Personal and global ascension requires allowing and gratitude. Allowing what you do not like or want happens when you give your attention to what is desired. Gratitude is appreciation for the incredible variety in all things…personalities, clothing designs, architecture, trees, drinking vessels, and so on.
Daily allowing and gratitude bring you to an inner space of love for ALL without bringing ALL into your everyday experience. With this you discern where you want to go, whose company feels good, what foods excite your taste buds, and so on.
Changes ensue along the path of life. Perhaps the spinach you grimaced over is now a favored green in your salad. Perhaps a person you avoided for a “less than” feeling they transmitted with their presence, has transcended the emotional issue resulting in that message.
Rather than avoiding what is undesirable, focus on what is desired. You can always go to a place of inner stillness where your answers await. (One might sleep on it!)
At a recent tai chi gathering on the Intracoastal Waterway, the participants were mostly quiet for the practice. By being the example I desired for the group, speech was minimal. My meditation on balance visualized everyone in the group receiving a harmonious blend of galactic and earth energies. Group behavior demonstrated greater balance manifested as silence (focused meditation). The group tuned to living in the Now. Everyone benefited.
Another way of discussing human interaction is this: love all in the grand scheme whether or not you like their behavior. It is perfectly acceptable to love at a distance and not like upon close inspection. Just follow your emotional guidance scale. If the person does not inspire good feelings in you, place your attention elsewhere.
Whatever you are giving your attention to already has a vibration of its own, and as you give your attention to it, you include its vibration in your vibration...and then your point of attraction is affected. (Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks workshop in Silver Spring, MD on April 19, 1997)
If man understood that "what I create has nothing to do with what anybody else is creating" then he wouldn't be so afraid of what others are doing. (Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks workshop in El Paso, TX on November 14, 1998)
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
your multidimensional nature
The center image above represents how each of us is perceived beyond physical reality. Imagine the dots and interconnections switching, moving, altering intensity – a cloud of energy interacting with its ever-changing environment.
From top left moving clockwise around the central image above:
- In The Inner Structure of Tai Chi, Mantak Chia and Juan Li offer great insight to being and becoming within the soup of consciousness (God). The human connection to the universe is depicted on page 13. Perfect balance harmonizes heavenly and earthly forces at the tan tien, as depicted on page 34. Daily practice of the Inner Smile sets the stage for absorbing, transforming and directing chi, as depicted on page 128. The Inner Structure of Tai Chi is an excellent source book; gift it to yourself today!
- Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks of the creation pattern, the geometrical design of life in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 1. The two interlocked tetrahedrons appear on page 3; this is an expression of the Merkabah. He offers a superimposed Tree and Seed of Life on page 41. Also, on page 213 he offers an image of the male-originating spirals with female curved lines overlaying Da Vinci’s canon.
- Rave Chart combines astrology, Kabbalah, I Ching and modern science to produce a human design chart.
- Yin-Yang Protoplasm: “Our inner and outer shape is defined not only by cavities and structures, but also by an alchemy of processes governed by the functions of the Organ Networks impelled by an inexorable ebb and flow of Yin and Yang as Qi and blood pulse and stream through the organism.” Between Heaven and Earth, A Guide to Chinese Medicine (Beinfield and Korngold)
Who we are in any moment is a snapshot of all that we are, like one frame in a movie film from a library of films!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Humanity is enabled with new thought,
new processes and new energies since December 21, 2013. Teachers are
all talking about enablement of the individual. Methods and tools
abound to invite everyone to cultivate themselves in this new season
of life.
Abraham-Hicks is practical and fun in
delivery of information for self-cultivation. Read their guidance on what to do when you wake up in the morning and daily processes. Bring
this guidance into your daily routine for a month and discover
positive change. As with anything you do (e.g., lifting weights at
the gym), repetition improves the outcome.
If you have an affinity for gardening,
the plants are a community of friends. They have companions, enjoy
your conversation and appreciate your loving touch. Much research
bears this out. Create a place for meditation. Add a pool or
fountain. Find a chime and a light reflector to engage other senses.
