Wednesday, March 20, 2013

the soup of being

Each of us sloughs off skin cells. They may hit the ground, lay on the bed, adhere to our clothes. If they are on the bed maybe they fall on the floor as the bed is made. They are vacuumed up. You walk out the door and there are some on your shoes. They fall off your body as you move through your day. You take a shower and cells go down the drain into the sewer or septic system and eventually into the ground; reclaimed water. Eventually, all those sloughed off skin cells get back into the earth. Imagine 7 billion people sloughing off skin cells every day and all those cells eventually returning to the earth...the soup of beingness. This is one way in which the microcosm co-mingles with the macrocosm!

When you drive your car among other traffic, this observer perceives a plethora of individual thoughts about food, feelings, driving information, family concerns, business activities and other goals surrounded by an orderly flow of physical movement. Traffic lights change, drivers scan their environment and all manner of vehicles and individuals navigate their paths without injury. This is the human equivalent to a flock of birds moving as one. This observer also notes more subliminal vibrational influences on each driver: audio, visual, emotional, microwave, electromagnetic and others not measurable by current instrumentation. So, a busy intersection is a confluence of many energies, a soup of sorts in which we all participate and navigate while experiencing energies of interaction. 

The point is that we exist in a soup of beingness in which we tend to focus on the physical. It is the non-physical that gives rise to the physical experience. Science is showing us again and again that emotions underlie most physical maladies. The point here is that emotions are the key player in life. What we feel is expressed in the soup, and sensed most strongly by whatever or whoever is proximal.

Every reader has had an experience known as a "gut feel" about another person, situation or decision. You could not  explain what you sensed, but you had a certainty about the action you should take. You were sensing something in the environment of that event that resonated or interfered with your energy field. This experience can be referred to as an intuition. Maybe you sensed something in a person's tone or you read something in their body language or you had a strong feeling about the words that were used in a conversation. This is the push/pull of the soup, the subliminal physics of interaction.

It is glorious! 

Live in the moment; pay attention to your environment whether you are in the great outdoors or a business meeting. There is so much energy interacting all the time. There are sounds, sights, fragrances and other frequencies of the spectrum that you take for granted, that you relegate to the background, and they all contribute (connect) you to your experiences. 

The next time you go out in the early morning air, take a few slow deep breaths and feel every cell in your body awaken with inflowing oxygen of those breaths. You feel refreshed with this experience. It makes a difference in how you start your day because you appreciate the improvement. And that is just the beginning of a day of paying in the moment....being present in your now.

If you asked a long lived person who truly appreciates life, what makes life so special, they would tell you it is a lot of little things that involve paying attention. The greatest gift you can give yourself and others is slow down the pace of your life and pay attention. Look beyond the physical to the glue that enables the physical to manifest.

visualization and appreciation

Listen to an audio on visualization: “Your Invisible Power: A Presentation of the Mental Science of Thomas Troward by GenevieveBehrend”. Thomas Troward was a retired judge from Punjab, India. This book includes keys to attainment of your desires and many examples of accomplishing it. Information gleaned by listening:
  • Make orderly use of natural laws. You are dealing with undifferentiated potential energy that is not directed toward a given form. Use the action of your mind to differentiate it.
  • Form the ideal conception with an intention of impressing it upon the universal mind – to take it out of the region of casual fanciers.
  • Work an idea to its logical conclusion. Weigh carefully what further results reaching your desire will lead to.
  • Bring unseen causes into harmony within your perception. Visualization brings your mind into equilibrium so you can consciously direct your thoughts to your desires.
  • Be thorough in your picture with many details. Stay fixed on the inflow of energy. Hold the picture cheerfully. Everything is a sustained thought.
  • Daily/hourly mantra: “I am all the substance of what I need. I am the beginning of all form.”
  • Use your intelligence with the knowledge that it is acting as an instrument of greater intelligence.
Howard Martin of the Global Coherence Initiative spoke with Jennifer McLean on her 11th season series ”Healing with the Masters” about the Global Coherence Initiative's science validating people's belief systems. They give people access to what is inside themselves and provide tools to enhance heart coherence. What does this mean? The heart influences brain circuitry affecting physiology. The heart has a mind of its own! In optimal communication, all patterns synchronize with the rhythmic beating pattern of the heart. Positive emotions are associated with optimal heart rhythm; it is a highly ordered and aware state. So, feel appreciation for the good things in your life:
  • A change of heart changes everything; shift inner feelings.
  • Focus on what you enjoy.
  • Release self-judgment to move to a better feeling place.
  • Trust whispers of intuition from within yourself.
If you mentally step back from these two sources of information, you see interconnection 1) between your intelligence and the All-That-Is, and 2) your intelligence and every cell of your body. This is the beginning of understanding the oneness we all share. There are so many interconnections that we are truly a soup of being in which the physical aspect is an isolated expression of the whole. As we go within and become more mindful, we experience our true nature. There is a push/pull relationship, an exchange/sharing between the cosmos and each of us. Our perception of reality is expanding in this new age.

