Monday, March 4, 2013

finding your way

Seek inspiring sources as you proceed along your way. Some possibilities are:
  • Panache Desai - a self-help catalyst. You are divine, an infinite ocean of energy; the feeling associated with that is love. We are already everything. Surefire Ways to Change Your Energy; 12 Truths About Expanding Your Energy
  • Esther Hicks -  inspirational speaker and best-selling author; original source material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world. Sign up for the daily quotes to move in the desired direction.
  • Lee Carroll - inspirational speaker and author. For those who live their interconnectedness, Lee Carroll teaches about the soup of being.
  • Gregg Braden - internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging ancient wisdom and technology. For more than 27 years, Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets.
  • Eric Pearl - internationally recognized healer pioneering new modalities that are amazing to practitioners of western medicine.
  • William Tiller - Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call "physical reality."
General guidance for an improved life:
  • Cultivate an up-side to life to regenerate your emotional body. The physical body mirrors the emotional body.
  • Heart-focused breathing where you inhale and hold for 5 seconds and then exhale and hold for 5 seconds; repeat. Air fills the abdomen slowly and exits slowly.
  • Connect with nature to experience the balance of sun, water, land, plants, animals, sounds and breath; walk in a park!
  • Give your attention to what brings you joy and the drama will dissolve.