Include plants that attract butterflies. The garden is an extension
of you because it brings you joy.
Whatever your affinity is, treat it
like your garden. Express your creativity through it – drawing,
family life, bicycling, personal fitness. Learn more about it, share
it with others, stretch beyond your comfort zone – while using
There are opportunities to attend free
webinars, visit local stores and read free magazines on self
expansion. You can learn one or many of the healing modalities in
use. You can work with crystals, breath, meditation, sound, cards and
more conventional forms of healing (acupuncture, massage,
chiropractic). You can become the practitioner or the recipient.
Life is motion in the field. So, look
around, make a decision and act on it. Where is the focus of your
passion in life? When you live your passion, you excite others to
live theirs. It is akin to the parable about teaching a person to
fish rather than bringing them fish to eat. Enabling others begins
with enabling ourselves first.
Abraham-Hicks Daily Processes
Abraham is a group of nonphysical teachers, speaking their broader perspective through Esther Hicks. Esther and Jerry Hicks are authors of Ask & It Is Given, The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent, The Vortex, Where Law of Attraction Assembles All Cooperative Relationships and the NY Times Best Seller, Money and the Law of Attraction and their DVD, The Secret Behind "The Secret.” Visit
GUEST: So, Abraham, if you were in our physical shoes, what would you do when you woke up in the morning, and what processes would you use on a daily basis?
ABRAHAM: It's a big question. Isn't it? Because it would depend upon the circumstances. Different circumstances would require different responses, but we'll give you a run down here because what you are really asking for is "How could I ever begin to apply the never-ending spewing of processes that you've been giving us over the years?"
We're going to start the night before. We would put ourselves in our bed and we would lie there in the bed and try to achieve the feeling of appreciation. We would appreciate our bed. We would appreciate our day. We would compliment ourselves on the day's achievement no matter how big or few they are. We would do our best to bask in our bed.
Before drifting off to sleep, we would set forth a thought, which is what we call prepaving, of pleasant anticipation of tomorrow. We would say something like, "Tomorrow will be a wonderful day." And then we would try to find the feeling place of one of the most wonderful days we'd ever had. We'd try to find the feeling place of waking up and being glad to be alive and feeling happy about our physical life experience. We wouldn't spend a lot of time on it because you don't want to stimulate yourself into a lot of thought right before you're trying to go to sleep. We would just try to generate the feeling of subtle, good feeling, peaceful, loving appreciation.We might say, "And if I dream and there is anything important, I want to remember it. When we awaken in the morning, the first thing we would do is acknowledge we're glad to be alive and awake and physical, and then we would ask, "Did I dream?" because f you wait too long you won't remember. Often you won't have a dream that you remember, but if you do recall something, then lie there and try to recapture the feeling of it, because the feeling is what gives you your information. In other words, the emotions that you felt in your dream are the contrast that lets you know what you don't want and what you do want, JUS I1ke your feelings that you live in your real life-experience help you to know when you're including something not wanted or when you're including something wanted.
Next we would lie in our bed for 2·3 minutes basking and appreciating. Now, can you feel that what we're saying about generating a feeling? You see, when you slumber, your thoughts withdraw from the physical. So your Energy, your physical body energies, have been aligned. So when you first awaken, you're like a new born baby. You're lined up. You're tuned in, tapped in and turned on, Have you ever awakened and felt immediately heavy as you come back into consciousness? It doesn’t happen all the time; but occasionally it happens, and what that is is the feeling of coming from the high pure vibration of Nonphysical into the denser heavier Energy of the physical. And it usually only happens to you if you've got some problem you're struggling with, but once you get your Energy lined up, you won't have that heavy feeling. Esther remembers, in the early days of speaking for Abraham, often when she would 'awaken in the morning, it was a sensation of her body weighing a thousand pounds as she came from high fast vibration into a denser' vibration of a bit of worry.