Monday, March 4, 2013

finding your way

Seek inspiring sources as you proceed along your way. Some possibilities are:
  • Panache Desai - a self-help catalyst. You are divine, an infinite ocean of energy; the feeling associated with that is love. We are already everything. Surefire Ways to Change Your Energy; 12 Truths About Expanding Your Energy
  • Esther Hicks -  inspirational speaker and best-selling author; original source material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world. Sign up for the daily quotes to move in the desired direction.
  • Lee Carroll - inspirational speaker and author. For those who live their interconnectedness, Lee Carroll teaches about the soup of being.
  • Gregg Braden - internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging ancient wisdom and technology. For more than 27 years, Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets.
  • Eric Pearl - internationally recognized healer pioneering new modalities that are amazing to practitioners of western medicine.
  • William Tiller - Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call "physical reality."
General guidance for an improved life:
  • Cultivate an up-side to life to regenerate your emotional body. The physical body mirrors the emotional body.
  • Heart-focused breathing where you inhale and hold for 5 seconds and then exhale and hold for 5 seconds; repeat. Air fills the abdomen slowly and exits slowly.
  • Connect with nature to experience the balance of sun, water, land, plants, animals, sounds and breath; walk in a park!
  • Give your attention to what brings you joy and the drama will dissolve.

the way of reconnection

An alternate title is 'Remembering Who You Are'. The way is whatever you choose with attributes including:
  • Respecting yourself,
  • Loving yourself,
  • Expressing gratitude,
  • Releasing judgment,
  • Participating in the moment, and
  • Living your passion.
Your path is daily practice in mindfulness and it begins with a willingness to change. Just like losing excess weight, bettering academic grades or becoming proficient at a skill, each opportunity can bring you closer to the goal.

As you proceed along the path, you discover (remember) the interconnection of all things. Call it interrelationship, co-existence, ecology, symbiotic or any other of the many relationship labels you can think of. Interconnection is the glue at all levels of our being.

A great example of this in daily life is food. When you eat a meal that satisfies you without indigestion, you are respecting your body, mind and spirit. You love yourself when you make good food choices that satisfy! When you eat joyfully and take your time to savor, that is a form of gratititude. The dining experience excludes comment on the flatware, dishes, serving environment and server, so you release judgment. Contemplating each bite - texture, blend of flavors, heat, etc. - is participating in the moment. Choosing foods that bring back memories of favorite food experiences is living your passion.

If your dining experience is food on the run, then respect yourself enough to make small changes to bring your dining experience closer to something more enjoyable to you.

As you work on the bullet list above each day, at some point you will experience greater connection to the world around you. It will happen on physical and non-physical levels. You will find yourself more tuned in to others...what they need, think and feel. This is where the richness of life comes in.

In the words of Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Now, you have the opportunity to be the change you wish to experience in the world.

How can one person transform the world?

Help is everywhere. Use what resonates with you. As you evolve, you change, so what resonates with you will also change. Pay attention to your gut, intuition, inner voice, or whatever you refer to as  the guidance system that helps you make choices.

In the course of research for a monthly newsletter, I visited I glanced at the Most Viewed list to find these articles:

  • 12 Great Motivational Quotes for 2013
  • 6 Habits of Remarkably Likable People
  • 8 Things Remarkably Successful People Do
  • 9 Daily Habits That Will Make You Happier
  • 10 Things Extraordinary People Say Every Day.
While these topics were not part of my search, they became part of my 'find' for newsletter content. The topics speak to trends in human consciousness. The readers of these articles seek information to spur them to greater heights; that is the basis of the monthly newsletter I create for independent inventors!

You are independently re-inventing yourself, too!