is where I am going. Yes, that is what I understand. Yes, that feels right."

My becoming is a fleeting moment of understanding - a truth that resonates throughout my being - not based in my brain where past experience contributes to the decision on how to proceed. My becoming is rooted in senses (connections) that are boundless. I am a molecule in the soup of beingness and that which is attracted to me or proximal at any moment expresses my interconnectedness. As I focus on what I desire and feel its embodiment, my local environment shifts to manifest my desire. My becoming is a state of knowing that all is well and I have free choice. So, I proceed joyfully in each moment because that is the becoming.

refinement on the path

What choices do you make to improve yourself (increase your vibration)? Think about what you enjoy. Make time for these experiences in your day, week or month. 

You might start with the observation, "I savor a simpler life surrounded by the great outdoors." Choices enabling this might include:

  • Tai chi/qigong practice at a nearby park with friends.
  • Riding your bicycle along the ocean.
  • A diet of recently living plants and animals for greater chi content.
  • Using products that promote a healthy lifestyle (such has supportive mattress and footwear).
  • Physical grounding to earth - walking barefoot on the beach.
  • Eliminating TV, newspapers and magazines with fear-promoting content.
  • Infusing prana to all the cells of your body with each breath.
  • Communicating love to your whole being with the inner smile meditation.
  • Listening to music that resonates with your being.
  • Humming or singing to release your inner joy onto the world.
  • Gleaning the best of what comes into your experience.
  • Abraham-Hicks daily quotes in your email.
Those around you now sense your joy in the things you do, your appreciation of the world and your energy for what is next!

This is a path of mastery.

a path to joy

Anyone who has read all of the preceding blog entries will realize this is a short list of how to put yourself on the path of greater joy. You shine your light and others sense the change in you - and that changes them. The net result raises the vibration of the field in which we co-exist. And this birngs us closer to God, which is synonymous with love.
  • Allow others to be who they are. Allow yourself to be who you are.
  • Cultivate authentic relationships with yourself and others. See God in yourself and the other.
  • Release judgment. Find a way to discharge negative feelings about past experience and current impressions. Look for the learning, good outcome or opportunity.
  • Act on your intuition. It's your first impression of something you saw, felt, experienced.
  • Love yourself. Put yourself first. By taking care of yourself first, you stand powerfully to help others whether it is your spouse, children, parents, friends, co-workers or a stranger.
  • Be present. Participate in the now fully. When someone speaks to you, give them your full attention. When you commit to something, be fully present in it.
  • Live from your heart. Listen to your feelings. What is your feeling about something you are doing, wanting, something happening around you. Follow the best feelings you can in any moment. What brings you the greatest joy? Follow it.
When you focus on the Emotional Guidance Scale in everything you do, you will increase your and the collective vibration. That is what the Ascended Masters have done. It is what we (can) do - with free will, of course!

In the words of Jean Houston, "We are the neurons or the cancer of the planet." You choose!

reconnect with joy

The Institute of HeartMath® offers opportunities for self-improvement, which in energetic terms means raising your vibration by elevating your feelings. Recall Abraham-Hicks' emotional guidance scale (depression and rage as low vibrations and love and joy as high vibrations). In addition to free downloads and monitoring products, HeartMath® offers self-help that includes these inexpensive books:
Visit HeartMath® and explore their vast resources to help you reconnect with the joy in your life. Just like a child learning to walk, your future begins with your first step. It is all about free choice. You are responsible for how you respond to your life. When you proactively choose, you gain control of your life and rediscover the joy you knew as a child taking those first steps to walk.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

how synchronicity works

This is an excerpt from the Lee Carroll presentation "Synchronicity - The Way It Works" given in Asheville, NC on August 24, 2013.

"Here's how synchronicity works: You come to a meeting like this and you meet somebody for the first time. Perhaps you meet them in a place in the back or in the hallway. You get to talking and you find out that you have common interests. Often they have information you need or you have something they need, and you both leave with a connection you didn't expect. Then the connection leads to something else, for they know people that you don't know and vice versa. Later, you might call them or meet with them. Then, outside of what you originally thought about, you might find yourself working in an area you didn't expect to work in, which fulfills a lot of the things that you originally wanted.

Sometimes you arrive with no expectation at all, but you meet a partner of your life! This happens over and over to many, because they decide to come to where family is. Over and over, Human Beings have resigned themselves to being alone in life. Then they'll come to a meeting of like minds and they'll find somebody that fits them. Life changes, and there is sometimes romance and synchronicity. You didn't plan it! Do you see the difference? 

The Human who steps out of the door on the way to this meeting does what? He shows up and has a great time, but all the while, he/she is open to synchronicity. "Dear Spirit, if I'm supposed to meet somebody, then let me have the signals within my intuition to at least look for it." Do you see the difference here? Synchronicity is planning for concepts that you cannot define.

I am sitting in a room of old souls and at least a quarter of you know exactly what I'm talking about. You're here because of it; somebody showed you something that perhaps made you look at things differently. It didn't give you a doctrine, did it? It only made you look. Can you put a price on that? It made you look into a place that showed you that you are divinely built, and perhaps biology has something more in it, something called innate. Innate is body intelligence and knows who you are. It works with the Human Being whenever asked. It is a consciousness within a consciousness, and it hooks you up with synchronicity. It does it way beyond the laws of average and way beyond the bell-shaped curve. So I just gave you the scenario that can happen over and over in meetings like this, in small gatherings, and in large gatherings."

what you are

Michael Beckwith, who teaches universal truth principles found in the New Thought-Ancient Wisdom tradition of spirituality, is another great motivator who was interviewed for HWTM-12. A few pearls of his wisdom are offered here:
  • God can only be known within - through your attention.
  • We are emanations of God and never separated from God - like light waves from our sun. We are the life of God - an evolutionary impulse - omniactive.
  • In moments of meditation we recognize omnipresence. (Presence, not an absence!)
  • Spiritual practice (yoga, chant, praying, audio inspiration) offers insight beyond perception (filters - such as doubt, fear, anger). It sustains aha moments that free limited perception.
  • Be with people of higher vibration to help maintain expanded perception so you can shift with the right conditions.
  • Serve the greater good.
  • Center your life around what you love or desire to achieve.
  • See your goal as already achieved to mold energy. When the condition is right, the potential erupts consciously creating our lives. (Feel - embody - show up.)
  • We are a dimension of the soup of God.
  • Open yourself to the awe of the universe.
  • Laughter is a stepping stone.

what you want

Jean Houston was one of the speakers on HWTM-12 and here are some gems she offered listeners:
  • We are the neurons OR the cancer of the planet. We use free will to choose every day.
  • Bring in artistry and love for what you do.
  • Draw three columns on a sheet of paper and place three headings: "What I want from the universe", "What the universe wants from me" and "What the universe and I want together". Each morning over several days spontaneously fill out a fresh sheet of paper with these columns. Compare all the sheets to gain insight to your path and purpose.
  • Sustain the image of what you want in life by using your senses to envision where you want to go. Your activated senses bring the goal into manifestation.
  • Remove a block by approaching it from a different perspective.
  • Look for your positive patterns of repetition (a method that works smoothly for you).
  • Repattern your past by changing how you feel about it! (Accept it to release negative feelings.)
  • You are an acorn that grows into a tree; all you need to get there exists within.