Once you have awakened and you're lying there sort of basking for three or four or five minutes – whatever you have time for – really five minutes is optimum, then we would begin making some statements of what we anticipate for this day. Now, if you have already been doing your daily process, you probably already have some things lined up for this day. But if you haven't, the sooner you do it in your day the better. So we would encourage you to get up, make yourself comfortable, go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, get something to drink, maybe even at a little bit of breakfast...PLACE MAT PROCESS
The Place Mat Process is the most effective one that we've seen for getting the day started, and that is where you, on, the left side of a page, make your list of things you plan to do today. Be true to yourself about it, don't put 5,000 things on today's list. Don't put more on today's list than you can do, or it defeats you. It makes you feel overwhelmed to begin with. Go through your lists of things. And then on the right side of the page make a list of things that you want, but for whatever reason you're not ready to act on, and just let them come freely from you. Don't carry the list from day to day to day to day. Don't make work of it. Just, every morning, ask yourself "What are some things that I want that I'm not ready to act on? Things that I would like the Universal staff to get going on", and just list those, because making a decision about what you want with an attitude that it's not for me to do, but l do want it done" is a very good alignment of Energy. Often if you say, "I want to do this" and you know you don’t have time, then your Energy is split even when you write it on the list. But if you say, "I want to do this, and while I don't have time, I’m not putting it on my list. I'm just telling the Universe, work on it if you will, please?" Then there's a freedom about it. There's no resistance in the vibration. You're actually doing what Creation is. You're defining what you want and you're staying vibrationally out of the way of it. That's it. Then we would move through our day.Now, if something happens, like somebody calls us .on the telephone and we have a little run-in with someone where we feel negative emotion, then the process we would offer is "Hum, I feel negative emotion. That mans I've got my pencil In the fan, which means, I am including In my vibration something that I'd really like to exclude. But there's no such thing as exclusion. So I'm shouting 'No' at it, including it anyway, 'lowering my own vibration, disallowing my Core Energy, and mucking up my vibration. I don't want to do that anymore. So, since I know what I don't want, what is it that I do want?" And then we would make the statement of what we do want.
Now, if you really want to take the time to clear this Energy up right now, do a Focus Wheel. In other words, you have this newfound knowing of what you now want. It's stronger and clearer than it's recently been. In other words, it just happened. It's hot off the press. It's right there big and loud. You know that you want to feel such and such. So sit with your Focus Wheel, which is a piece of paper with a little circle in the middle, and just start making statements. Writing them. Writing is your strongest point of focus. Your mind doesn't wander as much when you write. Your Energy doesn't get split as much when you write. You keep your vibration purer when you write. So then, begin writing your statements clockwise around the middle circle.We'll do a Focus Wheel relative to the offering of our friend about her sister's phone call about the sauerkraut. 'She would write something like "I want to get along well with this wonderful sister. I like it best when we are adoring each other, and there are so many things about her that are easy to adore, and life is so good. I am glad that we live close enough that we can share intimately in each other's lives, and we're going to have a wonderful time at this party today, and it's going to feet so good to be there and realize that our relationship is bigger than this stupid little incident. And so, we will rise above it and feel wonderful.” And in the middle circle she would write, "Aren't I glad that I have this person in my life." With just a little bit of effort, you've totally brought yourself not only back into alignment but into stronger, clearer, better alignment than you would have been if the incident hadn't happened to begin with. For the most part, that's the way we would live our lives. We would be aware that the way we feel is an indicator of what we are vibrating.
For the most, part, that's the way we would live our lives. We would be aware that the way we feel is an indicator of what we are vibrating.
Now, somewhere in there – and you can do it or not do it – but we would offer it maybe a hundred times a day: "I love feeling good. I love feeling good. Nothing is more important than that I feel good. I want to be true to myself. The better I feel, the more connected I am." In other words, we would make lots of those kinds of statements reminding ourselves that feeling good is really all that really matters. People sometimes worry about that. They say, "Abraham, you're screwy because you're teaching people to feel good, and what about the monster that feels good when he monsters something?" And we say, "No one ever feels good when they are not in vibrational harmony with their Core. You don't need to worry.If you can teach people how to connect with that feeling of Well-being or that feeling of love or that feeling of appreciation arid they are working to harmonize their thoughts, words and actions with that feeling your troubles would cease on this planet. No one would ever push against anyone ever again about anything. Good.
