Wednesday, August 28, 2013

about God

"I want you to hear something from us. And, what is 'us'? What are you hearing right now? It is a consciousness that is supposed to be that from the other side of the veil and yet we have told you that God does not have a mind. Humanity tends to take that which is God and humanize it. Humanity thinks about what would the mind of God say or do and be, as if God thinks like humanity. I can't tell you how God thinks because there is no synapse, dear ones.

I want to give you information about you and about us.

There is no mind of God; there is only love. God is love. If you could imagine not an emotion but a thickness of being, of reality that was multidimensional, which means it was unseeable --- where you could actually measure the vibration of light and hear it in the air --- where the sonorities of it would ring in your multidimensional ears, which you don't really have when you are on the other side of the veil, and it imbues you as part of the universe, and you don't float. You do not have a situation where you are any place --- you just are. You share the very fabric of the actual atomic structure of All That Is, and yet you have a name. And your soul represents a piece and a part of that which is God --- the piece and the part that can exist in 3D.

But you don't know who God is. No, really! And so that which is All That Is, wants to talk to YOU. How about you?

How do we feel about you? I only can give you your perspective based on your type of thinking, based upon the emotions that you have --- the highest of which are compassion and love --- and they are poor substitutes for the reality of God."

Excerpted from Lee Carroll's presentation, Santa Fe 7-28-13

Sunday, August 18, 2013

movie lessons

A movie review is a personal bias, a form of judgment. When you make choices based on the opinions of others, you diminish yourself (give away your power). When you watch a movie, ask yourself, "What is the lesson of the story? How may I benefit from this?" The answer concerns beliefs and interconnectivity.
  • Stranger than Fiction, the movie starring Will Ferrell, is a study of the role of fate and destiny when intent steps in. The IRS agent and the narrator traded existence for expansion.
  • Fairytale: A True Story is a movie about two  children in 1917 who take a photograph, believed by some to be the first scientific evidence of the existence of fairies. Based on a true story.
  • Mamma Mia is the story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular '70s group ABBA.
  • The Lake House is a 'time travel' story based on emotional logic.
  • March of the Penguins is the story of a family's journey to bring life into the world, narrated by Morgan Freeman.

"You live in a pulsating, vibrating Universe of advanced harmonics. Everything that exists, in your air, in your dirt, in your water, and in your bodies, is vibration in motion—and all of it is managed by the powerful Law of Attraction. There is nothing that exists outside of this vibrational nature, and as you learn to accept your vibrational nature, and begin to consciously utilize your emotional vibrational indicators, you will gain conscious control of your personal creations and of the outcomes of your life experience."
          Excerpted from the Abraham-Hicks book - Money and the Law of Attraction 

sacred path of the warrior

In his practical guide to enlightened living, Chogyam Trungpa offers an inspiring vision for our time, based on the figure of the sacred warrior. Content concerns mastering the challenges of life, acquiring a sense of personal freedom and power through self-knowledge. Learn how to find a good and meaningful life that will also serve others.
  • Synchronizing mind and body is a basic principle of how to be a human being and how to use your sense perceptions, your mind and your body together.
  • The way of cowardice is to embed ourselves in a cocoon in which we perpetuate our habitual patterns so that we never leap into fresh air or onto fresh ground.
  • When you live your life in accordance with basic goodness, then you develop natural elegance.
  • When you express gentleness and precision in your environment, then real brilliance and power can descend onto that situation.
  • When you are fully gentle, without arrogance and without aggression, you see the brilliance of the universe.
  • The challenge of warriorship is to step out of the cocoon, to step out into space, by being brave and at the same time gentle.
The Sacred Path of the Warrior by Chogyam Trungpa explains how awareness is developed. Take from it what you will. Go within to shine your grandness onto the world!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

kundalini 2

There are factors in Human consciousness that are exponentially at play. It's not a linear progression of consciousness, but one that has uneven upheaval of great magnitude.  Therefore, the surprises about when things might happen do not follow a linear pattern of calculation or expectations. However, there is an overall time frame of potential.

The 26,000-year alignment of the equinoxes of your planet is a grand alignment, and it has been known in astronomy as the Galactic Alignment. It is called that because the start and stop point of the wobble of your earth on its axis aligns through your sun to the center of the galaxy. This alignment only happens once every 26,000 years.

In order for the equinoxes to proceed through the equatorial plane of your galaxy [the Milky Way strip in the sky] and work themselves through the end of this cycle and the beginning of the next one, it will take 36 years. This final stage began approximately 18 years ago, and 2012 is now the center, or beginning of the last half of the last cycle. You have 18 years left of this energetic event, which actually represents the end of one thing and the beginning of another.

This 36-year window is the timeframe for the potential unwrapping of the entire Kundalini. Do you not find it interesting that it wraps around the lingam three and a half times? Each of the three represents a decade of time in this metaphoric code. Three and a half would be 35 years, very close to the 36-year astronomical event you are in. So this Kundalini prophecy has always been the metaphor of the promise of the earth and what actually started 18 years ago and that is now centered [2012]. That is where the ceremony should be - at the center of the 36 years, the midpoint of the unwrapping. 

