Saturday, November 16, 2013

self-healing and sonatherapy

What is sonatherapy? Beginning with acoustic therapy or sound massage, sonatherapy combines additional vibrational and energetic modalities in self-healing sessions at Steamboat Healing Center in Reno, Nevada.

A computer is set up with analog programs. The video whows stereo application of 6-frequency sonation for back and shoulder pain. There are additional therapies mentioned. Product applicators have evolved from this work depending on medium used and range required. 

Wave front bioresonance sonations are analyzed as cymatic formations in the studio. Sonations have been documented in case studies to assist in healing many conditions including inflammation, circulatory problems, bruising, disorders of glands/organs, headaches, fractures, neurological conditions, psychological disturbances and energy field imbalances. Dr. Gary Robert Buchanan compiled the "Wave-front Bioresonant Codes, 2006: Acoustic listings for research in color, light and sound". This video describes frequency correlations to body healing

The cymatics images presented in this video represent what I perceive in the field when I give intent. The frequencies and bahaviors correlate to the "emotional guidance scale". Loving intent is orderly and optimized with information. If you reduce this to everyday experience, it means that you are more effective when you give attention to what is desired, rather than fight against what is not desired. Therefore, if you desire to feel better faster, focus on what feeling better is like (bring those feelings into your now by sensing them as already happened), instead of focusing on your aches and disabilities.