(This is a sampling of Abraham-Hicks' guidance. Please visit Abraham-Hicks online for every kind of positive insight and assistance!)
SouLogic Process
In quest for greater expression of
Creator consciousness, one is ever aware of environment and unfolding
events because they are the manifestation of one’s high (best
feeling) intentions.
Each morning Monday through Friday,
individuals gather at a park on the intracoastal waterway to practice
qi gong and tai chi. One occasional attendee who is skilled in these
arts, consistently chooses to interrupt the natural flow. Another
attendee knows that the first individual is afflicted with a labeled
Objectively speaking, these morning
experiences in which the first person (the boat-rocker) participates
are opportunities for divinity to know itself more fully. (Each of us
is an expression of the All-That-Is, a co-Creator.) Subjectively, one
asks, “How do I expand my awareness?”
Each of us chooses the life we
experience with every thought and intention. We can move in the
direction of a better feeling place; that may translate along the
emotional guidance scale as greater care for the whole of humanity or
a self-serving posture.
The power is within each of us to
restructure the reality we experience. In the tai chi scenario, the person who fails to keep
the tongue pasted against the roof of the mouth can become more
mindful. The person enabling conversation to break the silence of the
meditation can choose to access greater joy in the meditation. The
person who is disappointed in the outcome of the daily practice can
choose to expand understanding.
Therefore, the last person in the
meditation scenario offers the SouLogic Process. Neale Donald Walsch
(author of the Conversations with GOD series) recently gave a
presentation through Healing with the Masters which was heard (synchronistically) following the disruptive
meditation scenario above!
The SouLogic Process is designed to
offer a person an opportunity to come to spiritual clarity around a
particular incident or relationship in that person’s life, through
the asking of seven questions. When you go to the SouLogic link, you
find the seven questions, a sample conversation using the question,
and a real-life demonstration (7:12 video).
Enjoy the expansion!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
power of words to inspire
The word ‘surrender’ peppers the
presentations of some spiritually motivated speakers. The hearing of
the word conjures conflict, war and drama, which feel less than what
a listener would choose to experience in an uplifting presentation.
Why? The study of human history equates
surrender with battles, wars and victims of subjugation, a less
loving aspect of humanity.
Recently, a dream resolved my
discordance with the prolific use of the term ‘surrender’. Here is
the short version of the dream:
A friend and I were taking a drive in the country. My window was half way down. She sat calmly in the front passenger seat. The road was two-lane with a yellow line down the middle and white lines along the sides of the pavement. There was a narrow (5’ wide) grassy median on each side that sloped downward.
The road suddenly became an unpredictable terrain with curves and knolls. Trees beyond the grassy median closed into a forest where branches overarched the roadway. The weather changed from a sunny, summery day to a gray wintry challenge.
My coat was in my lap and in it was a pool of water. I lifted the coat through my half-opened window and shook out the liquid. I had lost control of the vehicle and it careened along the highway. Next, the steering wheel was gone. I groped all over the dashboard for a control device, but there was nothing. My friend remained calm through it all, as if she knew the program.
I looked at her and spoke to the effect of, “Thank you, Source, for this opportunity to learn and grow and be safe in the passage.”
The driving conditions had deteriorated so much that the car went into a skid and over a high knoll became airborne. The car was carried about a half-mile to a clear space where it was gently placed onto an empty, plowed parking lot. All was well, as it always is.
My Higher Self communicated with me
through the dream by giving me the ‘surrender’ experience so I
could describe it in a better feeling way. Surrender means to give up in favor of another. In the dream, I had to let go – release any attachment to the outcome
(surrender). So, word substitution supports the
better feeling place! (This is the human being’s multidimensional
nature at work!)
Each of us searches for meaning. Stand
in front of the mirror and look at the vehicle of your free choice.
You came into this life to express your uniqueness, to have an
experience guided by your passion. Success is yours to define. Get a
jump-start through these short commencement speeches; they are intended for you!