If all this sounds confusing, let me simplify it. Even the ancients who watched the stars knew of this alignment. It corresponded to the potentials of consciousness shift, since it also represented a decision point or time fractal in the pattern of potentials that has been the core of ancient astronomical prophecy for eons. So all this was expected and is not a surprise. But it carries with it profound change, and this is what we all saw more than 20 years ago when I arrived to begin my messages. Humanity has these opportunities about every half cycle of the 26,000-year alignment. The last one was 13,000 years ago and humanity was not ready. Now you are.

(from the Patagonia Kryon Cruise "Around the Horn" in January 2012)

kundalini 1

The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female. Even within the Human body, the ancients drew it as a representative of co-creation and manifestation of new energy [conception]. Indeed, it represents the male and the female balanced together, coming together with great energy to create perfection and balance. Now we apply that same principle to the planet.

As we have discussed before, planet Earth is male heavy because it represents most of the northern hemisphere's population. The wars on your planet have come mostly from the northern hemisphere, and even here [the bottom of South America] was visited by the conquerors that came from the north [Spain]. You might say the northern hemisphere energy has spread to the south over the generations, affecting it greatly. Part of what is changing on the planet is a reversal of the roles of north and south. So you're going to start seeing the energy of the southern hemisphere, which is sweet and gentle, affecting the north! Therefore, the Kundalini moves southward over a period of time, some details of which I'm going to give you in a moment.

Let us look at the mythology. Let us take a look at the ancient knowledge and then let's look at the metaphor involved. Now be careful, my partner, for this is not technical and not physics, but spiritual [esoteric] information. The Kundalini is coiled at the bottom of the spine of the body. It only uncoils when the male and the female are balanced. It wraps around three energies of the body three and a half times, and it wraps around what is called the lingam. Three wraps represent easy-unwrapping parts of energy, but the final half wrap represents the most difficult part, which is the divine enlightenment of balance. When the Kundalini unwraps and stays that way, you have a balanced Human Being, if not even enlightened. This is the metaphor of the planet and this is beginning to happen.

Some years ago, we sat within a country that represents a portion of the bottom of the Kundalini [Chile], and we said that the unwrapping process would also create a physical movement of the planet. We mentioned approximately where it would be, and it took place where we said it would [the Chile earthquake of 2010]. These are the kinds of things you will physically see as the movement of the planet responds to the metaphor of the energy I'm speaking of.

There is something hiding that no one has brought forth. It has been known that three and a half times is always the formula for the unwrapping of the Kundalini. The timing of the unwrap, however, has been unknown since it had to do with Human consciousness potential. Therefore, every single year that goes by reveals a surprise, for the movement of Human consciousness and the energy of it is unknown even to Spirit. This is due to Human free choice.

(from the Patagonia Kryon Cruise "Around the Horn" in January 2012)


You can also alter that which is medicine [drugs] and begin a process that is spectacular in its design, but not very 3D. I challenge you to begin to use what I would call the homeopathic principle with major drugs. If some of you are taking major drugs in order to alter your chemistry so that you can live better and longer, you might feel you have no choice. "Well, this is keeping me alive," you might say. "I don't yet have the ability to do this with my consciousness, so I take the drugs."

In this new energy, there is something else that you can try if you are in this category. Do the following with safety, intelligence, common sense and logic. Here is the challenge: The principle of homeopathy is that an almost invisible tincture of a substance is ingested and is seen by your innate. Innate "sees" what you are trying to do and then adjusts the body's chemistry in response. Therefore, you might say that you are sending the body a "signal for balance." The actual tincture is not large enough to affect anything chemically - yet it works!

The body [innate] sees what you're trying to do and then cooperates. In a sense, you might say the body is healing itself because you were able to give it instructions through the homeopathic substance of what to do. So, why not do it with a major drug? Start reducing the dosage and start talking to your cells, and see what happens. If you're not successful, then stop the reduction. However, to your own amazement, you may often be successful over time.

You might be able to take the dosage that you're used to and cut it to at least a quarter of what it was. It is the homeopathy principle and it allows you to keep the purpose of the drug, but reduce it to a fraction of a common 3D dosage. You're still taking it internally, but now it's also signaling in addition to working chemically. The signal is sent, the body cooperates, and you reduce the chance of side effects.

You can't put things in boxes of yes or no when it comes to the grand system of Spirit. You can instead use spiritual logic and see the things that God has given you on the planet within the inventions and processes. Have an operation, save your life, and stand and say, "Thank you, God, for this and for my being born where these things are possible." It's a complicated subject, is it not? Each of you is so different! You'll know what to do, dear one. Never stress over that decision, because your innate will tell you what is appropriate for you if you're willing to listen.

(from the Patagonia Kryon Kundalini  Cruise on January 26, 2012)