Wednesday, August 28, 2013

about God

"I want you to hear something from us. And, what is 'us'? What are you hearing right now? It is a consciousness that is supposed to be that from the other side of the veil and yet we have told you that God does not have a mind. Humanity tends to take that which is God and humanize it. Humanity thinks about what would the mind of God say or do and be, as if God thinks like humanity. I can't tell you how God thinks because there is no synapse, dear ones.

I want to give you information about you and about us.

There is no mind of God; there is only love. God is love. If you could imagine not an emotion but a thickness of being, of reality that was multidimensional, which means it was unseeable --- where you could actually measure the vibration of light and hear it in the air --- where the sonorities of it would ring in your multidimensional ears, which you don't really have when you are on the other side of the veil, and it imbues you as part of the universe, and you don't float. You do not have a situation where you are any place --- you just are. You share the very fabric of the actual atomic structure of All That Is, and yet you have a name. And your soul represents a piece and a part of that which is God --- the piece and the part that can exist in 3D.

But you don't know who God is. No, really! And so that which is All That Is, wants to talk to YOU. How about you?

How do we feel about you? I only can give you your perspective based on your type of thinking, based upon the emotions that you have --- the highest of which are compassion and love --- and they are poor substitutes for the reality of God."

Excerpted from Lee Carroll's presentation, Santa Fe 7-28-13