- The Power of the Pause, remarks delivered by Maria Shriver
- Do Something Bold, a commencement speech by Richard Branson
Sunday, May 19, 2013
inner power of words
What do you perceive when you see this image? Pause before formulating your response. The vessel is half full and half empty at the same time. Consider yourself a vessel as you ponder this half full (allow, challenge, desire) and half empty (surrender, difficult, want) in the following sentences:
- I allow others to live as they choose, thereby keeping my ego out of their business. I surrender to the choices of others, thereby keeping my ego out of their business.
- I am challenged to meet the requirements for a passing grade. It is difficult for me to meet the requirements for a passing grade.
- I desire to dine in a restaurant on my birthday. I want to dine in a restaurant on my birthday.
The words associated with 'half full'
feel easier (more upbeat) to achieve. The words associated with 'half
empty' feel like a barrier (a higher hurdle); this is subtle and
effective in slowing achievement.
Now, revisit the recent posting, honor
your self. The statement “I am defying the laws of humanity and
altering the frequency of Earth”, is delivered more effectively as, “I am
redefining the laws of humanity and altering the frequency of
When you communicate, use language to
benefit yourself and others. The vessel is always half full. When you
communicate it that way, others feel it and you raise the vibration
of the planet!
“I've learned that people will forget
what said, people will forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel.” ~Maya Angelou
manifest your mission
Manifest Your Mission is a recent telesummit featuring
22 metaphysical speakers to help you co-create in 2013 and beyond.
Topics included:
- How spirit communicates with you
- The connection between your intention, your DNA, and your ability to co-create with Spirit
- How to speed up the process of manifesting
- The nature of “time” and how to walk with Spirit in every moment
- The nature of your relationships, and how “Things are not always as they seem“
- How to access skills you’ve learned in other lifetimes.
The value of these speakers and others
from similar online events is that they offer a variety of tools and
techniques for free so that you can customize your own path of awareness.
There is nothing to buy, so listen and receive an education. If you
are motivated to learn more, then the information will lead you to
your next step.
The first-ever HayHouse Global Online world Summit, premiers June 1-10. Popular self-help authors and visionary teachers
from an array of fields will sit down for enlightening conversations
hosted by industry professionals and fellow authors.
author Dr. Wayne Dyer will share his insight and expertise on
manifestation and divine intelligence. Tune in as Deepak Chopra
explains how the goal of higher states of consciousness and
enlightenment is to find our true identity.
During Gregg
Braden’s fascinating conversation you’ll discover the five key
false assumptions we’ve all been led to hold as true, and how this
obsolete thinking has contributed to the many crises we face today.
Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. offers two meditation and breathing techniques
for inhibiting fear and calming down the structures of the limbic
system, along with many other tips and practical advice for
stress-free living!
Interviews with health advocates including Kris Carr, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Donna Gates, Jorge Cruise and Mark Hyman, M.D. will illuminate the many paths to healing your body and enjoying your health.
Interviews with health advocates including Kris Carr, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Donna Gates, Jorge Cruise and Mark Hyman, M.D. will illuminate the many paths to healing your body and enjoying your health.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
speak clear intentions
Visualize what
you choose to manifest. Speak clear intentions to attract energies
that support the creation of what you desire. Feel the joy of each
intention as if it is already happened. Start and end your day with
your intentions. Recording and replaying your voice is helpful until
you are ready to change your intentions! Here is a list to
- I am a member of the Family of Light.
- I am a successful light carrier operating in the frequency of love. (Love frequency brings creation as well as respect for and connection to all of creation.)
- I am carrying the light frequency of information – to become informed – and to couple it with love frequency.
- I am divinity and perfection, as I evolve to teach every included consciousness about itself.
- I am allowing energy to serve me abundantly.
- I am my own light body.
- I am boundless, free and living according to what brings me joy.
- I am divinely guided in every choice I make.
- I am always in the right place at the right time doing the right thing.
- I am remembering who I am and what I know through my DNA.
- I am accessing my ancestors’ wisdom and attributes to be the change I wish to experience in the world.
- I love and bless the changes that come to Earth.
- I am Earth Mother.
- I am a vortex of healing energy for Earth and its inhabitants.
