Wednesday, March 20, 2013

visualization and appreciation

Listen to an audio on visualization: “Your Invisible Power: A Presentation of the Mental Science of Thomas Troward by GenevieveBehrend”. Thomas Troward was a retired judge from Punjab, India. This book includes keys to attainment of your desires and many examples of accomplishing it. Information gleaned by listening:
  • Make orderly use of natural laws. You are dealing with undifferentiated potential energy that is not directed toward a given form. Use the action of your mind to differentiate it.
  • Form the ideal conception with an intention of impressing it upon the universal mind – to take it out of the region of casual fanciers.
  • Work an idea to its logical conclusion. Weigh carefully what further results reaching your desire will lead to.
  • Bring unseen causes into harmony within your perception. Visualization brings your mind into equilibrium so you can consciously direct your thoughts to your desires.
  • Be thorough in your picture with many details. Stay fixed on the inflow of energy. Hold the picture cheerfully. Everything is a sustained thought.
  • Daily/hourly mantra: “I am all the substance of what I need. I am the beginning of all form.”
  • Use your intelligence with the knowledge that it is acting as an instrument of greater intelligence.
Howard Martin of the Global Coherence Initiative spoke with Jennifer McLean on her 11th season series ”Healing with the Masters” about the Global Coherence Initiative's science validating people's belief systems. They give people access to what is inside themselves and provide tools to enhance heart coherence. What does this mean? The heart influences brain circuitry affecting physiology. The heart has a mind of its own! In optimal communication, all patterns synchronize with the rhythmic beating pattern of the heart. Positive emotions are associated with optimal heart rhythm; it is a highly ordered and aware state. So, feel appreciation for the good things in your life:
  • A change of heart changes everything; shift inner feelings.
  • Focus on what you enjoy.
  • Release self-judgment to move to a better feeling place.
  • Trust whispers of intuition from within yourself.
If you mentally step back from these two sources of information, you see interconnection 1) between your intelligence and the All-That-Is, and 2) your intelligence and every cell of your body. This is the beginning of understanding the oneness we all share. There are so many interconnections that we are truly a soup of being in which the physical aspect is an isolated expression of the whole. As we go within and become more mindful, we experience our true nature. There is a push/pull relationship, an exchange/sharing between the cosmos and each of us. Our perception of reality is expanding in this new age.