- I am the ancient body of consciousness leading people to self-discovery in the worlds of paradox, paradigm shifting and spirituality.
- I am an energy vortex to the higher mind that Earth is recreating.
- I am an instrument for sound through toning to enable self-empowerment and evolve many things.
honor your self
The following series of statements
(exaltation) comprise a daily meditation for creative expression in
this life. You may modify this to express what you choose for your
life. Speak your statements into a recorder and then play back the
recording daily. When you observe changes in yourself, modify the
recording to express the new perception. Practice (repetition) with
awareness brings manifestation.
- I am triumphant, liberated, joyful in achievement, and the highest in attainment.
- I am pulling light into my body and raising the frequency of my physical being.
- I am defying the laws of humanity and altering the frequency of Earth.
- I am producing continuity, balance and greater interconnections encompassing Earth.
- I am committed to the energy of light, the energy of exaltation and uplifted frequency.
- I am living my light and calling for acceleration of my task.
- I am a pillar of light shining throughout multidimensional reality.
- I am love. I believe in and love who I am.
- I am – loving, honoring, cherishing, caring for, and speaking well of – my physical body so that it performs optimally.
- I am a pipeline: handling many realities at once, realizing it and translating information into Earth.
- I am translating emotion into a frequency through which I feel to the depth and core of my being.
- I am a composite of all things, a harmonic that balances all of my extraterrestrial selves, multidimensional selves, and male and female selves.
honor yourself,
I am,
Sunday, May 5, 2013
short list for ascension
Imagine one drop water in the Atlantic Ocean. Each drop of water is a part of the whole ocean, yet each has experienced a unique path in the hydrologic cycle of the planet. Likewise, each of us is a piece of God-consciousness in the All-That-Is. We proceed through the cycle of life like a drop of water proceeds through the hydrologic cycle….over and over, coming and going. Like the water drop, each of us is forever.
Furthermore, we have divinity in our DNA and a process of development that has seeding of purpose. What purpose? We are each an expression of God (aka creative energy, Source, universal intelligence). This means that God experiences itself through us. Since God is love, our purpose is to express ourselves with love.
So, you ask, “What do I do with that nebulous response?” Abraham-Hicks identified an Emotional Guidance Scale which is the range of emotions from love (connection) to depression (disconnection). We express ourselves with love in each and every moment by reaching for the best feeling place right now, and now, and now, always reaching for the best feeling place. For example, choose to see the cup as always half filled!
Here is a short list for ascension:
Furthermore, we have divinity in our DNA and a process of development that has seeding of purpose. What purpose? We are each an expression of God (aka creative energy, Source, universal intelligence). This means that God experiences itself through us. Since God is love, our purpose is to express ourselves with love.
So, you ask, “What do I do with that nebulous response?” Abraham-Hicks identified an Emotional Guidance Scale which is the range of emotions from love (connection) to depression (disconnection). We express ourselves with love in each and every moment by reaching for the best feeling place right now, and now, and now, always reaching for the best feeling place. For example, choose to see the cup as always half filled!
Here is a short list for ascension:
- Expand your consciousness. See yourself as more than an expression of your biological parents and the physical environments in which you live. Things that you like or dislike may not have any basis in your current life experience. Perhaps you have meditations or dreams in which those who are no longer physically present communicate with you. Everyone has intuitions (gut feelings) about something about to happen. All of these are your consciousness trying to expand beyond your current belief system.
- Release bias. Accept that for all you know or have learned, you do not know it all. Much of the science and history we have learned are theories in which the events are made to fit the story that current experts choose to put forth. What we know is a limited view of the whole picture!
- Success is living joyfully as you define joy. Whatever you do, do it because you choose it. Why? Your light shines brightly when you live joyfully, and, end-of-life transition is an easy passage because joyful people have no regrets.
- Ancient remembrance. We hold innate truths within. People like Gregg Braden show us the evidence of these truths, such as our ancient history of self-destruction, missing scriptures, and artifacts that defy documented archeology. Organizations such as HeartMath measure our consciousness connection with Earth. We must allow ourselves to relearn our relationship with Earth.
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